William Brandt- Bust (h)
Mission Impossible One Shot
Whenever something didn't go well, it was a common reaction to either flip or just stress out completely.
In your line of work, it was easy for things to go wrong and therefore it led to a large amount of stress.
It wasn't exactly something that could be talked about in an everyday conversation but when you were married to one of your colleagues, it could be talked about.
You and the team - consisting of Ethan, Benji, Ilsa, Luther, you and William – had been working on the same case for over a month, one of the best leads you guys had had was a bust meaning everyone pretty much flipped out.
Ilsa and Ethan disappeared, Benji went for a walk, Luther stared at his computer screen for over an hour and you watched whilst your husband paced the room for well over two hours.
The fact that the lead was a bust wasn't a new thing for you guys, but it was even more frustrating due to the aspect that it was the best lead you had on the case.
"Am I allowed to throw a laptop at the wall yet?" you questioned to your husband and Luther who were still in the same room as you.
"Never harm a computer!" Luther exclaimed as he put his head in his hands.
William was mumbling to himself as he paced.
"But I still don't get how this was a bust," Luther mused but his voice was muffled due to his hands.
You looked at your husband. "Honey, you'll wear out the soles of your shoes if you continue."
"I am trying to think."
"And you won't think if you wear out your shoes."
He chuckled and shook his head. "I have been pacing for a little over two and a half hours, my shoes won't wear out that fast."
"Fine. Don't listen to me."
You stood up, walking out of the room and storming upstairs to where you all had made a little living space as someone always slept there from time to time.
"You are a stubborn arse William Brant."
"I heard that!" William yelled up to you from downstairs.
You rolled your eyes as you fell down onto the sofa. "You were supposed to!"
Closing your eyes, you placed your head against the back of the sofa and lay there for a few moments.
Soon enough you heard footsteps and when you looked up, your husband was standing in front of you.
"Why exactly am I stubborn arse?"
You scoffed. "Why do you feel the need to ask me that?"
"Well when my wife is being sarcastic with me, it usually helps me to realise that she is annoyed."
"Wow," you stated in a dry tone. "Almost as if you've been married to me for ten years."
William sighed, sitting down next to you.
"Look, all I was trying to do was stop you from freaking yourself out and wearing yourself out by pacing like you usually do."
"I know," William admitted as he placed his hand on your thigh. "I just wanted to figure out how our lead was a bust."
You shrugged, rubbing your temples. "It happens, we get busts every so often."
"We had it perfectly planned out."
"And perfect isn't always perfect."
William groaned. "You're pretty perfect."
You laughed at the cheesy grin on your husband's face. "Flattery isn't how you won me Brandt."
He smiled at you, leaning to press a kiss on your cheek. "But it's how I stop you from being mad at me."
"You do know me pretty well," you answered as you smiled.
You were starting to feel as if it wasn't all heavy after the bust of a lead.
"And I wasn't mad at you, just frustrated."
William pulled you into a hug. "I have been married to you for ten years Darling – you being mad at me isn't new."
Written by Hannah.
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