Behind-the-Scenes Gags #3: Cast Interviews pt. 1(?)
---Error interview---
Interviewer: Hello, Error. Thank you for agreeing to give us this opportunity to interview you.
Error: Uh hUh, n0 pr0bl3m.
Interviewer: Now I understand that you just wrapped up your role in the Errormare story. How was that role?
Error: It wAs a dEcEnT oNe, I'lL sAy tHaT. ThE fUn pArtS wErE sCeNeS buiLdiNg dYnaMicS wiTh h0rRoR anD BliP. NiGhTmAre wAs g0od t0 woRk wItH aNd BuFfEr wAs a niCe aDdit1oN t0 tHe cAsT. OnLy iSsUe wAs iMpr0visinG wItH kiLleR.
Interviewer: Improvising?
Error: We hAd t0 d0 s0 maNy rEtAkeS wHeN d0iNg hiS sCeNeS aNd h3 oFtEn wEnT oFf-sCrIpT. MuLtiPlE tImeS hE mEsSeD wiTh tHe SeT, bReaKiNg iT aNd mAkiNg uS iMpRovIsE. I wIsH aNy fUtUre c0stArS luCk wItH hIm.
Interviewer: Umm, from what I understand, you are continuing work with him in various other stories. I see at least three stories where you continue to work with him.
Error: Oh jOy...
Interviewer: What do you like most about your roles?
Error: I fEeL tHaT tHeY'vE iMpRovEd eAcH tImE. The sCrIpTs hAvE iMpRovEd aNd I aM aCtuAlLy aBLe t0 enJoY bEiNg a dEsTroYeR. I aLsO fEeL tHe reLaTiOnsHiPs aRe mAdE bEtTer n0w wHeRe tHeRe's a BoNd, nOt a TrOpe tO wOrK wITh. My fIrSt rOlE fElT stIff whIlE nOw wiTh ReApEr oR nIghTmAre, iT fEeLs eAsiEr aNd mOrE fUn t0 d0 tHoSe fLuFf sCeNeS. I jUsT wAnt tHeM t0 cOnTinUe t0 gEt heAlThIeR aNd iMpRoviNg.
Interviewer: What do you look forward to most in your other roles?
Error: It mAy sOuNd oDd, bUt I lOoK fOrwArD tO lESs lEaDiNg rOlEs. I sEeM to Be tYpEcAsT inTo rOlEs lAtElY whErE i fAlL iN loVe wiTh fOoLs aFtEr gEtTiNg hUrT soMehOw. As niCe aS iT iS t0 buIlD tHoSe bOndS, It iS a lOt t0 bAlAncE aNd i'D rAtHer hAvE tiMe wHeRe i aM juSt a dEsTroYer heLpiNg the LeAdIng cAsT, aKa mY fRiEnDs. I wAnT moRe uNdErNoVElA tImE aNd leSs leAd roLeS riGhT nOw. So mY rOlEs in HoRrOr'S or SwAp's bIg sTorIeS aRe cUrRenTLy thE oNeS I aM loOkInG fOrwArD tO.
Interviewer: And the rumored story led by you and Dream?
Error: HuH?
Interviewer: There is said to be a story coming up with you and Dream being the leading relationship.
Error: Oh, wElL tHaT's iNtErEsTiNg. I'm sUrE hE wIlL eNjOy tHe RoLe aS it wiLl bReAk hIs tYpEcAsTiNg. EvEn I hAvE nOtiCeD tHaT He iS eItHeR a jErK oR s0me0ne rEdEeMeD hAlFwaY tHroUgH thE sToRy. The wRiTiNg f0r hIs r0leS hAs iMpRoved s0 i guEsS we'lL seE hOw iT doEs.
---Meanwhile, Dream's interview-----
Interviewer: So what's your favorite part of your roles so far?
Dream: I like how I've been given real bonds with other people instead of just being used for conflict. I especially like getting the chance to explore how my bond would be rebuilt with my brother if we ever got past fighting each other.
Interviewer: What's your least favorite part of your roles?
Dream: From my first role, I didn't like how I was made the enemy or did various things to harm others. It's like whenever there was conflict needed, I was thrown in to be a jerk. And I was often put in between the actual leading pair or supposed to fall for someone as part of the conflict, which would never go my way. First, it was Ink, then it was with Error and somehow that was meant to justify horrible decisions. Sure I'd get redeemed eventually but it was tiring to do those parts. The writing has improved at least to be less against me and help me do roles where I'm a real friend instead of an enemy.
Interviewer: How do you feel about your latest role in the DustSwap story?
Dream: Well I can't share much since it's a work in progress still. But I can say that it's nicer to be the friend worried about Swap than the one causing issues.
Interviewer: There are rumors that you might even get your story where you lead too. You may not be the second pick or conflict-causer anymore but the leading protagonist. It has you returning with your co-star Error.
Dream: Oh really? Well...That'll be interesting to explore. I hope the scripts are good enough to explore how our dynamic would shift.
Interviewer: That makes sense to want given that he's meant to be in a relationship with you in that story.
Dream: What?
Interviewer: Yea it's said to be an Insomnia/DreamError story.
Dream: Huh, that will be a big improvement from the past roles. It will be fun to work with Error again and I'm sure that will be an interesting relationship to explore. I look forward to seeing if it happens and working with them.
Tell me if you'd like to see more interviews and with who. What other Sanses you like interviewed or characters asked about their roles? And feel free to ask questions you'd like them to be asked.
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