Percabeth-I Trust Him
Third Person POV
"Come on, Perce, it'll be fun!" Trevor insisted.
"I dunno, guys," Percy frowned, "I'm not a big party guy."
"Aw, don't be like that, bro! It'll be fun!" Louis insisted.
Percy bit his lip. "I'll get back to you guys, okay?"
"Alright, but don't hold out on us!" Justin clapped him on the back, then the three walked off, talking loudly about how the party would be great.
Percy headed for the bathroom. Making sure there was no one there, he jammed three door stops under the door, holding it closed so no one could barge in.
Quickly, he formed a mist and angled it so the rays of sunlight coming through the open window hit it.
"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Annabeth Chase at California State University."
The mist solidified to Annabeth, thankfully alone, in her dorm room.
"Hey Wise Girl."
"Seaweed Brain! What's up?" She smiled at him. "I'm just in the dorms, what's so urgent that you need to Iris Message me?"
"The guys want me to go to a party." Percy explained.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "So? Go to the party."
"You're okay with that?"
She laughed. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, there'll be girls there, and there'll be alcohol most likely."
"Ah." The daughter of Athena understood what he was getting at. "Percy, your fatal flaw is Loyalty. I trust you. Just don't get too drunk."
Percy nodded. "I love you Wise Girl."
She smiled. "I know. I love you too."
"Hey, I heard your boyfriend was going to Jansen's party tonight." Mollie dropped onto her bed, flopping onto her back.
"Yep." Annabeth didn't look up from the blueprints she was working on for her Architecture and Structure class.
"Are you going?"
"Too much homework. Besides, I don't really like Jansen or his friends."
"You aren't worried?" Mollie seemed surprised.
"Why would I be?" Annabeth put down her blueprints and spun to face her roommate.
"Jansen's parties are practically the rowdiest on campus. There will be girls and hard alcohol. A lot of it. You aren't worried he'll get drunk and do something stupid?" Mollie sat up and arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "No. I trust him completely and I know he won't get drunk because he may be an idiot, but he knows some things."
"You trust him completely, huh?" Mollie seemed a little skeptical.
"We've been dating since we were 16. We've been through a lot together. I'd trust him with my life." Annabeth smiled, thinking back to a few of the times she actually did trust him with her life.
"Whatever you say, but if some girl comes up in four months insisting that he's her baby daddy, I reserve the right to say 'I told you so' loudly, clearly, and repeatedly."
"You got it." Annabeth rolled her eyes again and turned back to her blueprints, scribbling across the top in her messy, dyslexic handwriting.
'The New Campus Center'
Frowning down at the image, she erased a section and began to sketch again.
Percy stood awkwardly in the corner of the room. The music was too loud to actually hear what was being said, but it was probably overly sexual and obnoxious.
He could see the entire room from where he was standing. He could also see Trevor heatedly making out with Justin's girlfriend. That wouldn't end well.
"Hey, haven't seen you around campus." A girl had sidled up to him. Percy could tell from the smell an the way she was leaning against the wall and staring up at him with unfocused eyes that she was extremely drunk.
"Uh, I don't come to parties often."
"Obviously. Come danceeeeee." She dragged the word out with a giggle.
"No thanks." Percy smiled politely.
"Aw, come on. I haven't gotten the chance to dance with a guy as good looking at you for a while."
"No, thank you."
"Just one dance, handsome. And if you want it to be more, I haven't gotten any in a while and you look absolutely delishhhhous!" She giggled again.
Percy frowned. "A-are you flirting with me?"
The girl smirked at him. "It's a good thing you're pretty. So what do you say? How 'bout havin' a little fun?"
"Sorry, no. I have a girlfriend."
"Aw, she doesn't have to know!" The girl was leaning against his chest now.
"No." Percy said more firmly. "But I'll tell you what, I know someone you can make out with if you want."
She perked up and he pointed out Trevor, who was now on his own and looking a little woozy from the intense liplock he had just detached from.
Hopefully that would keep Justin from getting angry about his girlfriend kissing someone else, if he found out.
The girl pushed through the dancers and pulled Trevor against herself. Percy made a face and turned away.
He considered calling Annabeth, then checked his watch.
"Yep, I'm leaving."
Outside he made sure no one was watching, then IMed Annabeth. She was alone, he knew that, he had seen her roommate at the party.
"Hey Perce, how's the party."
"Awful. I'm leaving. And you better watch out, Percy Jackson is a hot commodity." He grinned and winked teasingly.
"How many girls did you make out with?"
Annabeth laughed. "I know that, Seaweed Brain. So you're a hot commodity, huh? How much do you think I could get for you?"
Percy pouted at her and she laughed again. "Come on, Seaweed Brain. I think I need to cuddle for a little while."
"On my way!" He saluted and cut the message with a smile.
As long as he had his Wise Girl, he was set.
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