PJO/HoO-It's Your Fault Part 2
Calypso POV
Percy still refuses to come near me.
He shuns me, takes every chance to make it obvious that he hates me.
I can't bear it.
I was stupid to curse the daughter of Athena.
It was a rash decision, and I want to tell Percy that.
But since he won't talk to me, I can't.
"Hey, Sunshine."
I looked up from my hands. "Hi, Repair Boy."
"Whatcha doin'?" Leo asked curiously.
"Cat's cradle. One of the children of Athena taught me." I held up my hands so he could see the fine string woven between them.
"How does it work?"
I undid what I had so far and started again to show Leo. It would probably help with his ADHD if he could learn it.
"And then turn your hands and pull and there!" I showed him the finished product. "Jacob's Ladder."
"I thought it was called Cat's Cradle." Leo frowned.
"The game is. Each different configuration is called something different." I undid what I had and quickly worked through another one. "See? This one's called a Witch's Broom."
"Oh, I get it!" Leo grinned. "Can I try?"
I handed him the string and he looped it around his fingers, concentrating hard.
"And drop the thumb...there!" He held up a finished Witch's Broom. "I did it!"
"Good job, Repair boy." I smiled.
A horn sounded in the distance and Leo groaned.
"Oh no."
"What is that?" I asked.
"The Hunt."
"The Hunt? Like, Lady Artemis' hunt?"
"Yeah, why?"
I stood quickly. "I need to see them."
"Why? You aren't planning on joining are you?" Leo asked nervously.
"No, I just need to talk to one of them." I turned and ran to the border.
I hadn't seen Zoë in a long time. A sisterly talk with her would be wonderful, especially with the hostility I was getting from the demigods who blamed me for Annabeth's death.
The girls in silver came into view and I scanned the group for my sister. Lady Artemis was in the front, an unfamiliar girl at her side.
A girl wearing a lieutenant's band. I knew Zoë was the lieutenant, who was this new girl.
"Calypso? How did you get free from your island?" Artemis asked.
"A love freed me." I stood on tiptoes trying to find Zoë. She had to be here! "Where is Zoë, milady?"
Several of the huntresses looked at the ground. I turned to Artemis for an explanation and saw tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Calypso. She died during the second Titan War."
"What? No!" I turned back to the group, trying harder than ever to spot my sister.
Not seeing her, I finally turned back to Artemis. "How?"
"I was tricked into a trap. She led a quest with Thalia," She motioned to the new lieutenant, "Bianca, another Hunter who died on the quest, Annabeth and Percy. In the end, your father killed her."
My eyes watered and I swiped at them hurriedly.
"It was her time. I sent her to the stars, the Huntress constellation still traverses the sky." Artemis said softly.
"Thank you, my lady."
I sat in the grass, showing Leo another Cat's Cradle. It helped take my mind off the pain.
"There!" I showed him the finished mosquito. "You see it?"
"Kinda. Walk me through it?" Leo asked. I handed him the string and began to explain. After a few tries, he finally got it.
"I did it!" I laughed at his enthusiasm.
The string suddenly burst into flames.
"Oh, Styx!" Leo cursed. "Sorry, Callie. I'll go get you a new one, okay?"
"Okay..." Movement caught my eye and I turned to see Percy trudging towards the beach. "Tell you what, Leo, I'll meet you at the beach."
"You got it." Leo ran off to find string and I ran after Percy.
"Percy! Percy, wait! JACKSON!" I bellowed.
"What do you want, Calypso?" He asked flatly, sitting in the sand.
"I want to talk to you."
"Feeling only goes one way."
"You don't have to talk. Just...please listen?" I asked.
He grunted, which I took as a yes.
"I'm sorry. I was stupid when I cursed Annabeth and I realized that and tried to take it back before you fell, though I didn't know it was before. I didn't know that she would get killed and I feel guilty as all Hades."
Percy just looked up at the sky.
I looked up too. It was dark enough to see stars and I searched the sky for my sister.
"Which one's her?" I finally asked.
"Zoë. Which one's her?"
"How did you know about that?" Percy asked.
"Artemis told me." I looked up at the sky again. "Where is she?"
After a moment of silence, Percy leaned over and began to point up. "Her bow is there, see it? And there's her arms, her legs, her ponytail..."
"Wow." I murmured, tracing the pattern with my eyes.
"When we see shooting stars we wish her good hunting." Percy said quietly.
"She'd like that." I smiled.
An awkward silence ensued.
"I'm sorry." Percy suddenly burst out.
"For a lot of stuff. I'm sorry I let Zoë die, I'm sorry I didn't make sure you'd gotten off that island, I'm sorry I was so harsh on you when you first showed up."
"It's fine. It was true, it was my fault." I promised.
"But I shouldn't have been so hard on you." Percy looked at me guiltily.
"Let's make a deal. We'll forgive each other for Zoë and Annabeth and we don't blame each other anymore. Then we can grieve together."
A smile flitted across Percy's face. "I can do that."
I offered my hand and he took it firmly.
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