Anduin Wrynn- Tired (a)
World Of Warcraft One Shot
"Ah Anduin... sorry... King Anduin." He arose from his seat and walked towards you with open arms. After a lengthy embrace he shook your hand and walked you towards the throne, his eyes were surrounded by a heavy number of bags and his face was pale and almost greyed.
"Don't be ridiculous, you have known me since I was at your knees, Anduin will be just fine." He led you past the throne and into a little side room where you could have a bit more privacy after ushering the steward that worked inside.
"How is the ruler of the Alliance fairing in such troubling times?" You looked down, a small map littered with miniscule metal figures rested on a table, red figures outweighing the blue ones ten to one.
"It is hard, especially after having to take the throne at such short notice." He looked up towards the ceiling and then across the room where a large portrait of his late father stood proudly on the wall.
"Varian's passing, I heard. Believe it or not news like that goes around fast, even to the deepest pits of Northrend."
"But I am coping okay, after all I had the best tactician to observe and to learn from." You rolled your eyes.
"Now now Anduin, flattery never got you far with me before why would you think now would be any different." A server entered the room, a tray packed with the finest meats, cheeses and breads was placed down next to you.
"Help yourself y/n, you served both me and my father extremely well in your time, now tell me, what brings you here?" He took a handful of goods and began to work his way through the tray.
"I just came to check that you were okay, I understand how it feels to lose your father."
"It has not been easy of course, but unfortunately there are more pressing matters to attend to. Grieving can come after we have pushed back the horde and recaptured some of our key camps, I believe that with the help of the night elves we can- "
"I also came because I want you to take a break." You interrupted
"Of course, take a break. I wish I could y/n, I really do, but if vengeance is ever going to be paid now is not the time for naps and a bedtime story." He leant down and studied the war table.
"I will take over, just for a few weeks of course. I can get all the information that I need from your generals and your captains and of course, important decisions will be run past you." He dismissed your thoughts with a limp hand and a shake of his head.
"Come on Anduin, you said it yourself, I'm the best. Your father put you in my care for months at a time whilst he was at war and I am invoking that responsibility. Now go. You may be the king that does not mean you can disobey your family."
Written by Aaron.
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