Marcus Bell- Horseshoe (h)
Elementary One Shot
Like most of your friends, you had planned your wedding from the moment you were old enough to understand what marriage actually meant.
To you it meant that you could be happy with one person for the rest of your life, knowing that they would be there for you no matter what, having someone to share all the experiences of life with.
Of course, it would never be 100% easy as nothing ever was, but that didn't meant you couldn't at least try.
You had met Marcus a little over five years ago, through Joan actually due to her setting the two of you up on a blind date.
Neither of you were hopeful going into the date, dreading it to be exact but the two of you went to your beds that night unable to control your smiles because of that very date.
You took your relationship one step at a time, day by day, wanting everything to be new and exciting and not needing a planned agenda.
After having had the ceremony for your beautiful wedding, you and your new husband were stood outside the venue and thanking your guests for coming before everyone headed to the reception.
Marcus has his arm wrapped around your waist, you being pulled against his side, as Joan and Sherlock approached you both.
When Sherlock reached you, he handed you a white horseshoe on a ribbon, which you took with a smile and held in your free hand.
"Congratulations you two" Sherlock stated, smiling for once which was a somewhat rare occasion.
Joan had a smile on her face also "We're both so happy for you" she commented, not being able to stop smiling at the two of you looking so happy.
Sherlock's gaze went to the horseshoe "Apparently, the horseshoe is a custom" he spoke up, looking back to you and Marcus.
You nodded in agreement "Yes. It is a token of good luck for the marital couple" you explained, glancing down at the horseshoe you held.
Marcus chuckled beside you "Wow...something Sherlock Holmes doesn't know huh?" he joked with a smirk on his face.
Sherlock sighed, rolling his eyes, "Well I've never gotten more nor have I been to many weddings" he stated, trying to sound stern but the amusement within his voice shone through.
You couldn't help but laugh as you watched the exchange between your husband and his friend "Well thank you for coming to ours" you recited the phrase you had already said to many guests that afternoon.
"I was the best man" Sherlock reminded with a small trace of a smile on his face "I could hardly not show up" he rolled his eyes again whilst he spoke.
Joan giggled lightly "Just like I was a bridesmaid" she chimed in.
You turned to her, glancing up and down at her dress, "One who looks very beautiful" you told her.
She smiled, reaching for your hand that was holding the horseshoe still, squeezing it gently "Have I told you how much I love you?" she quizzed jokingly.
Marcus then pouted "I thought I was your best friend!" he exclaimed, continuing to pout "That's what you said in your vows" he grumbled to himself.
You giggled, leaning into him "Best female friend then" you stated as you looked up at him.
He smiled before kissing you gently "I love you my wife" he whispered against your lips.
"We've got to get used to that" Joan's words caused you and Marcus to turn your attention back to her and Sherlock.
You laughed slightly "I promise not to kill my husband if he gets on my nerves" you had a bright smile on your face as you talked.
Marcus chuckled, pulling you into his side even more, "You're a cop too Love; don't ruin it"
Written by Hannah.
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