Hello Carpeters! Sorry for not updating in over half a year, lol. I've been busy, even in quarantine.
Alec: Crown? What?
Keefe: ...what?
Sophie: "corona" means "crown" in Latin.
Annabeth: And Spanish.
Hermione: Yeah, well, those two languages are Romance languages, which means they're related
Annabeth: ....I knew that-
Me: Ladies, please. Just because we're all inside doesn't mean you have to fight. It's normal! Why can't you ever learn to be friends?!
Tris: She's right
Percy: Honestly though, Annabeth is just sitting here, steaming at her phone.
Katniss: The one that's not supposed to attract any monsters?
Me: Aaaaand I'm gonna stop you there before you finish that phrase. Just no.
Harry:'s quarantine treating everyone?
Isabelle: Not well. The demons just don't know the right time to catch a virus.
Leo: Yeah It's not like we can go outside and fight, or else all the officials will be like "get inside or you're arrested"
Hermione: Is that really the case?
Annabeth: Uh yeah you see, just because WE'RE not in a fancy magical place like you doesn't mean that-
Everyone else: *facepalm*
Fitz: Apparently there's some human virus thing going around. What is it and is there any way we can help?
Jace: Going to stop corona with your fancy elf tricks?
Keefe: Honestly, Elwin already IS a fancy elf trick.
Dex: Yeah It's a miracle that he hasn't been kidnapped by the Neverseen already
Me: Seriously tho, if Elwin is kidnapped, then I might as well die screaming, trying to avenge the Neverseen, lol. He's too important. And nice. Then again, Shannon's plans would be totally ruined. Like, who would take care of Sophie?
Sophie: Hey!
Tam: *snickers* that's a good point
Elwin: Aww, thanks!
Me: Hey Elwin could you make a cure for the coronavirus?
Elwin: I could try, but it might be some time 😬
Me: Thanks, you're the best Elwin :)
Elwin: No problem :D
Me: So.....actually, the thing is, none of you really have anything to do with the human world (bruh I just typed "muggle world" and then facepalmed myself) do you know about the coronavirus?
Percy: News. Well, okay, actually, Annabeth.
Katniss: Tbh I have no idea what you've been talking about this whole time
Me: Yeah, but you're from the future so you get an excuse. What about the others?
Tris: Same. I know the coronavirus is like a weird plague but not much else.
Hermione: I LIVE in the human world, Annabeth, so of course I would know *glares at Annabeth*
Me: ...Hermione, Annabeth isn't even involved...
Hermione: She said something a few texts back about how I knew nothing...
Annabeth: That's not what I said *mutters* though it sure is true-
Hermione: What
Annabeth: I said nothing
Sophie: ....
Sophie: ANYWAY, I mainly heard from Elwin, and Mr. Forkle.
Me: Honestly, I actually see you and Forkle as grandpa and granddaughter.
Me: Well, that term is actually kinda weird, but literally Forkle is ACTUALLY your grandpa. He acts so much like it. Change my mind.
Sophie: Hey, Grandpa and I-
Me: *snickers*
Sophie: Oh wait
Sophie: Uh
Me: Take your time, Sophie
Sophie: *Forkle and I
Me: Hmmm well whatever
Me: Anyway Clary, how'd you know about corona?
Clary: We're Shadowhunters, we know about everything!
Jace: Plus, I AM corona.
Everyone: ....
Jace: As in, the "crown" corona, not the virus
Everyone: Ohhhh
Me: Anyway, nothing interesting has happened in 2020. I mean, yes, bad things have happened, but not a lot of notable good things. I wonder what'll happen in my recount of 2020 chapter.
Four: Hey, there's not as much pollution, at least.
Me: Yeah, that's good at least.
Keefe: Hey, how many have been affected?
Me: That's a hard question, Keefe. I stopped checking around 8 million confirmed cases.
Everyone: ....
Me: Wait, hold on, I might not be right, since...well, tbh, it's been a loooong time since I've checked the number of confirmed cases. And actually, I've been seeing the numbers in Indian news, which is in lakhs, and I keep thinking lakhs and millions are the same thing, but they're not. When I check it, I'll get back to y'all.
Annabeth: No need. *holds up phone* I memorized the numbers from the website ncov19.
Me: Funny story, I know the guy who made that site and became famous. He used to be on the middle and high school bus with me. But anyway what's the number of confirmed cases?
Annabeth: A little over 18 Million.
Everyone: ......
Me: I'm sorry....did you type that right?
Hermione: Probably not.
Annabeth: Yes I did
Me: That's...a lot
Four: It's just the infected
Peeta: Honestly that's still a lot
Keefe: O_O
Me: Yeah :(
Me: Which is why we need Elwin and Livvy to work on a cure.
Me: In the meantime I've just been reading new books and watching some movies. I just finished The Kissing Booth 2 with my friend and recently watched The Circle and To All the Boys 2.
Tris: Oh yeah, the kissing booth was a little weird tbh
Clary: Didn't it start on that fanfiction website or something?
Sophie: Yeah it was like Whatpad or something
Me: ........
Me: Oops! Looks like I have to finish reading Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles! Bye!
(On another note, I also finished Twilight! And it's not really as bad as people say it is. There are a bunch of cliches everywhere but Bella's not a bad narrator, or at least as bad as everyone says she is. The only problem is that Edward is perfect but you know, that's a normal part of reading cliche books. Let me know if you have any book suggestions to read! I really need them lol
Thanks for reading! It was short, but I've been getting a few requests to update soon so I wrote what I could in the time I had! Stay safe :)
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