Howard Wolowitz - Keeper (h)
You hummed to yourself as you flicked through the different comic books; this comic book store was your regular store, when you came in for the first time everyone looked to you like you were crazy considering you were the only girl in there and you have been the only girl going in their regularly since.
You met your boyfriend in the comic book store and the two of you had been together for 5 months now but almost 6. However, the pick up line he used when he first spoke to you was horrendous and you burst out laughing but that's how you got talking so in theory it did work.
Even though you had been dating him for a while, you still hadn't met his friends that were also his colleagues. You had no clue as to why you hadn't met them yet, for some reason Howard just didn't want to introduce you. At times you felt like it was because he didn't actually want to be with you but you remembered how his last relationship ended.
Howard's relationship with Bernadette ended not on the best terms as she hurt him. I think she lost a lot of friends through that and when I first met Howard his confidence was a front until he actually got into a relationship. The two of you were friends for a couple of months before Howard took you out on a proper date.
You felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind making you smile "I am so glad I have a comic loving girl" he said in your ear "And she still hasn't met your friends" you said making him sigh "I like having our own little world Y/N. I want you to meet my friends but they are different" he said sounding slightly upset but you continued to go through comic books "I am dating a weird guy, I don't think that his friends are going to be that much worse" you said.
—– Leonard's P.O.V —-
None of us had heard from Howard recently to meet up at the comic book store or eat dinner together like we usually do. We all see him at work and we eat with him at lunch but other than that we haven't seen him, not even Raj.
Sheldon decided that he wanted to go to the comic book store so I had to drive him and I invited Raj to come with us. I couldn't get hold of Howard again so I just left it, he might be at work still or something.
We all walk in and see Howard standing with his arms around a girl "When did he get a girlfriend?" Raj asked sounding confused "Bernadette hurt him a lot" Sheldon said sounding confused too "Maybe we should just ask him" I said as I walked over and the others followed me.
The girl looked up at us and smiled whilst Howard looked kind of surprised "Uh, hi guys" Howard said and the girl smiled "Oh, so you are the friends that Howard never lets me meet" she said holding her hand out to us "Hi, my name is Y/N" she said and we all shook her hand, one after the other.
"Forgive me for being blunt" Raj started "But are you two together?" he asked and Y/N nodded "Yes" she said and Howard smiled sheepishly "I wasn't sure about telling you all because my break up with Bernadette was messy and I wasn't sure how you would all react when I told you about Y/N" he said kissing Y/N's cheek.
"We are happy for you" I said and Howard's smile turned into a more genuine one "Really?" he asked and Raj nodded "Of course Man. Plus she likes comic books, she has got to be a keeper" he said and Howard smiled looking down at his girlfriend.
"She is definitely a keeper" Howard said confirming how he felt for the girl we only just met.
Written by Hannah.
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