Zach Mitchell- Gyrosphere (h)
Jurassic Park One Shot
When you had agreed to go on holiday with your friends, you hadn't exactly counted on the fact that they were both going with their boyfriends and that they would just disappear on you.
Despite that, you had paid to be there, so you were still going to enjoy the park. You weren't prepared to not do anything just because they'd all decided to go off on their own.
The gyrospehre ride, or hamster ball as you liked to call it, had been pretty popular all day, you'd done other things beforehand but had eventually decided to queue up for it.
Whilst you were minding your own business, you felt someone crash into the back of you and grab your backpack to stop themselves from falling.
You weren't expecting to see a familiar face when you turned around.
Zach Mitchell – a pretty popular guy at your school who you sat next to in a fair few classes, but you never really knew what to say to him because you weren't exactly popular.
He had always been lovely to you, making an effort to make conversation but it didn't exactly go unnoticed with the populars at school.
Zach looked just as surprised as you, but you looked down at the younger boy who had fallen into you.
"Are you okay?"
The young boy looked up at you and smiled nervously. "I'm really sorry, I tripped, and my brother tried to stop me, but I just fell."
You turned to Zach. "This is your little brother that you've talked about?"
He smiled at you. "Yeah, this is Gray," he introduced. "Gray this is Y/N, we go to school together."
Gray waved at you causing you to laugh.
"Are you here with anyone else from school?" Zach asked causing you to nod.
"I am but they've both disappeared on me, something about needing to spend time with their boyfriends and apparently they don't care enough about me because they've left me in a very big place all by myself," you explained causing Zach to frown.
"Do you want to ride with us?" Gray quickly spoke up, the excitement evident in his tone.
Zach looked at his brother in shock but then turned to you with a smile and shrugged his shoulders. "Might as well Y/N, at least it means you won't have to ride alone."
You couldn't say no to the smile and so you agreed to go with the two of them.
Once you got to the front of the queue, you realised there were only two seats in the gyrosphere, so you turned to Zach.
"I'll ride by myself, there's only two seats in there," you explained but as you went to step back, Zach grabbed your hand to pull you forward.
Before you could make any move to get away, Zach had sat down in the seat and pulled you into his lap whilst Gray sat in the empty seat.
"Zach! What the hell?!"
He chuckled as Gray looked around. "What? I wasn't going to let you go by yourself."
You rolled your eyes but managed to admit to yourself that you quite enjoyed the way Zach was holding you, even though you knew nothing would ever come of it.
As time in the sphere passed, an announcement came through telling you all to return to the main base and that you were near a restricted area.
"Zach, we need to go back," Gray spoke up but Zach just shook his head as he continued to steer the sphere towards the restricted area.
You sighed. "Zach this isn't a good idea."
He chuckled, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Relax Y/N/N, we will all be fine. What's the harm in looking a little further?"
"It's restricted for a reason Zach," Gray reminded his older brother.
Eventually, Zach agreed to head back through the route that you had taken to get there.
As you were going across the field, a few dinosaurs ran straight past you all and Gray started to make a few worried noises.
"Gray, what's wrong?" you asked him, he just pointed in the reflection of the glass – staring back at you all was the indominus rex.
When you all looked back at the rex, it let out a roar and kicked the sphere as it chased another dinosaur.
As the other dinosaur went to run as well, its tail slammed against the sphere causing the three of you to scream as the sphere smashed against a tree and you were left upside down
"Zach, if we had gone back when we were told to this wouldn't have happened," you complained in worry and fear.
Zach's hand reached round to grab yours. "It'll disappear soon, and we'll be able to get out of this thing."
"But we're upside down!" Gray exclaimed only to be shushed by both you and his brother.
You all stayed quiet for as long as you could as you watched the idominus rex kill its prey, but its head turned towards you when your phone started to vibrate against the glass of the sphere.
It came over and stabbed its claws through the glass before picking up the sphere and shaking it repeatedly, all whilst the three of you were screaming in fear.
Zach reached around and released your seatbelts and you all fell out onto the broken glass on the floor.
The three of you began to run through a meadow whilst the rex chased you, Zach grabbed your hand and you grabbed onto Gray so that you knew he was keeping up.
You soon had to stop as you came to a cliff edge with water beneath it.
"We're going to have to jump," Zach stated as he looked down.
Gray shook his head and backed away but Zach turned to him.
"It's either we jump down there, or we get eaten."
Zach squeezed your hand and you turned to Gray, who nodded his head at you and with that the three of you jumped into the water below – narrowly missing the rex's teeth as its jaw snapped behind you.
The impact of the water was shocking, but you all stayed below the surface for a short time to trick the rex into thinking that you were dead.
After a few minutes, you all emerged to see the rex walking off and so you swam to the shore of the pool.
Once you got to shore, you lay on your back trying to catch your breath and soon Zach was pulling you up by your hand.
"This is not what I imagined for my day."
Zach chuckled, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head which caught you by surprise.
"But thanks for making sure I was okay."
With a smile, Zach looked down at you. "I'd protect you with my life Y/N."
You laughed. "And why might that be? You could've let the rex eat me you know."
He shook his head. "I have a crush on you, have done for a while and I'm hoping this hasn't made you hate me too much."
Without saying anything you reached down to intertwine your fingers with Zach's. "Get me back to the park in one piece and we'll find out."
Written by Hannah.
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