Lor'Themar Theron- Relaxation: Part 1 (a)
World Of Warcraft One Shot
The warm Quel'Thalas breeze fluttered the sheer cloth that you had wrapped around yourself in some vain attempt to hide your form from your lovers burning vision. The brightly dyed vermillion and sunflower-yellow tent flap unfurled at the corner, you tried to peek underneath to check who it was, Lor'Themar marched in, his ornate great-sword swinging from his hip and the ends of his ash-blonde hair sticking out from under his helmet.
He did not notice you as he strode in, his helmet took stand on the side of his war-table, his plated hands moved little figures around a map of the isle of Quel'Thalas, many of the representations of squads and whole armies found themselves being wiped off the table and onto the floor.
"Something wrong my love?" He turned his head to you; your fingertips ran along your bare thigh and drew invisible circles on your naked skin.
"We can not withstand these invasions much longer, the Sin'Dorei have always been a strong people but there is something about these men... they are bloodthirsty. They have an unkempt rage that even we can not seem to subdue."
"Your forces will stand strong, they have the best leader in all of Azeroth, they will not fault I am sure." Your dainty fingertips extended and gestured for him to take a seat on the long feinting couch that you had placed yourself on in anticipation.
"The sun is falling quickly Y/N, you know that I don't have time for this." You continued to gesture until he broke and sat on the edge of the seat next to you.
You carefully removed his golden pauldrons and placed them on the small table next to you, your hands then ran down the glistening armour that adorned his chest until you reached the clasp at the bottom, which when opened, allowed the armour to be slipped off, leaving him in just his heavy leg armour and gauntlets, which he removed. You ran your finger up his back until your hands reached his scarred and bruised shoulders.
You dug your thumbs into them.
"I really should get back." He protested weakly. "They need me out there." His eyes closed and his head relaxed backwards, his words slowly melted into droning moans of pleasure.
"Are you sure that they need you? Your generals are perfectly capable of taking care of their men."
"Mmmm... maybe they can be without me for just one night, after all, maybe if I am refreshed then I will be able to come up with a solution to the blockade on the eastern hills."
"How adorable." You put your arms under his and ran your hands down his chest and reaching down across his thigh. "You think that after leaving me alone for weeks you're going to get any sleep tonight."
Written by Aaron
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