Jesse Katsopolis- Dinner (h)
Full House One Shot
People had always told you how good you were with children – they were usually surprised when you claimed that you didn't want a career that involved children, but you had your hands full with looking after Danny's daughters most of the time.
Danny had been one of your best friends since childhood so of course you were there for him when Pam died, and the girls knew you extremely well.
Joey and Jesse had moved in, so they had gotten to know you pretty well due to how often you were over at Danny's house.
Jesse was someone you had an interest in, but you weren't a 100% sure on whether or not you should try anything with him because despite him being an absolutely lovely guy, he did have a bit of a reputation as a ladies' man.
According Danny, the boys were having a lad's night out, so he'd asked if you would babysit the girls for the evening.
"Hey Y/N," Danny greeted you with a hug once you'd walked through the door.
You looked past Danny and saw Jesse passed out on the couch.
Danny followed your gaze and sighed. "Yeah, Jess has come down with something so he's not out with us tonight."
"Oh, you're still going?"
He nodded with a smile on his face. "Of course," he answered as you walked through to the kitchen so as not to disturb Jesse. "And thank you for coming to look after the girls."
You dismissed his thanks. "Don't be silly Dan, I'll always look after them."
Danny called the girls down and soon enough you had an armful of the Tanner girls.
"Hi Aunt Y/N," D.J greeted you before going to sit down at the dining table.
Danny passed D.J something to eat before scooping up Michelle so that he could put her in her high chair.
Stephanie still clung to you. "I missed you."
You laughed at her. "Steph, I saw you last night."
"Doesn't mean I can't miss you," she answered with a shrug of her shoulders.
Laughing you gave her an extra squeeze before giving her a gentle push towards the dining table so that the girls could all have their dinner.
Not too long later, D.J and Stephanie were up playing in their room and Michelle was fast asleep in her room, but you had the baby monitor close by just in case.
That left you sat in the living room just reading a book, with Jesse still completely passed out.
You'd placed a cup of water near Jesse so that if he woke up he'd have something there to drink, you knew that your mouth dried out easily when you were sick, so you figured most people were the same.
As you were reading Jesse stirred and slowly sat up, reaching out for the cup of water and taking a drink.
"Hey Jess."
He looked at you in surprised but then quickly smiled. "Y/N...what are you doing here?"
"Babysitting remember?"
Realisation crossed his face as he nodded.
"How're you feeling?"
"Not like death anymore."
You laughed at his response and placed your book down in front of you. "That's usually a good thing."
"Did you put the water there?"
"I figured you'd want it."
He smiled as he ran a hand through his hair. "How have the girls been?"
"Angels as per usual."
He laughed loudly and shook his head in disbelief. "Oh yeah they're angels for you."
"I am their Aunt."
"And I'm their biological Uncle"
You giggled at him, a smile on your face. "Jess don't laugh at me, but I've got a question."
He nodded to encourage you to continue.
"Maybe, you know, when you're feeling better," you started off cautiously. "Would you like to grab some dinner?"
Jesse smiled, moving over to pat the spot next to him so you went over and sat down.
"Don't get me sick Jess."
He chuckled but pulled his blanket over you as well. "Y/N/N, I was trying to work up the courage to ask you out."
You smiled as a blush covered your cheeks.
"So, even though you beat me to it, I would love to take you out for some dinner."
He pulled you into his side, and at that moment you didn't really care about getting sick. "Of course, Love, Danny can babysit his own kids for once."
Written by Hannah.
Tumblr Request.
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