Major Lilywhite- Ravi (h)
You had never imagined that your life could turn into being best friends with a zombie, helping your other best friend in the morgue and your fiancé having been engaged to a zombie prior to you.
Liv had told you that she was a zombie due to you working with her and Ravi, and considering she ate the brains of the patients within the morgue you kind of needed to know what was going on.
At first, you definitely didn't believe her but when Ravi was looking at you with a serious look you knew that she was telling the truth.
It was strange to get used to it all, but you did and Liv was still one of your closest friends.
When you started dating Major, you were cautious about telling Liv due to their history but she seemed incredibly happy for the two of you – she even helped Major propose to you, which meant a lot.
You lived with Ravi and Major, which was interesting but also entertaining because Ravi went on a lot about having to live with a couple and that he needed someone in his life but you knew that he still wanted Peyton.
You and Major were just lying in bed, it was a Sunday morning so neither of you were required anywhere and it was so lovely to just lie in bed with each other and have a lazy day.
Major sighed in contentment before pressing a kiss to your hair "Days like these are the best" he murmured against his hair.
You smiled against his chest "I can agree with that" you told him.
The two of you stayed in silence for a while longer, before you heard 'Eye of the Tiger' being yelled throughout the house but coming from the bathroom.
You burst out laughing as you sat up "Oh my gosh" you managed to talk between laughing "How is he singing that loud?" you quizzed, referring to Ravi who was clearly singing whilst he was in the shower.
Major shook his head, moving on arm to rest behind his head on the pillow, "I don't even know" he said with a smile on his face.
You smiled down at him, sitting cross legged and facing your fiancé, as he then placed his free hand on your bare legs due to you only wearing one of his t-shirts.
"Maybe we'll have to move out soon" Major commented, his hand gently tracing shapes on your thigh.
You sighed and played with the hem of your shirt a little "I know we'll have to eventually, but I'll miss him too much" you explained.
Major chuckled but nodded in agreement "I've been living with him longer than you have" he told you with a smirk on his face "I'm not ready to leave him yet" he pouted slightly as he spoke.
You laughed, running a hand through your kind of messy bed hair "He's like a brother" you stated "Let's just not move out until we absolutely need to" you explained.
Major grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours "Well we'll have to move after the wedding" he told you.
"I know that. But that's not for another six or so months" you commented making him smile.
He lunged forward and gently grabbed you to pull you down next to him "And then you'll be Mrs Lilywhite"
Written by Hannah.
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