Paige Dineen- Phone (a)
Scorpion One Shot
With the rest of the Scorpion team doing their best to save the day once again, you and Paige were stuck perched on a nearby bench, unable to help without the same, copious amounts of genius that the rest of them possessed.
"So... is this what you do all day?" As a new member you were not too sure of the dynamic that the eccentric team played to.
"Well Cabe is there to make sure nobody kills them and I'm there to make sure they don't kill other people, not many other people in an abandoned nuclear power station." She twiddled her thumbs and occasionally pulled out her phone, flicked between stagnant conversations and put it back into her pocket.
"So why exactly did you bring me along this time?" You asked, finding something more interesting to stare at than the squabbling birds you had been watching for the previous fifteen minutes.
"You have your skills." She proclaimed, looking over at the birds before laughing joyfully. "Besides, someone on the team thinks that you're kind of cute." She looked down towards the floor with the smile still on her face.
"Oh... really? Who?" You asked, quite shocked that anybody of their standards would think that.
"I could never say."
"Is it Happy!?" You asked excitedly, hundreds of ideas rushing through your head. "Oh my god is Happy going to leave Toby to be with me?" Paige laughed much harder than before until the laugh was nothing more than a joyous wheeze.
"Come on." You nudged her more forcefully than you meant to, almost sending her teetering onto her side yet she continued to silently laugh. "Who is it?"
She managed to regain some sort of composure but just mimicked her mouth being zipped closed with the key thrown to the wilds.
After little less than begging, she finally agreed to tell you.
"Okay... okay... I'll tell you." She ran her tender hand along the inside of her jacket, straightening up the edge and doing her best to brush the newly formed creases out of her trousers.
"The person in Scorpion..." You hung intently onto each and every word, packed to the brim with anticipation. "That thinks you're cute is..."
Buzz Buzz
"Yes, Paige speaking." She stood up, her phone pressed to her ear, only a few words were exchanged before her phone was back in her pocket. "Come on." She canted over to her parked car. "The team needs us."
Written by Aaron.
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