Andie West- Panicking (h)
You never imagined that LMNTRIX would have actually won the gig in Vegas.
It was honestly surreal, it was a three year booking that meant none of you had to return to your day jobs and you could dance full time – that was a dancer's dream.
To be able to dance full time without the worries of bills to pay was something that you never thought would happen, however you and the amazing crew you were a part of had won it so that's what you got to do for a job now.
LMNTRIX was such a close knit group of people, and you were so grateful to have the friends that you did because they made your life so much better and so much happier.
Through the group, you had met your boyfriend, Moose, and that was one of the reasons why you were grateful because without the group, you probably would have never met him.
You and the group lived at the hotel that you worked at, but you hadn't been having such a great time lately so you were sat in the living room at god knows whatever time it was in the morning.
Just as you were almost falling asleep, you heard footsteps so you turned around and saw Andie there with a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay Y/N?" she asked cautiously, walking over to you and sitting down on the sofa so that she was next to you.
You sighed and curled up further up into Moose's work hoodie that you had stolen "I'm panicking to be truthful" you admitted to her.
Andie's concern grew, slipping an arm around your shoulder she pulled you into a side hug "Why're you panicking? What's wrong?" she quizzed wanting to know how she could help.
You sighed again, fiddling with the sleeves of your hoodie, "Moose hasn't been acting like himself lately" you told her and she nodded in acknowledgement "I don't know what's up with him. He'll hardly look me in the eye and I don't know if I have done something to make him mad at me or..." you slowly trailed off as you spoke to your close friend.
Andie smiled slightly which caused you to look at her in confusion, not understanding why she was smiling, "Moose is just nervous Y/N/N" she stated but you still didn't understand "Don't tell anyone I told you this, but you know the show we're doing on Christmas Eve?" she asked, so you nodded to let her know you knew what she was on about, "He wants to propose to you during it" she admitted.
You gasped in shock whilst Andie continued to smile "Why would he want to do that?" you queried still being in shock.
Andie rolled her eyes "He loves you Y/N, why wouldn't he want to propose?" she quizzed in response to you.
"You told her?!"
Written by Hannah.
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