Jesse Pinkman- Missing Product: Part 2 (a)
Breaking Bad One Shot
You and Jesse stood, both terrified but neither willing to admit it as your eyes darted up and down the entrance to the well-known crack den that plagued the area from across the road. The building, an old, condemned building that should have been torn down a long time ago but now was the nest of an infestation the city had become sick of. Of course, you and Jesse however, were a part of the infestation but the bills have to be paid and money has to be earnt.
"I can't believe you convinced me to come." Jesse shook his head and ran his hands over the front of his belt where he had tucked his pistol. "I swear to god if something happens in there I'm never forgiving you, I just hope we've managed to get here in time before they smoke it all."
"Hopefully they've smoked just enough to not put up a fight, there's a fine line between knocked out and meth crazy." Jesse looked at you with ire.
"Anything they've smoked is coming out of your paycheck, asshole. The longer we wait they more they're going to smoke so let's hurry up. Do you remember the plan? We go in, grab the meth, shake them up a bit and then get the fuck out of there. I don't know how many are going to be in there and if they turn on us we're completely fucked." You nodded slowly, unable to take your eyes from the barricaded entranceway as you both marched towards the door.
"We got this, it's just a few crackheads, nothing we haven't dealt with before, right?" Jesse said nothing as you approached the entrance. "Are you ready?" A large, rusted piece of corrugated metal blocked the entrance, Jesse pulled it to one side and light flooded the main room of the old restaurant. Carefully he slid through the gap, dust danced and swirled as the strong, disgusting scents of rot and urine joined it. You both pulled your shirt up over your nose but it did little to help.
"This is fucking gross." He said, his torch scouting for the floor for used needles and anything else you probably didn't want to step on. "Let's just get the stuff and get out."
"Hey!" You called out, the occupants lay on the floor in a haze and slowly turned to face you. "I don't know who thinks they can take my shit but give it back or it's about to get really messy in here." Jesse pulled his pistol and loudly cocked it in the air. "Come on assholes, I don't have all day!"
Written by Aaron.
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