PotterLock(No Romance)-The Train Ride
[@fiery_redhead requested more Sherlock and I was toying with a Potterlock idea so here it is! Hope you enjoy it and I'll try and do more Sherlock in the future]
"Sherlock, what are you doing?" Mycroft asked.
"Nothin'." The young boy replied, not bothering to hide the magnifying glass he was using.
"Sherlock, someone's here to see you!" Their mum called from the other room.
"Coming." Sherlock dropped the magnifying glass and wandered out of his room, heading in the general direction of the sitting room.
"Sherlock, hurry up please. She's a very busy woman." His mother called. Mycroft shook his head and began to clean up the mess his brother had left.
"Hello, Mum." Sherlock walked into the sitting room and flopped down into the large armchair he always sat in.
"Sherlock, please sit up and say hello to your visitor." His mother reprimanded sternly.
"Hello." Sherlock said without sitting up or looking at the other woman in the room.
"Hello, Sherlock. My name is Professor McGonagall and I have a letter here for you."
"Who's sending me a letter?" Curiosity seemed to grab the boy for a few moments and he sat up a little before slouching down again. "It's from a school isn't it? I'm not in need of school, Mother, you know that."
"Sherlock-" His mum began, but the Mcgonagall cut her off politely.
"I guarantee this school teaches courses you have not even dabbled in, young man. Open the letter."
Sherlock grudgingly sat up and took the offered letter. "Parchment. No one uses that anymore." He turned it over and inspected the seal on the back. "'Never tickle a sleeping dragon?' Quite a ridiculous motto, Professor."
McGonagall simply motioned for him to open it.
Sherlock broke the seal and scanned the paper quickly.
"What do you say, Mr. Holmes?" McGonagall asked when he finally set the letter down.
"Well, I'd recommend treatment at the nearest mental facility, I can get you the address if you need it."
"Really Mother, read the letter." He handed the piece of parchment over.
Mrs. Holmes read the letter quickly and turned to look at McGonagall. "You cannot be serious! It's impossible."
"Quite the opposite actually. Has Sherlock ever done something impossible? Has anything happened for no apparent reason?"
"Well, there was one time I can think of... Mycroft, Sherlock's brother, took one of his experiments, telling him it was dull and he should focus on something more productive. The next morning, the experiment was back in Sherlock's room and Mycroft was covered in boils. We just assumed that Sherlock had used some chemical, he always seemed to have them."
McGonagall turned to Sherlock with a raised eyebrow. "Do know, Mr. Holmes, such behavior, intentional or otherwise, will not be tolerated at Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts? Rather interesting name for a school."
"I'm sorry to say, Mrs. Holmes, but he will be required to go to Hogwarts. He must learn to focus his magic otherwise there could be catastrophic results."
Mrs. Holmes nodded slowly. "Of course."
"You can find his things in Diagon Alley. We will send an owl explaining how to get inside. Good day."
McGonagall stood and swept out of the room. Sherlock watched her from the window and his eyes widened slightly as she disappeared with a loud crack.
"Hello John." Mr. Holmes opened the door to the next door neighbor's boy, letting him in. "You here to see Mycroft?"
"Yes sir. I go back to school in a few days so I figured I'd stop by." John smiled at the older man.
"He's upstairs." Mr. Holmes said with a smile.
"Thank you sir."
He found Mycroft on his back, tossing a ball in the air and catching it.
"What do you want?"
"Did I do something to offend you, Mycroft?" John frowned.
"Everyone's studying away from here! You, now Sherlock. Apparently I'm not smart enough for that." He sounded bitter.
"Sherlock's studying abroad?"
"Not out of the country, just far away. Some stupid preppy school."
John nodded. "Well I'm here today. You want to do something?"
Mycroft shrugged and John felt a small pang of hurt. He wished he could tell his friend where he really was going, but he had to keep his world a secret.
"Goodbye, John!" Mrs. Watson called from the platform. John waved from the window of the bright red train. He wished his father had stuck around when his mom had explained the whole 'I'm a witch, this is my wand, blah blah blah,' but being a half blood had it's disadvantages.
"Sorry buddy, there's no room in here." One of his friends said.
John turned to look at the boy in the door and blinked in surprise.
"Hello John." Sherlock turned to leave.
"Hold on, kiddo, you've got some explaining to do. Make room guys." John leapt up and grabbed his best friend's little brother's shirt.
"What do you want to know?" Sherlock asked rather rudely when he sat down.
"All of it. You're a wizard?"
"Apparently. Something called a muggleborn."
John nodded. "Go on."
[it's speculated that John is about 7 years older than Sherlock, and is the same age as Mycroft, but I dropped John about two years so he's still at school with Sherlock in his first year. Sherlock was always tall, so that's why he'd be taller than short little Jawn]
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