Eric Coulter- Guts to Jump (h)
You laughed with Eric as you ran with the rest of the transfers and Dauntless borns.
The two of you were the leaders that were chosen to go to the choosing ceremony and bring all of the choosers of Dauntless back. However the two of you were dating too, you had been dating ever since he transferred from Erudite.
You were born in Abnegation along with Four however your parents were killed when you were young so that only made you want to prosper in Dauntless and become a leader as you have.
You knew Eric was seen as cruel and harsh and he is towards the initiates as he knows what it takes to stay in Dauntless, he has been through it all. You, Eric and Four set the standards for the transfer initiates, the three of you are the highest scoring initiates in history.
Soon enough the train came and you jumped on at the front with Eric not far behind you. He slung his arm around your shoulder as everyone else gets onto the train; some with struggle but that was expected.
You walked away from Eric to glance out of the doors "Get ready" you said loud enough so that all the others on the train heard you. Eric winked at you before both of you jumped off of the train and onto one of the roofs of Dauntless.
Everyone on the train followed you two. First off it was the ones who had been born into Dauntless so they were used to this and they had been told about this but the transfer initiates obviously didn't have a clue so for them it was either jump or become factionless.
You jumped up onto the little wall that goes around the square of open space that all the initiates need to jump down into as a little test. Eric was standing on the floor to your left and some of the older Dauntless members were also there as they decided to come anyway.
"Alright, listen up" you said so that everyone would look towards you "I'm Y/N and I'm one of your leaders" you said before you pointed to Eric "I'm another leader" he said jumping up onto the wall next to you "My name is Eric" he said.
"If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in" Eric said turning momentarily to point to the drop behind you "If you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless" you said matter of factly.
Murmurs started between the initiates "There water down at the bottom or something?" a transfer from Erudite asked, you knew he was from Erudite because of his blue jacket "Guess you'll find out" Eric said but he paused "Or not" he said shrugging.
"So someone's got to go first. Who's it going to be?" you asked crossing your arms "Why don't you jump. You're hot but I am sure you know what's down there" a transfer from Candor commented with a smirk on his face and Eric glared at him jumping down from the wall.
You sighed and looked to your friend Ryan, he was the first one you actually met at Dauntless, who laughed "Uh-oh" he says.
Eric got closer to the initiate as everyone made a path for him "You say something like that again and I will make sure you end up factionless" he said and the initiate shrugged "Who's she to you? Explain why she would date you or even be seen with you" the initiate spat out.
This initiate does not know when to shut up does he? Does he want to get beaten to a pulp on his first day in Dauntless?
You looked to Ryan again "You take care of them jumping. Yeah?" you said as you jumped down "Sure Y/N/N" he said with a smile.
You walked right to where Eric and the initiate stood. You grabbed the collar of the initiate's jacket and dragged him away from the group "GET OFF ME" the initiate shouted and as soon as you let go of him he fell to the floor.
"You need to learn your place initiate" you said as Eric came to your side "You do not insult your leaders around here. You don't want to know what will happen if you do" you said as Eric wrapped his arm around your waist.
"Ha, me learn my place? My parents are the most prestigious people in Erudite" he said standing up "Oh yeah? Then why'd you leave" Eric said and the initiate was lost for words.
"Go jump with the rest of them" you said walking behind the initiate and pushing his back towards the rest of the initiates that still hadn't jumped.
You stood in front of Eric who placed his hands on your waist "Man you're hot when you're mad" he said kissing you rather roughly.
Written by Hannah.
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