Alfie Wickers- Marking (a)
Bad Education One Shot
"Alfie, come to bed." You caressed his stubbly cheek as he slumped at the table, papers sprawled across the make-shift desk.
"I can't." He rolled his head around the back of the dining room chair and threw his red pen, causing it to roll across the table. "Anybody's paper I don't mark fails this exam instantly and it isn't even like its multiple choice. I like multiple choice, the kids like multiple choice but nooo, Pickwell made us do real tests." Alfie groaned and put his head back into his arms on the table. "Being a teacher sucks.It's hopeless. Can you find the Nando's card? I promised the kids I would buy them all beers if I fucked up again."
"It's okay, how many have you got left to mark?" He sighed and sat back up, searching through the papers.
"One. It was Mitchell." He threw the paper back onto the table.
"Okay, and how did Mitchell do?" Alfie rolled his eyes and lay his head on crossed arms.
"It was Mitchell..."
"Oh... yeah. Well can't you just look at the names and guess their score?"
"I wish, Pickwell takes them off me to make sure I marked them, she literally remarks all of the tests to make sure I didn't just guess again." You looked over at the clock just as the hands met at 12. "Wake up early and do it in the morning?"
"No..." he sighed again "... I never feel like doing it in the morning."
"Well..." you chuckled, trying to cheer him up "... we both know that isn't the case, besides you don't even have many students, you can get these all done in one, one and a half hours tops."
"Yeah, maybe I can do Jing's in one and a half hours, she had to ask for extra paper... twice. I mean to be fair, Stephen just referenced Dirty Dancing as a source and Remm-dog wrote what he writes on every exam, 'you cant fail me, I'm crippled.' To be fair, I can't and haven't yet, Frasier told me one more..." Alfie made air quotes with his fingers "...'incident' and he might have to think about possibly giving me my first verbal warning."
"Alfie, be smart about this, mark Jing's, mark Joe's, if she's had a good week, mark Chantelle's and you can pretty much just guess that everyone failed, so what's the point in marking theirs?"
Alfie's face lit up. "Y/N, you're right. Now you're smart..." Alfie pointed at a word-ridden page "what does this word mean?"
Written by Aaron.
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