Chandler Bing- Happy (h)
You had never really stayed at your boyfriend's apartment before. It wasn't that you didn't want to, but more that he was worried about what would happen if you did.
Chandler had a roommate, and said roommate didn't know that Chandler had a girlfriend and neither did the rest of his friends.
The two of you had been dating for around six months, everything was going extremely well, but Chandler was all too aware of how much of an impact the opinions of his friends could have on his relationship.
He didn't want to lose you at all; for him, his friends' opinions, made or broke the whole relationship because of how close he was with all of them and how much of an impact they had on his life – but at the same time, he hated hiding you from them because all he wanted to do was say how happy he was or at least let them know that there was someone who was actually making him smile genuinely again.
The only reason that you had stayed the night at Chandler's was that Joey was going to be staying with Ross, and Chandler had declined because he knew that it would be an opportunity for you to finally stay at his place instead of him being at your place all the time.
You couldn't help but smile as you woke up, and found yourself faced with your fast asleep boyfriend.
Leaning forward, you gently kissed his nose to wake him up "Morning Lovely" you greeted him as he opened his eyes.
He smiled in return before pulling you even further into his chest "Good Morning Darling" he spoke in his husky morning voice that you were all too familiar with.
You went to pull away slightly "Can I go and grab a drink?" you questioned slightly hesitantly, as you didn't want to step out of bounds or anything.
He chuckled lightly "Of course you can Darling, make yourself at home" he answered you.
You then got out of bed, still only wearing Chandler's shirt from the night before, and kissed your boyfriend's cheek before walking out of his bedroom and into the kitchen.
As you were getting a glass for your drink, Joey walked out of his room which caused you to stop in your tracks "Uh...who are you?" he asked in clear surprise.
"Chandler!" you shouted out for your boyfriend, soon after you heard a thud so you assumed he fell off of the bed and he then appeared at his bedroom door.
He looked at you in confusion, not having noticed Joey due to the rather large tv cabinet, "What's wrong?" he quizzed.
You just pointed to Joey, and when Chandler came to stand in the middle of the room his mouth dropped.
Joey was looking between the two of you in panic "Mon! Pheebs! Rach!" Joey yelled, clearly loud enough for the rest of Chandler's friends to hear in the apartment across the hall.
The three girls, and who you presumed to be Ross who must've been with them, burst through the door to see you still only wearing Chandler's shirt and your underwear.
You smiled slightly sheepishly and Chandler laughed nervously "Morning guys" Chandler greeted his friends along with a small wave.
Without really thinking, you ran over to Chandler to hide behind him as you were feeling just a tad exposed due to your lack of clothing.
Chandler moved one of his arms behind him to intertwine his fingers with yours "This is my girlfriend...Y/N" Chandler cautiously introduced you to his friends.
You sighed and hid your face in his shoulder "You didn't tell us" you heard one of the girls say, and when you looked up you realised that it was Monica.
"" he admitted with a sigh, but you squeezed his hand in support causing him to smile.
Rachel looked confused "Why?" she asked and she sounded upset which you knew would make Chandler feel worse.
He shrugged "I don't know. I mean, we're always so critical of each other's boyfriends or girlfriends and I don't want to mess this up" he explained to them "I love her guys, I won't find another girl like her – she's funny, caring, supportive, smart...what else could I ever want?" he continued to explain to his friends.
You found yourself smiling against his shoulder, as well as blushing slightly, "I love you too Chandler" you whispered in his ear making him smile again.
"I, personally, think this is great" Phoebe spoke up for the first time since she had been in the apartment.
Everyone looked to her in confusion but then Ross nodded in agreement "Yeah" he stated "Look man, if you're happy then we're not going to hate on her. We'd rather get to know her" he told your boyfriend.
Chandler sighed in relief, whilst you quickly disappeared into his room to throw on some shorts before going back out again.
You stood at Chandler's side and he wrapped his arm around your waist "How about, we all go down to Central Perk for breakfast? We can get to know Y/N better and she can get to know us" Joey suggested which surprised you as you knew how protective Joey was of Chandler.
Chandler turned to Joey with a surprised expression on his face "You're serious Joe?" he questioned, not quite believing what his best mate had suggested.
Joey nodded with a smile on his face "If she makes you happy then I wanna get to know her"
Written by Hannah.
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