The Character Awards: Hermione vs. Annabeth Rap Battle!
(A/N: Yeah, I know, this is SO not gonna end well. Jsyk, my raps suck, the only reason I'm writing this is because I'm proud of the poetic license I got in fourth grade, and then in fifth grade I was apparently, by our grade, the best rapper/poet writer. The reason is because we had to write something about a certain shape. I chose quadrilaterals and wanted to be creative so I did a rap.
My classmates said that it was the best rap they ever heard (ehhhhhhh) and they wanted their own copies. I applaud them for being able to still read it, and I wanted to show you it, but I'm afraid that when I was in fourth grade, I didn't know how to work technology and I don't think I saved it to my computer. Eh, you've all been spared. Anyway, it's time!
Reminds me, the video above is hilarious and you should watch it, keep in mind that it's a little sweary. Might include some cursing. It's still funny, though! It's what inspired this. Also the beat/rhythm is based off of this one, so at least see the beginning part of it too try and get the right BADADADADUM part of it.
Another very late chapter for Vara's late birthday!!! Because the last one was super short! (Also, Vara, if you want to edit, be my guest. I didn't have time to read over it so yeah)
Jace: What's happening today?
Vara: Idek
Alec: Reminds me, how did the Keefe vs. Jace bet go?
Simon: Keefe won and Jace had to dress up and act like Keefe for an entire day.
Jace: That wasn't so hard, I wanted a challenge.
Keefe: You'll get it soon, my boy!
Jace: Uh huh, you're going DOWN.
Keefe: Tell that to your last bet-
Four: What even was the last bet on?
Clary and Fitz: Trust me, you DON'T want to know.
Four: Actually, I do-
Vara: Can we save this conversation for later? I kinda want to get started....
Jace: You say this like you're saving a book or episode for later-
Me: Enough small talk. Who's good at beatboxing?
Simon: Me!
Clary: He's got plenty of experience, trust me.... *shudders*
Vara: Okay Simon, start.
Simon: Okay.
Simon: *makes pew-pew noises*
Clary: SIMON!
Simon: I'm kidding!!
Simon: *beatboxes*
Leo: Why's Vampire Dude beatboxing again?
Me: Rapping.....
Leo: Ye—wait WHAT
Me: You heard me
Tris: Why didn't we get some kind of warning about this?!?!
Me: Because this was PLANNED OUT! Remember those little rapping sessions you did? Where you were paired against someone else from a different fandom and worked your way through? It was kind of like a March Madness thing but you didn't realize. I was sure you would... (no, I didn't put this in so don't worry if you're like "whaaaaat?" Because I was just too lazy to conduct like 300 raps at the same time and match everyone to the right person and blah blah blah....I actually made a big diagram for something in the next chapter and it's all a mess, I'm trying to make it neater but it's not going so well...heh heh)
Tris: Really? Hmmm....
Marella: Wait, and Annabeth and Hermione just so randomly happened to win both of them?
Me: Yeah
Marella: they'll be facing each other?!?!
Me: Yeah
Marella: Oh boy.......
Me: Yeah
Me: Anyway, Dumbledore, start *snaps fingers*
Dumbledore: Hermione Granger!
*Hermione enters in with Harry and Ron entering from the sides*
Hermione: *cracks knuckles* I'm so ready for this.
Chiron: Annabeth Chase!
*Annabeth walks in with a smirk on her face, Percy and Grover move next to her*
Annabeth: *wears calculating expression on her face* Can't wait to get started.
Keefe: Hey, you stole my smirk!
Vespera: And MY calculating expression!
Gisela: You mean mine, perhaps?
Vespera: Nuh uh, I copyrighted it.
Gisela: You can only copyright tangible things. BUUURNNN
Sophie: Lady Gisela, please stop stealing my burn.
Vespera: Listen to the Moonlark, Gis. Also, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT
Gisela: I thought capitals weren't your thing? AND I DO NOT LIKE THE NAME GUS
Keefe: I've got to start calling you Gus now.....
Gisela: *Gis
Vespera: I wrote that down, so COPYRIGHT INFRINGE-
Vara: Villains, please. I know you're excited, but our rappers are waiting...
Everyone: *shushes them as they watch from the audience side*
Chiron: Rules. No weapons for Annabeth.
Dumbledore: And no magic for Hermione.
Hermione: *mouth open* How is this fair?! I need magic to win-
Annabeth: And I need a dagger to-
Dumbledore: Rules are rules, ladies. I'm not the one who made them.
Annabeth and Hermione: WHO DID, THEN?!?!
Chiron and Dumbledore: *glances not so casually toward a certain fangirl*
Me: *realizes she's being stared at* AHEM. Back to the rules, people?!
Chiron: *sighs* I was roped into this. Anyway, other rules are no bad language, nothing TOO offensive to anyone else, references are fine, your sidekicks can assist in dancing. But under no circumstances can they whisper ideas into your ear. This rap battle must be spontaneous. Anything I'm missing, Dumbledore?
Dumbledore: Yes. No dueling, no hurting each other, and no cheating. Understood?
Hermione and Annabeth: *nod*
Chiron: Best of luck, ladies and gentlemen. Now, as they say...
Chiron and Dumbledore: May the odds be EVER in your favor.
Katniss: *gives a cheer*
Everyone: *shushes her even louder, excited for them to begin*
Simon: *resumes beatboxing as in the video*
*music plays*
Hermione and Annabeth: *begin dancing*
Hermione and Annabeth: *pause abruptly*
Me: *groans* WHAT NOW?!
Hermione and Annabeth: Who's starting?
Harry, Ron, Percy, and Grover: *stop*
Everyone: *stares*
Me: Uhhhhh.... *sweats*
Me: *mutters* Why didn't I properly plan this before....
Vara: Ummmm Annabeth you go!
Annabeth: Thanks :)
*Simon starts AGAIN for the third time*
*music plays*
Annabeth: What you gotta do when you're the star of the show, I'm so talented, I could probably even sew! Everyone's proud of me and I got everything to go, I think I just made you sink to a new low...
*audience oooohs*
*the cool beat thingy in the video sounds and Hermione steps up*
Hermione: I used to be a Muggle and it used to mean some trouble. But now it simplifies and I am more subtle. I'm the smartest of my grade and even the whole school, I never turn anything late and my teachers say it's cool! My grade point average has never remained low, but now I've seen you, I'm not sure if I should continue this show...
Hermione: *steps back*
*the in-between beat sounds and Annabeth sashays up*
Annabeth: I'm the daughter of Athena and that means I'm smart, unlike you I actually have a heart! I have a nice boyfriend who might be an idiot-
Percy: *puts hands on hips*
Annabeth: *continues* And you think it's a pity, but he's a Sassmaster and he can ride the chariot....
Audience: *ooohs*
*in between beat sounds*
Hermione: *steps up and puts on sunglasses*
Hermione: That time you fell to Tartarus? Ugh, that clichè scene was so barbarous. That itty bitty cliffhanger could have been made by someone sorcerous. Those underwater kisses and the times you were captured? Boy, let's go to sleep, because if this goes on, I'm gonna get a fracture...
*in-between beat sounds*
Annabeth: *sticks tongue out at Hermione*
Annabeth: I remember those times when you were so mad at Ron, I was yelling at you to get your wands drawn! You know, for some entertainment? I was feeling a yawn. You're not like us over here, with so much quests to fulfill. Really, why don't you take a chill pill?
*in between beat sounds*
Hermione: *puts hands on hips*
Hermione: Let's have our wands drawn, because she's such a yawn. She's the ultimate girl, why don't we take an unfurl? Let's probe deeper, because she's not a Keeper-
Sophie: *whoops*
Hermione: In Quiddich, she doesn't deserve to be a Seeker.
Sophie: *disappointed* *boos*
*No one bothers to shush her*
Hermione: Why should we even let her continue on, oh, she's such a yawn! But with a few minutes I think I'll be able to find a little more....dawn. And if you're still keeping score, that's five more points for...
Everyone except Annabeth, Percy, and Grover: GRYFFINDORRRRRR (on an unrelated note, there's this guy in my class with the name Griffin and his last name starts with a D...)
*in between beat sounds*
Annabeth: *gallops to the stage in anger*
Annabeth: Well, Percy is the water dude, at least I never exclude! Grover is the music satyr and he isn't that much of a hater. I'm the child of wisdom, you can't beat me! But see me win, the show's for free, which is all I can say for a Muggle who's just three. I was born to be smart, you totally don't fit in. And yes, I realize that was a kick in the shin. Don't wave your *lame* stick at me, don't I deserve a little peace?
Audience: *starts Ooh-ing but gets cut off by a glare from Annabeth*
Annabeth: *glares* Of course, that's all I can say for a Muggle. She waves her stick around with no idea of what she's doing. Who knows where she's going, the way she's absurd. The only job she can get is a job as drowningggggg.
*in between beat plays*
Hermione: *practically shoves Annabeth off the stage*
Hermione: I'm not swayed that easily, fortunately for me. You're rapping oh so lazily, I could win by a little measly. It's more than I can say for you, who's just a little sidekick in the books.
Audience: *murmurs* What's she talking about?!
Hermione: You go to camp, well isn't that cute? It explains why you're so crude and brute.
Annabeth: *scoffs*
Hermione: You should get run over by a truck, because dude, at least my movies don't eternally suck.
Audience, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover: *freezes*
Sophie: ggrrrrrRrrrRRRRRRRRRR
*In between beat sounds*
Annabeth: *stares in shock and then marches onto the stage*
Annabeth: GRANGER, ALL YOU'RE DOING IS SAYING WORDS THAT RHYME. You can't go doing THAT all the time, as rapping consists of time, beats, and even some lime. But fear not, I won't argue as it's now MY time to shine.
Percy: *stumbles while dancing*
Annabeth: *glares at Percy as she does an uncanny imitation of Connor Stoll*
Annabeth: As I've said many times before-
Hermione: Then stop repeating it so much!
Annabeth: I'll stop repeating it when it's time for lunch. My mom is Athena, and she's the best of them all. You'll know that some day when you give her a call-
Apollo: *magically appears and then disappears* :) *whispers* I'm here too, sponsored!
Annabeth: *pretends Apollo isn't there* Just give it a rest. I bet she'll be able to pass all of your tests. Like, who really runs your school, Gandalf the Gray? There's really nothing compared to Camp, they say.
Percy and Grover: IT'S TRUE!
*in between beat sounds*
Hermione: *smirks and somehow finds a trench coat and another pair of sunglasses*
Harry and Ron: *have mustaches and sunglasses*
(Btw sorry to interrupt your reading with an ad-image but I made this quick five-minute visual for you to help cope with your imagery skills)
Isn't it beautiful? Okay, maybe not, because I drew it in like 10 seconds but I'm pretty sure you can tell who everyone is, save for the audience stick figures. Sorry to interrupt the reading with the ad, please buy from me again because I am a disturbing ad.)
Hermione: *rolls sleeves up*
Hermione: Hogwarts is my home, no matter troubled they be. It beats your camp, with every cabin and tree. Besides, Athena's children just can't compare to me. They're such complainers, the way they look like trainers. I'm rumored to be the Minister of Magic! Who're you, some lowly little teacher?
Jace: Ooooh, this battle is getting heated....
*in between beat sounds*
Annabeth: *imitates Hermione by dragging herself with her tongue rolled out*
Annabeth: Do you know any languages? I do, I know all of them. But my specialty is Ancient Greek, it's really quite a gem. If you knew that, you knew that νίκη is Greek for victory, and the goddess of victories was *pauses* Nike. If there's something you can seek, you know it's Greek. Ancient Greek is good, because it can tell your future of winning is bleeeeeeaaaaak.
*in between beat sounds*
Everyone: *gapes*
Hermione: *gulps* Well, Nike could have competition with Adidas and Uggs. They're not real goddesses, but what do you know? You have competition with slugs!
Hermione: *is tossed a blond wig from the audience*
Hermione: *puts it on and starts jumping up and down crazily*
Hermione: There's no way you can beat me, if you can, see me! But I'm not escaping here without a little glory. Maybe even praise, and a little parade. It's clear I'm going to win, why not give up? Maybe after this, we can have of tea, a cup. According to Wiki, there's a shoe brand named Gucci! If you haven't noticed, you're gonna crash into a poll. Gucci gang, you'll never beat it, lol.
*Hermione does the Gucci Gang dance along with Ron and Harry*
Me: *moans* That song has been long since dead.....
*in between beat sounds*
Annabeth: Nice try, steering the topic away. Next time, for this, oh, you'll pay! We all know I'm capable of whatever I can, whether it's fighting or quiz shows, never say I can't. We've seen how you are at chess, there's probably nothing you're bad at less-
Ron: *death glare*
Annabeth: You're not good at predicting, it's why you can't do Quidditch. But quite possibly, you might be better than to stitch. Memory plays a huge part too, it's what I'm SUPER good at, but sometimes, I don't feel like you can even wield a bat.
Hermione: .....
Annabeth: Run on home, girl. Drink your tea and eat the crumpets. I'll have my victory with confetti and trumpets!
Annabeth: Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure to save you some crumbs, since you're a puppet :)
*in between beat sounds*
Hermione: *marches on to the beat she drums*
Hermione: Better safe than sorry. Isn't that what they all say? Whatever you do, I'll make a counterclaim. When you do that, you'll make a rebuttal, which, in school, is called a refutation. Maybe these will ruin your reputation...
*in between beat sounds*
Annabeth: *finds a hat and turns it around on her head*
Annabeth: I've been waiting all this time to show you how to chime. In the end, I'll show you. But I can't bandage you up, boo hoo. There's so much evidence that I'm not dense, I'm probably the only one here with common sense.
*in between beat sounds*
Hermione: *waves hands around like a rapper*
Hermione: I'm the brightest of my generation, you don't think I deserve an ovation? Sometimes I feel like you're here to distract me from having a vacation. You remember how your daddy had some issues? I think you need some more tissues....
*in between beat sounds*
Audience: *crouches excitedly*
Annabeth: *gets steely look in her eyes*
Annabeth: Have you ever heard of me? I redesigned Olympus-
Hermione: Oh yes, you're obsessed with your architecture wins-
Annabeth: You betcha, so much that you're on needles and pins.
Hermione: How much time did that take you, fifteen hundred hours?
Annabeth: Tell that to your neighbors, you know, the Bowers.
Hermione: Are you insulting me?
Annabeth: Of course not, just leave me be!
Hermione: And you're just coming up with a rhyme for everything I say?
Annabeth: *sighs* Sometimes, I wish you could understand me, okay?
Hermione: *glares at Annabeth*
Annabeth: *glares back*
Me: .....
Me: *rises* Okay, I think this is over—
Hermione: I'll make this quick, you don't have any hope. At least my parents completely love me so-
Annabeth: My father is a professor at a famous college! How is that any better than your parents who are dentists?!
Hermione: At least I know the people who are my type, and the Boy Who Lived saved all of our lives!
Harry: *smiles*
Percy: *nods*
Hermione: You can do better with you "I GOTTA QUEST EVERYDAY", couldn't you at least entertain your guests some other way?
Annabeth: Percy Jackson is the hero of Olympus, you don't even know half of it. He saved the world so many times I can't even count-
Annabeth: You might have class, but Percy has sass!
Annabeth: I have more friends than you can count-
Hermione: And you don't have any powers to mount. All your friends have powers, you've got nothing to show. Well, I'm the best at magic, and I hate to tell you, I've got more friends than foe. You can't say the same for yourself, oh no!
Hermione: NO THEY CAN'T
Annabeth: UH HUH
Hermione: UH UH
Annabeth: YES
Hermione: NO
Tris: Is this even rapping anymore?
Vara: Nah, it's more rhyming.
Hermione: You can't beat me, I'm a wizard. You might be able to make a storm, but I can make a blizzard!
Annabeth: Not right now, you can't!
Hermione: You better watch me.
Annabeth: Uh huh, I will.
Annabeth and Hermione: *continue firing insults at each other*
Me: *sighs* This has gotten to the point where I have to grow wings...
Peeta: Excuse me, did I hear you right?
Me: No, you heard that I was going to grow wings, not "you right". Why would I say that? That's a compound predicate. Duh.
Peeta: ......
The fandoms: O.O
Me: *magically grows wings and flies over arena*
*in the arena....*
Annabeth: Oh, you have a spell for EVERYTHING? I can't believe that.
Hermione: Oh believe it you will, because on one, you sat.
Annabeth: Your rhymes don't even make sense...
Hermione: Yeah, they make common sense!
Annabeth: ......
Hermione: Our spells are Riddikulus :)
Annabeth: Wow. Was that a statement or an example?
Hermione: If you know anything about me, you'll know.
Annabeth and Hermione: *continue glaring at each other*
Me: *waves hand in front of their faces* ANNABELL AND HERMY-OWN! COME ON OUT!
Percy: have wings.....
Me: You have them too.
Percy: WHERE?!
Me: In your imagination. Now, is there anyway to wake them up from their not-so-subtle glaring contest?
Percy: *laughs* I like the way you made that into a pun. Anyway, no, I don't think so....wait.
Me: Yeah I'm waiting
Percy: Puns..... *grins mischievously*
Percy: On second thought...can I say that the battle is over?
Me: Feel free....
Percy: Guys? Annabeth? Hermione?
Annabeth and Hermione: *still glaring*
Percy: *smiles* *conjures rain out of nowhere and drops it on their heads* I think we're Posei-done.
Annabeth and Hermione: *look up*
Everyone: ..............
Everyone: *claps for the two teams*
Annabeth: *confused* What just happened?
Hermione: Why were we saying so many words that rhyme?
Vara: Because you were in a rap battle.....
Annabeth: Oh. Okay then.
Hermione: Wait, if it's a battle against us....who won?
Audience: *freezes again and looks toward a certain someone with wings*
Me: What's wrong with my wings?
Vara: *whispers* need to announce the winner....
Me: *whines* Why me?! It's your birthday
Vara: Because....UGH FINE
Vara: The winner is.....
Audience: *chants*
Clary and Jace: Ummmmm excuse you?
Vara: Drumroll pleeeaaasseeeee....
Vara: Yeah they were BOTH they wouldn't say "good game" to each other if one of them won....
Annabeth: THAT'S NOT FAIR!
Me: Relax! You both get a tro—
Vara: Um, Greebean, only one trophy.
Me: No problem.
Jace: *tosses a seraph blade*
Me: Yes, you guessed it
Me: *scars herself trying to catch the knife because it's super sharp*
Me: *growls* Whatever, we all know I'm clumsy *fumbles with knife*
Me: FINALLY! *slices trophy in half*
Me: *guves broken trophy to Vara* you can award it!
Vara: Ummmmmm Thanks
Vara: *gives trophies to the winners* You win, good bye
Annabeth: That was actually fun
Hermione: Yeah
Vara: Good Bye
Yeah that was the end. I actually enjoyed it too XD
Also, I've finally read The Dark Artifices and I surprisingly like it more than The Mortal Instruments!!! It's my favorite now. So I might add Julian and Emma in soon and see how they react, I'll get to to others later, have to go. Thanks for reading!
Btw I wanted to show you this because I'm proud of the hour it took me
That's for someone else, Wait I need to show you some more stuff first
Ha ha
That's the one that took me an hour....heh heh
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