Preview: Welcome To The Apocalypse
Hello! After much consideration and a couple votes on the note, I've started a Walking Dead fanfic! All credit goes to the amazing writers of this show, I only own Amelia.
This chapter was a bit scattered, but I hope you guys like it! It is going to be its own book here soon! Stay on the lookout!
Lemme know what you think! :)
Laying on the cot in my cell, I cradle the two day old baby who is sleeping like a rock. To say it's been a long and hard two days would be an understatement. We're all still trying to cope with losing Lori, I haven't seen my brother in days, and I've taken on the role of mother for this precious child.
With Rick being so unstable after the death of his wife, it's fallen on me to watch and care for Carl and Lil ass-kicker, seeing as I'm there aunt. The closest thing to a mother they have.
Even through all of this, I can't help but smile at the little baby snores coming from my niece as I just lay here, recovering from my lack of sleep earlier in the week. Suddenly Daryl walks into my cell sitting beside me on the cot, gently rubbing his hand along her back.
"How is she?"
"She's good. Such a quiet baby, very different from her brother." I say with a slight smile, watching Daryl as he smiles at the baby.
"That's good. How are you feeling?" He asks looking at me with those blue eyes, making me sigh.
"As good as I can be? I dunno..I'm trying to keep my head up for Carl's sake, but I'm no mother. I can't fill Lori's shoes. I can hardly help my own brother in this time–"
"Hey, don't talk like that. Rick will come around. This'll get easier, don't worry." He simply looks at me, resting his hand on mine, and I can see in his eyes he means all that he's said.
"Thank you." I say with a smile.
"Little Ass-kicker. That's a good name, but I think Lori would kick my ass if I named her daughter that." I laugh as I look down at my niece rocking her back and forth the next day.
Suddenly Daryl comes through the cell block carrying someone unconscious, without thinking I quickly follow him grabbing some water just in case. He lays the person down on the cot and I'm shocked.
It's Carol...but how? I hand Daryl the water before going and finding some food, attempting to put down my niece until she begins to cry again.
"She fought her way through the cell block. She's dehydrated so the water will help, thanks Amelia." Once Carol wakes, Daryl tells her to rest while we wait for the others to come back inside.
I'm sat on the stairs, holding the quiet baby, as Carl comes inside and sits beside me.
"Auntie Lia, have you thought of a name yet?"
"Not yet. But I was thinking, your mom's middle name was Ann. Maybe we can fit that in somewhere?" I ask smiling at the boy, too young to have to deal with all of this.
"That'd be nice." He says with a smile. "I was thinking, I had a teacher, in the third grade. Her name was Judith. Do you think that'd be nice? Judith Ann?"
"I think that's beautiful. You'll have to ask your Dad, see if he has any ideas." He simply nods dropping his head to mess with his hands.
"Hey." I nudge him and he looks at me again. "Everything is going to be okay, alright? We'll get through this. How about we go outside? Get some fresh air." I say with a small smile before he smiles brightly before leading me outside.
Daryl and the others soon follow as we enjoy the sun, waiting for Glenn and Maggie to return from their run. Judith opens her blue eyes to the sunlight and a tiny smile graces her little face. I smile and can't help but giggle at her awe, and she releases a little giggle too.
"Hey there sweetheart. I bet you're enjoying the sun." She replies with happy little gurgles as Carl steps beside me, smiling down at his baby sister.
"Hi Judith." He says softly, brushing her cheek gently. She looks to him with a wide toothless grin, making Carl smile widely.
One of the doors suddenly squeaks and we turn to see a squinting Rick finally emerge from his grief. Everyone kind of states in shock, truly surprised to see him.
He stands in front of me, eyes sad but no longer hollow, and places a gentle hand on my cheek making me smile at the old gesture and his lips twitch upward just a bit.
"Would you like to hold your daughter?" I ask softly, and with wide eyes he nods and I pass Lil Ass-kicker to her father.
They both stare at each other in wonder before she cracks a smile at him making him breath a laugh. He spends time just looking at her before raising his eyes back to mine.
"You thought of a name yet?" He looks from me to Carl, and with a smile Carl starts to tell him about the idea.
"Judith Ann. I think it's beautiful." Rick smiles down at his kids, sending a smile my way as well.
Suddenly there's a disturbance at the perimeter and Rick quickly hands Judith back to me as we look to see the Walkers coming up to the fences, one standing out. She was holding a grocery basket and was fully alive, but badly injured.
"Do we help her Dad?" Carl asks as everyone just watches her, until the Walkers seem to notice her blood and begin to attack her.
"Shit." Rick grabs the keys from Carl and is able to make it to her in time.
He brings the unconscious woman inside and the rest of us file into the cell block, while Rick and Daryl ask her questions.
"How did you find us?" I hear my brother ask some time later.
With no response from her, it angers him slightly and he asks again with more force. She finally tells them how she over heard our friends–Glenn and Maggie, talking about a prison until they were over run by some "crazy bastard" and taken hostage.
"We're going after Glenn and Maggie." Rick says as they come back into the block, locking the other woman in the separate room.
"And is she really going to lead you to where they are?"
I ask coming forward as Daryl suddenly hands me the red basket we saw her carrying earlier. I look down to see it full of formula and diapers.
"She didn't have to bring this back, but she did. We have to go after them and she's our only chance of finding them." Rick says while everyone is silent in their thoughts.
"I want to go with you." I tell Rick as I pull him aside before they leave.
"No Amelia I can't risk—"
"The kids will be safe here, but Glenn and Maggie are my friends. They'd do the same for me."
"I know that. But with an unknown woman leading the way, anything can happen and I can't risk losing you too." I understand where he's coming from, but my frustration gets the best of me.
"But it's okay for something to happen to you?! Carl and Judith can't lose both parents in a span of a week Rick!" I yell in frustration before my voice drops. "I can't lose you either. I–I don't have anyone left."
"You have Daryl," this makes my head snap up, looking at him with wide eyes. "and this group. This is our family now. I promise to come back with everyone in tact, if you promise me to stay and take care of Judith and Carl. They're going to need a proper mother-figure now." I sigh at the truth in his words and relent my argument.
"Okay. Fine. But you bring them back. You come back. Hear me?"
He smiles lightly, kissing my forehead before heading to the other room to get Michonne ready to leave. I sigh running my hand through my hair, already worried.
I suddenly feel a gentle hand grab my elbow making me turn around and come face-to-face with Daryl. I drop my eyes to the floor releasing another sign, making him grab my frantically moving hands in his rough, still ones.
"You bring them back. You get Rick back in one piece. You come back in one piece, okay?" He simply nods pulling me to him.
"You know I will." We stand there in the embrace for a bit longer before he turns away, and the group is gone.
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