Sherlock-Brought Back
Third Person POV
Sherlock looked through the file again.
"He's moving fast. Four bodies in as many hours."
"What are you going to do?" Lestrade asked. He still wasn't quite over the shock of having walked into his office to see Sherlock calmly sitting in his chair with a newspaper splayed out on the desk.
"Find him. He is looking for me after all."
"What? But you've only just come back! How could he be looking for you?"
"I don't know." Sherlock murmured. "But he is."
"How do you-"
"First victim. Female, blonde Caucasian, in her late thirties and wearing a pink jacket. She's holding an empty pill bottle, but she died from a stab wound."
He tapped each picture as he listed the details of the murder.
"Second victim. Male, in his twenties. Chinese, strangled to death but stabbed post-mortem. He's got a black origami lotus in his hand and there are familiar symbols spray painted around his body. Symbols from my second case.
"Third victim was an old blind woman. She was shot dead in a swimming pool. There were bomb-making chemicals strewn around her and once again, she was stabbed. Each stab wound is in the exact same place, might I add.
"Fourth victim is a woman in her thirties, with black hair and hazel eyes. Stabbed and left naked with a horse whip in her hand."
"They're your cases." Lestrade said slowly.
"Exactly. Someone very much wants my attention. If it continues, there should be a murder involving a large dog and one involving a tall building or the Crown jewels."
"Sir!" Donovan rushed into the office. "What the-hello Freak. Anderson's gonna have a field day with this. Anyway, Lestrade, just got a call about a man who was stabbed, then left outside a dog run. He's got sugar packets in his mouth."
"Baskervilles." Sherlock said decisively. "And I know just where to find the killer for the last attack."
He strode towards the door, but Lestrade's voice stopped him.
"Have you told John yet?"
"He's got a date tomorrow, or so I'm told. I'll meet him there and re-introduce myself. Pity he's not here to help me today." Sherlock continued on out, leaving a slightly miffed Lestrade and a very confused Donovan.
"Sally, get Philip. He'll want to see this. And send a team out with Sherlock, he's onto something."
Donovan nodded and left, not even questioning the use of hers and Anderson's first names, rather than their last.
Sherlock Holmes could make people do crazy things.
Sherlock got out of the cab at the familiar building, looking up in hopes of seeing the killer watching him.
He was not disappointed. A figure in black stood on the rooftop above, staring down. He was barely visible with the night sky to his back, but Sherlock could see him all the same.
With a short chuckle, Sherlock went inside and started up the stairs. He had been unable to find a profile on this killer and his mind raced with possibilities.
Was it a fan, devastated by his death? Someone who hated him, who had somehow found out he faked his death and wanted to finish the job? Or was it that he wasn't the only one who faked his death that day?
Was this Moriarty's coming back too?
Reaching the door to the roof, he opened it quietly and rounded the building.
The killer was still where he had been before. Sherlock knew he was a man because of his posture and his stance, as well as the brand of clothing he was wearing.
"Alright, you went through all the trouble, here I am." He called.
The figure didn't move. Inspecting the rooftop, Sherlock could see that he had already struck.
Three dead bodies were piled on top of each other in the corner, near the roof's edge.
"You seem rather interested in me, may I ask why?"
"You didn't figure it out, did you?" The figure spoke, surprising Sherlock. "I left all those clues, and still you didn't know."
He turned, revealing a familiar face with the smallest of smirks written across it.
"I made sure I didn't skip a single one. A Study in Pink, The Blind Baker, The Great Game, A Scandal in Belgravia, the Hounds of Baskerville and now here, with The Reichenbach Fall. And you still didn't know! I saw the look on your face, you weren't expecting me." He pulled the knife out, inspecting it as he went on.
"You never even considered me. I was never the bad guy, I could never be. But let me tell you something, Sherlock. You distorted me. Your death, it was painful. You left me, you didn't care. We mourned, and I prayed for you to come back."
He stepped forward and Sherlock took a stride backwards. He could hear police sirens drawing closer and hoped that for once Lestrade had sent out the full cavalry.
"I prayed so hard! And when that didn't work, when 'One more miracle, Sherlock. Don't be dead.' wasn't enough, I brought you back. You always were self-centered, how could you turn down a case about someone who was taking after you?" John Watson chuckled madly, then looked at Sherlock in complete seriousness.
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Sherlock Holmes."
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