Dominic Toretto- Car Seat (h)
Fast and Furious One Shot
It was difficult to say where you genuinely thought your life would end up – whether it would be a happy road, or an upsetting road was uncertain.
Of course, there was always going to be ups and downs, but you definitely wished for more ups.
It didn't always pan out the way you may have wanted but at least for the most part you were happy.
Your family wasn't the most conventional, considering only two of them were related by blood and the rest were friends but everyone preferred the term family.
Dominic had been your boyfriend for a long time, and you would always be told how you're basically married but you'd never really had that conversation about marriage.
Mia was your sister by all accounts, and she knew it but everyone else was family regardless of any blood ties.
Since Mia and Brian had had Jack, they had moved out of Dominic's family home which is where the four of you had lived previously but they'd only moved just down the road.
For the past couple of weeks, you hadn't been feeling right; you had been feeling sick, frequently tired even when you were sleeping a decent amount and things just didn't feel like usual.
After a few more days of being stubborn about the whole thing, you'd finally bought three different pregnancy tests and took each one.
You weren't exactly prepared for three positive tests to be staring back at you.
Your brain had gone totally blank as to how to react to it all and you only snapped out of your daze when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
"Baby? You alright?" Dominic's voice came from the other side of the door.
"Y-yeah Dom, I'm all good," you answered him as you slowly slid down the wall of the bathroom opposite the door.
You heard him sigh before he tried to open the door. "Why is it locked Baby?"
"I just wanted privacy Dom; I'll be out in a bit."
When he didn't answer you or try to open the door again, you assumed he'd gone downstairs, so you dropped your head into your hands again and contemplated the news that had presented itself to you.
The main thought in your head was how Dominic was going to react – yes, he adored Jack and was an amazing Uncle, but his own baby would be a whole different matter.
Did you love him? Yes.
Did he love you? Yes.
Were you prepared for a family? You weren't quite sure.
You lost count of how long you'd been sat on the tiled floor of the bathroom, but you were shocked back into existence when the door burst open.
Your boyfriend was stood in the doorway, with the doorframe splintered from where he'd just kicked his fat boot against the lock.
"What the hell?!"
He rolled his eyes at you. "Three hours you've been sat in here Y/N."
You shrugged. "I was comfy."
"No. There's something wrong, what is it?"
Before you could answer him, his eyes landed on the tests next to your feet on the floor.
"Are they positive or negative?"
"I wouldn't be sat here worrying if they were negative Dom."
A shaky breath came out of his mouth before he sunk to the floor opposite you.
You ran a hand through your hair as you watched your boyfriend's face carefully.
"And what do you think of this?" he asked you after a few moments of silence.
"Honestly? Dom I'm terrified, we don't live a quiet life and we never will. How can we bring a baby into this? We're not Brian and Mia, we can't just step away from everything. We can't just chuck a car seat into the back of the dodge and go out to some job."
Apart from chuckling at your comment about the car seat, Dominic didn't respond to your words.
"I know you love Jack; I love Jack and I'm not his blood," you stated. "But our own baby? Dom that's a crazy thought – we don't have the first clue about being parents, I don't want to mess the kid up."
Dominic realised that tears were threatening to fall down your cheeks and he reached out to pull you into his lap.
He wrapped his arms around you gently, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before lifting your chin so that you were looking up at him.
"Did I expect us to be having a kid right now? No, I didn't. But I am not going to say that this is a bad thing," he began to explain to you. "We don't have the perfect life; we don't have any idea about what to do but Baby we'll adapt – we always do, and you know that."
You nodded in agreement with your boyfriend's words.
"As for messing the kid up, I can't make any promises about making no mistakes, but I want that kid in there to have the best life possible and I'll be damned if I'm not making that happen."
Smiling, you kissed him and rested your hand on his cheek. "You're going to be a dad Dominic Toretto."
He chuckled, nuzzling your palm with his cheek. "And I'm going to make you my wife Y/N Y/L/N."
Written by Hannah.
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