Matt Donovan- Mum (h)
It was strange to think that you were in a long-term relationship, and had been for a while.
You were friends to begin with, which you believed was the best start to a relationship as Matt had been in your life for a good amount of time at that point and the two of you had always been close – it was one of those things where everyone knew the both of you would eventually get together, but it was a case of when it would actually happen as people were never sure.
When Matt did ask you out, it was just a simple date at the movies and your relationship had stayed pretty simple. Nothing extravagant happened that often, unless it was an important birthday or anniversary or some form of occasion.
With Matt's Mum, not being around much, and Vicki gone, you had practically moved in with Matt. Your parents were unsure to start with, but three years down the line they were less apprehensive, and surprisingly didn't mind you living with Matt.
You did your fair share of course, and contributed to paying bills as you were there just as much as Matt was, however Matt constantly protested to you paying bills.
You had woken up before Matt, and made your way into the kitchen so that you could get a head start on some food.
After a little while of cooking by yourself, you heard footsteps from behind you "I smell breakfast" Matt announced as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to the back of your head.
You giggled at Matt's actions "Yep. Can you grab plates please?" you asked as you were reading to plate everything up.
Matt let go of you and got a couple of plates out, before disappearing into the living room to switch the television on.
You quickly put everything onto places and took them through to the living room, "Here you go" you handed Matt his plate as you went to sit down next to him.
Just as you sat down, the doorbell rang so you handed your plate to Matt and got up to answer it.
You opened the door, and a surprised expression crossed your face due to who was at the door and looking straight back at you.
"Baby?" you heard Matt call out from the living room "Who is it?" he asked before he appeared behind you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder protectively.
Matt's Mum was stood in front of you and your boyfriend, "Do I need permission to come into my own house?" she asked with an annoyed look on your face.
You rolled your eyes "Not your house" you mumbled as you weren't that much of a fan of Matt's Mum, the things you had heard about her didn't paint her in a good light.
Matt chuckled slightly but then sighed, and a glare was shot your way by Matt's Mum, "Not my house? Excuse me? I pay for this house" she stated whilst sounding offended.
Your boyfriend scoffed, and pulled you into his side even more, "I pay the bills here Mum, so does Y/N. You haven't been here in at least a year" he explained to her and a hurt expression washed over her face.
"Can I at least come in?" she asked with a pleading voice.
Matt looked down at you, and you shrugged as it was his decision to make. He slowly moved you to be behind him, before facing his Mum "I love you Mum, I do, but I don't want to see you currently" he hesitantly told her "I'm sorry Mum, but you need to find somewhere else to stay for the time being" he sighed as he spoke, and you knew he didn't want to hurt his Mum but he was doing what was best for him.
His Mum looked surprised but also upset, she sighed but left without arguing.
Matt pushed the door closed, and then sunk down to the floor whilst sliding down against the door.
He placed his head in his hands so you sat down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder "I'm here for you Love" you whispered.
Matt moved to place his arm around you and he rested his head on top of yours "I know Baby, thank you" he said as he matched your tone "I don't want to hurt her, but...I just...I can't have her in my life right now" he admitted, seemingly more to himself than to you.
You snuggled closer to your boyfriend, wanting to provide him with more comfort and for him to know that you were there, "It is your choice Matt" you stated simply "I am going to do whatever makes you happy, and if not having your Mum around us keeps you happy, then that's how it will stay" you felt Matt press a kiss to the top of your head whilst you spoke.
"I love you so much Y/N" he whispered against your hair "You're all I need"
Written by Hannah.
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