Disney/Princesses-Put 'Em Up
Elsa POV
"Where's Mom?" Anna asked.
I looked up from my book. "She and Dad left an hour ago. Where were you?"
Anna started to answer but I cut her off. "Let me guess, you were with Kristoff?"
My sister's cheeks went as red as her hair. "No...."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. Anyways, I got a note from Punzie about 20 minutes ago. Can you guess what it's about?"
The sparkle in Anna's eyes told me she knew.
"How long til Mom and Dad get back?"
"At least two hours." I grinned.
"Let's go."
We grabbed our bags from under my bed and tiptoed down the hallways, avoiding a few servants.
Anna pulled back the tapestry and I ducked inside the door behind it, closing it once she'd joined me.
We raced through the passageway, making sure not to trip down the steps. Anna reached the second door first and knocked twice, then waited.
Someone threw the door open and we were engulfed in a crushing hug.
"I haven't seen you girls in so long!"
"Hey, Ariel!" Anna laughed. "How's the water?"
The redheaded princess pulled away to smile at us. "Oh, it's fantastic! You should really come down sometime, once we figure out how to do it!"
"I'd love to!" Anna exclaimed.
"I'm not sure how well that would go." I smiled awkwardly. "I don't trust myself yet."
"But you haven't had a problem in months!" Anna exclaimed.
"I just don't want to risk it yet."
"Well I'm not going to push you into it, don't worry." Ariel promised me, waving Anna off.
"Who else is here?" Anna asked.
"Jasmine just flew in a few minutes ago. Tiana brought a friend of hers, this girl named Pocahontis, and the only two we're waiting on are Snow and Giselle."
"I still can't believe Giselle likes this stuff." I chuckled.
"Well our entire group is full of surprises, isn't it?" Anna pointed out.
"Anna-Banana!" A sweet voice exclaimed.
"Punzie!" My sister pulled our cousin into a tight hug which I thankfully was not included in. I wasn't big on hugs.
"I'm so glad you could make it!" The brunette exclaimed, pulling away. Her short hair was already growing again, hanging at her shoulders.
"I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Anna replied with a grin.
Belle caught my eye from the other side of the room and waved. I smiled back at her and handed Anna her bag, which I had been carrying.
"Don't let Cindy kick your butt again." I told her.
"I won't." Anna promised with a laugh. I crossed the room, narrowly avoiding Merida as she sidestepped a joking punch from a blushing Aurora.
"Did you finish that book I gave you?" Belle asked when I reached her.
"I'm almost done. It's so good!" I told her.
"Isn't it? I like the diversity of the characters."
"My favorite part is the powers. If only there were that many in real life! I'm sort of an oddball."
"Everyone's here!" Rapunzel shouted from the center of the room. "Let's begin, ladies!"
Belle grabbed my arm. "Good luck."
"Same to you." I smiled at her, then took a seat on the floor next to Anna.
"Alright ladies, let's begin. I know you're all itching to get out of those dresses. The bouts are posted on the wall, and will be announced by Tiana and Pocahontis, who are sitting this one out." Rapunzel explained. "As soon as everyone's dressed we can start!"
I unzipped my bag and willed my dress to simply melt off of me and slide into the bag. In it's place I created a simple shirt and a pair of shorts, something extremely scandalous that no princess and future queen should ever be seen wearing.
Did I care? Not in the slightest.
"That's so unfair, Elsa." Jane complained. I grinned at her and undid my braid, pulling it tighter and wrapping it into a bun so it wouldn't get in my way.
"First bout, Rapunzel versus Merida!" Tiana shouted. She and her friend sat leaned against a wall with a roll of parchment across their laps.
We sat around the edge of the mat while Punzie and Merida faced off.
"On my count," Tiana called. "Three, two, one!"
Merida lunged towards Punzie and the fight began.
"You know, you'd never expect someone like Rapunzel would be able to fight like she does. Merida, definitely. But Rapunzel? No one would even think of it." Jasmine commented from my left.
"No one would expect any of us to be as good as we are." Belle pointed out. "That's the whole purpose of these meetings. We've got to be able to defend ourselves."
"Yaah!" Merida shouted, her fist connecting solidly with Punzie's stomach. The air in my cousin's lungs whooshed out audibly, and she bent over wheezing.
"Merida wins!" Tiana announced.
"You okay, Punz?" Anna asked.
"I'm fine." She grunted. "Who's next?"
"Elsa versus Jane!"
I pushed myself to my feet, grabbing my gloves, and faced one of my closest friends.
"Good luck, Icicle." Jane pulled on her boxing gloves.
"Right back atcha, Ape Girl." I grinned, copying her.
"On my count," Tiana said again. "Three, two, one!"
I sidestepped Jane's first swing and jabbed an elbow into her side.
"Get over it."
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