Fandom Texting-Movies
(A/N: HP is taking a break and only the main characters of PJ will be here, other than Leo, Jason and a special surprise.)
Annabeth: Oh no
Everyone else: What?
Annabeth: We have to watch our own movies
Everyone else: Oh nooooo
Sophie: We don't have our movie. Yet.
Keefe: What do you mean, our own movie?
Sophie: Tell ya later
Fitz: Hey Sophie...what do you mean by we don't have a movie? Like a movie suggestion?
Sophie: Later
Fitz: But I'm your-
KotLC crew except for Sophie and Fitz: COGNATE YEAH WE GET IT WE GET IT
Dex: Seriously dude
Tam: Ya don't need to mention it at every available chance you get
Me: Precisely. Now Fitz, you're a great character, but you use the "cognates" excuse often to get what you want. To stop that from happening, I want you to write a bunch of times on a piece of paper, "Just because I am Sophie's cognate does not mean I can do everything I want."
Linh: Character? If Fitz is a character are we all characters?
Me: *flushes* Later, Linh!
Tam: Later seems to be our favorite word lately
Fitz: Whyyyyy
Keefe: OH OH OH I KNOW *raises hand*
Me: Oh! Keefe! *points at Keefe*
Keefe: *says proudly* To make sure that our dear Fitzypoo isn't an insufferable know-it-all that says he's cognates with Sophie at any available chance to go with her wherever she goes and do whatever she does and TRY AND KISS HER UNDER THE TREE ON PAGE 666 OF LODESTAR!
Sophie: 😶😶😶
Fitz: 😘
Sophie: ...
Fitz: Wait no wrong emoji
Fitz: I meant this 😟
Everyone: Aaaaawwwww why
Tam: Was that an excuse looool
Keefe: Wait what I have no idea what made me say the 666 part of lodestar or whatever
Me: *stifles laughing* It might be the Sokeefeian readers. They are pretty uncontrollable and do whatever they want. Don't worry, the Sophitzers will get their fair share, too.
KotLC: ???
Me: Never mind. Ignore me now.
Tam: ...Lodestar...?
Biana: Probably the Lodestar mirror
Dex: That's cool that there are pages in the Lodestar Mirror. I need to examine it sometime. Hey...maybe there are the names of the Neverseen hideouts there!
Sophie: Kiss?!
Keefe: Yeah you kinda had some weird intentions under the tree, Fitz
Fitz: *tries to hide blushing*
Linh: The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else's lake
KotLC crew except for Linh: ???
Simon: You too?! I dream about going up there but that is a big mistake
Clary: Just look at the world around you right here on the ocean floor
All four: Under the seaaaaaa, under the seaaaaa
Percy: Darlin', it's better
Linh: Down where it's wetter
Simon: Take it from meeee
Clary: Up on the shore they work all day
Simon: Out in the sun they slave away
Percy: While we devoting
Clary: Full time to floating
All four: Under the seeeeeeaaaaaaaa
Everyone: ...
Everyone: *claps*
Tris: That was good...but what is that?
Linh: It's a song called Under the Sea. I think it was in a Disney movie.
Dex: The company with my last name also makes movies?! That's awesome!
Biana: But why were you singing this song?
Linh: Well I saw the words "Under the Sea" and thought you were talking about that
Keefe: No that was under the tree
Linh: Oh
Linh: Well it was fun to sing it anyway!
Fitz: Well Sophie-
Keefe: It's over, Fitzster. Team Foster-Keefe will survive! *punches fist in the air*
Half of available people: YEAH
Other half of available people: NUUUUU SOPHITZZZZZ
Tris: Team Fitzphie forever!
Tam: ...
Tam: I'm pretty sure I've never ever heard Four dam girl like that
Tam: *fangirl
Percy: Dam, girl
Leo: Lololololol
Jason: Oh I get ya. Pinecone Face told me that once when you were visiting-
Jason: THALIA?!
Thalia: Well I meant Dear but in this case, any of them work. ANYWAY SPARKHEAD HOW'S YOUR LIFE TALKING TO STRANGERS
Four: Oooh there's this show called Tsranger Things
Christina: Do you mean Stranger Things?
Tris: Oh no don't talk about it he's obsessed
Christina: Like, fangirl style obsessed
Everyone: Don't spoil it!
Leo: Omg I have an award named after me!! And I'm also a zodiac!
Thalia: When I search myself up apparently I'm a dam singer/songwriter
Tris: LOLOLOL when I look myself up on the Internet I'm apparently a blood acid reducer
Four: I'm a number, tv series, and a name in the Bible
Christina: I'm also a singer/songwriter!
Katniss: Woooo I'm an arrowhead plant, big surprise! It's what I was named for
Peeta: I'm...a hunger games character? It probably means tribute
Four: Lemme search that up
Peeta: Well my name means cake! That's awesome!
Four: Cake?!
Four: Make me-
Tris: No you wanted mallowmelt remember
Four: Oh yeah
Four: Nvm
Four: It says you're played by Josh Hutcherson...
Peeta: What do you mean by played by?
Katniss: Hold on, the Capital made a movie out of this?! I can't BELIEVE IT! THEY KILLED PRIM FOR NOTHING WHY I THINK I'M LOSING MY VOICE AGAIN
Jace: Stop screaming then
Peeta: No she's not screaming, when know, she lost her voice for a while due to emotional trauma
*The KotLC crew has left the chat for a while because they can't handle violence or anything like that, as you know, and no, this book is not gonna get violent, it's just something that happened in the book*
Clary: Listen to this..."Peeta Mellark is a fictional character from The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. He is portrayed by actor Josh Hutcherson in The Hunger Games film series. Wikipedia"
Jace: Well that's awfully nice to have your life stalked around everywhere
Izzy: Shut up Jace
Jace: All right, I am locking my lips and throwing away the key. (A/N: An expression my teacher used in kindergarten lol)
Alec: *sigh* Knowing that, he may as well literally do that. I'm off to check on him. Also Magnus is doing something but Idk what so if you could ask him that would be nice
Peeta: Wait...I'm portrayed by an actor? Whaaaaaat
Katniss: Could someone search up me?
Izzy: Sure I will
Katniss: Okay search up Katniss Everdeen
Izzy: Hmm...okay it says "Katniss Everdeen, Hunger Games Character"
Peeta: Again, we're tributes, NOT CHARACTERS (A/N: That's how much you know, Peeta.)
Peeta: Whoops I messed up on my cake
Peeta: Brb my mom will be mad
Izzy: Anyway..."Katniss Everdeen is a fictional character and the protagonist of The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Wikipedia
Age: 16 (The Hunger Games), 17 (Catching Fire & Mockingjay), 35+ (Epilogue)
Portrayed by: Jennifer Lawrence"
Katniss: Um I'm 17 18 rn, idk what it means by epilogue, and what does Wikipedia mean by "by Suzanne Collins"...?
Peeta: K I'm back
Peeta: Who's Jennifer Lawrence and how are you portrayed by her?
Katniss: And a trilogy is a series of 3 books, Madge told me that. We're not in a trilogy, as far as we know.
Percy: Or are you...
Jason: Dun dun duuuuuuuun
To be continued...
Lol sorry about the cliffhanger! But I will update pretty soon. Hopefully. Anyway it's the 3rd day of school and though all of my teachers are good I have homework! That's due tomorrow! And I haven't even started!
I have to
-write a letter with 3 paragraphs to my LA teacher
-I have to write a poem about me and it will be displayed in science
-I need to fill it a chart with all of the books I read over the summer (Boy, that will be hard. Can't anyone understand the fangirls read so much that they can't keep track of their reading?!)
Well that's it but you know...
So thanks for reading and I will make a part two to this! Also, which chapter was the funniest/your most favorite to you so far? I'll make a part two to whichever one gets the most votes.
1-The Fandoms Meet
2-Screen Names
5-Movies (I'll make a part two to this anyway, whether you like it or not so just choose one of the four above)
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