Fred Weasley Imagine ~Two~
A/N this story came from a daydream I had with the song above. Don't forget to request a story. This was extremely fun to write, but I do think it could have been better. I really hope you enjoy the story.
Trigger warning: very sad, death mention, depression mention, and very brief self harm mention (it doesn't go into detail) read at your own risk
There was a loud bang before I couldn't hear anything. Before I couldn't feel anything. I felt so confused as the world around me blurred and I no longer was able to move anything or get up. I felt so sick and tried to move my head, but it just fell to the side. That's when I remembered. That's when I saw him. Fred Weasley dying right before my eyes. Blood rushed out of him, and I could tell he was just as confused as me. If this was how Fred looked I didn't even want to know how I looked. Fred turned his head to my direction and saw me, lying no more than a foot from him. He looked surprised, then depressed. That's when I knew I was dying too. We stared each other in the eyes, reading each other's thoughts, and before I knew it my life was flashing before my eyes.
My first year at Hogwarts was completely nerve racking, and while everyone was starting to get the hang of things, I was still struggling to keep up with the pace. I'm a very antisocial eleven year old, and I have no idea how to communicate with people or ask for help. That was just something I wasn't good at.
I was walking through the halls of the castle that bounded me to a world of magic. I was constantly in my head as I grew up, and I wasn't paying attention to the other people leaning against the walls in the hallway I was walking in. It was too late before I saw two red headed boys running hand in hand in the hallway, and even though I was frozen still where I was, they did not seem to slow down. They were ruthless and rebellious. I knew they were in my same year, I recognized them, but I hadn't learned their names. In a rush of panic I was frozen to the floor as the twins relentlessly bulldozed me, both their arms cutting into my stomach, and throwing me onto my bottom. They hadn't stopped to check if I was okay. They didn't even turn their heads nor did their speed slow down. They were still running carelessly as if nothing happened, and that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when everyone began to point and laugh at me. Not one person tried to help as I laid in the middle of the floor crying. That was the day I declared I hated those twins. I had hated the Weasley's.
Fred's eyes were still solely locked on mine as every so often they would slowly close and open again. I couldn't tell if I was imagining things in slow motion or if that was him beginning to die. His eyes changed from green to a light, almost dull, brown. Almost simultaneously, we had grabbed for each other's hand, holding it with the last strength we had. I could have cried because I knew we were both thinking the same thing, I didn't want to die alone.
Third year had finally come around and I was going strong with my hatred for the twins. I even hated their little brother who had finally become old enough to join Hogwarts. It's not that the little brother did anything, but I just had a bad taste for the Weasley's even though I never really knew or cared to talk to them. It was a grudge, but it was one I was not letting go of any time soon, especially after this.
It was the beginning of the new year at hogwarts and it was becoming fall. It was still very warm, though, and so I spent most of my time outside. I was just casually sitting in the grass doing some homework when all of a sudden I felt two people pick me up. I was screaming and struggling to break free from the two thirteen year old boys grip, and I had immediately recognized them. Behind us was a crowd that was cheering and waiting for the event, and I knew what was happening, those twins were throwing me in the lake. I had begged and pleaded and cried, but to no avail. They acted like emotionless robots, only interacting with each other through devious smirks.
I accepted my fate as they carried me over and threw me into the water. I heard a loud splash and held my breath as warm water engulfed my entire surroundings. It wasn't as bad or as humiliating as I thought it would be, and joy actually sparked around me. I stayed underwater for awhile, waiting to float up naturally, as I heard the laughing and clapping. I come up finally from the water and everyone became quiet as they saw me. I was completely soaked looking entirely upset with my hands balled into fists. Tears sprang out of my eyes as if someone had turned on a water faucet. I didn't want to cry. I stood there relaxing my hands and began to smile, laughing quietly as I wiped away my tears. Everyone began laughing again, including the twins, and I could have sworn that this had to mean they hated me. An unspoken rivalry I had discovered.
As the time fled by between me and Fred lying in the grass, bloody and broken, I was getting colder. I wished for nothing more but to crawl over or get any closer to him, but I couldn't move very well. He must have understood, either seeing the distress in my eyes as he stared into my soul with his fading dying eyes, or because I was moving my hand because he very lightly squeezed it. I knew he was telling me to stop whatever I was thinking, but I couldn't. I was so cold, but I stared back at him, and despite his eyes fading, they made me feel warmer inside.
Fourth year at Hogwarts was almost as bad as the third. Mostly because we were all realizing he-who-must-not-be-named was coming back, and I still hadn't made many friends. This was also the year I had interacted most with the Weasley twins since I had slowly grew into a lonely depression. I couldn't tell if it was just me, but I felt like the whole world was against me. The only thing I felt I did right was write, and I refused to share my pieces. Just like I refused going to or participating in class causing me to get into a lot of trouble. I think being in the wizard world no one knew or even understood depression, and I don't think anyone knew how to help me. Well, besides punishing me.
I just hated being in class because no one talked me, I constantly got into trouble, and I was the number one victim of the Weasley's pranks. Besides Snape, of course, and I knew they hated him. So, I knew they had to hate me too. No one harassed me about it, though. They would laugh at the moment, but quickly forget about it. Except me. I didn't forget and it always made me feel more lonely because not one person came to check to see if I was okay. I think they secretly knew that I wasn't as disappeared quickly that year into the shadows of the school.
I spent most of my times in the library, and cleaning up classrooms without magic. Some other students would be in there, but mostly, it was just the Weasley twins. I knew they hated me because of how we all looked at each other when we first saw each other in detention. I spent all my years at Hogwarts rolling my eyes and pretending to be annoyed by any joke they made, never letting up my grudge on them. They spent all their years in Hogwarts playing pranks and making sure I was as miserable as possible, antagonizing me. It was those detention, though, that changed everything.
The ringing in my ears had finally let up, and this whole time I wasn't even aware that they were ringing before. Finally the world became more vibrant and unreal, like what you would see in a fantasy, and I think it was because of dying. I could hear Fred's loud breathing as he struggled to stay alive. Part of me felt he was trying to stay alive for me as he stared at me. It felt like he wanted me to give him life or make him better, and honestly, I wanted the same from him. Except that can't happen. We can't save each other. Not this time.
Fifth year of Hogwarts came and even though it was the peak of my depression, it was also happiest I had ever been. Still being as troubled as I was, I often continued to get detentions and spend time in the library, but I was also opening up to others. The professors were finally understanding what was going on with me, and I secretly felt they had a soft spot for me. Despite getting in constant trouble for skipping class or doing something stupidly self destructive, the professors had finally stopped taking points off my house. Plus, Dumbledore often came by to speak with me, and it was actually comforting to take some time to talk to him. Spending days in detention meant spending days with the Weasley twins because no one else was as troubled as me besides them. We had bonded, our personalities clicking unlike we had all thought before. Fred and George were not as mean as I had once thought, and I was not as much of a hard-ass as they once thought.
We cleaned classrooms and did homework together, but it finally didn't feel like a chore despite it being forced. It felt like we were all hanging out, and at this point, maybe we were. Although I wouldn't help them with their pranks, I was always there pretending I didn't care as I watched. They finally stopped pranking me as I slowly slipped into their life. George and Fred's jokes and pranks constantly making me laugh and smile. I guess you could say we had gotten pretty close. The most surprising thing about this was, both of them were really supportive in what I was going through. They constantly checked up on me to make sure I wasn't doing anything destructive to myself, and checking what they could to make sure I wasn't doing anything in private. I had become completely reliant on those twins as I could only speak fluently and properly around them. I had only felt comfortable around them. I knew I was becoming too attached, and it scared me. I was falling in love with the twins.
Rain softly dripped over my body, as I felt, and I could see the rain pelting Fred. Although it didn't hurt me, the cool rain actually feeling quite nice, I thought the rain pelting Fred looked painful. Not because he looked like he was in pain, but it just looked that anything touching the wounds on him would be painful, and I winced. My eyes looked back over to Fred's where he wore a small, almost nonexistent, smile on his face just for me. I knew his time was almost up and I could have sobbed if my body hadn't completely given up on me. Nothing was working like it used to. I wasn't reacting to anything as I had when I was younger. Still, I was too sensitive to what was happening.
My love for the twins quickly had gotten more intricate and severe as I had begin to be completely infatuated with one. I had no idea how, though, because I could never really tell those twins apart. Sure, my brothers were identical twins, but that didn't mean I was good at deciphering who was who. It slowly became clear to me that George was slimmer in the face, and Fred had fatter cheeks. Plus Fred had a higher voice than George, but it was almost impossible to tell. Even though I couldn't tell the twins apart and I had hated them for so many years, it became clear to me I very much fancied Fred. I think George was aware as well because he almost always teased me about thinking I had a crush on someone. Of course, I would never tell him.
When Yule Ball came around Fred had of course gone with Angelina. Perfect choice, she was prettier, smarter, and nicer than I was. Kind of. I had gone with George, my heart completely broken. George and I had obviously gone just as friends and we barely even danced, sitting on the floor with him as I sulked. That was the moment I had told him I fancied Fred, and he knew too. He promised not to tell, though, but I think it was because Fred liked Angelina, and despite wanting Fred and I to get together, he let the two of them be. George often comforted me about it, and he sort of understood how I was feeling. Although I could tell he had no idea how to make me feel better or what to say to comfort me. I knew he cared, though.
To make it all worse, they had even left shortly after that. Umbridge was a complete twat, and she deserved what she got. The only thing was I was all alone again. It wasn't long before I started talking to The Golden Trio, but most importantly, to Ron. Looking back on it, I was stupid to ever hate Ron just because he was related to people I hated. That was ignorant of me, and part of me felt like that's why Fred and George dumped me in the lake in the first place. Being friends with the Golden Trio, Ron knew that there was no way Fred would ever like me. I knew that, and especially now that both Fred and George had gone. Even though the Weasley twins had completely ruined my first few years at Hogwarts, I felt lonelier than I ever had before. It was better being annoyed, or bullied, than to be completely ignored altogether.
I could feel Fred's hand get weak in my hand and he turned his head away from me to stare up at the sky. I knew. I knew it was over. He had faded away, and his hand went completely limp in mine. Tears came up and I choked on my breath, realizing how hard it was to breathe finally. I was the last good thing he saw before he died. He died in vain, didn't he?
I couldn't bare to look at his dead body, and I think that's why he looked away. He didn't want me to see his soulless, colorless eyes. I kept choking on my breath as hot tears burst out of me. He wouldn't want me to die in even more pain. I turn my head to the sky as well and stared up, calming down. I gave Fred's hand a squeeze, as if trying to bring him back to life or tell him I was coming after him. The rain was falling into my eyes, but it didn't hurt. I couldn't feel anything and the world was growing dimmer. I was dying. My breaths became labored and it hurt to keep it up. I didn't feel any grief anymore because I knew I was dying with Fred by my side, hand-in-hand. Kind of like how we first met. Except this time me and Fred were bulldozing through life, and with the last effort I had, I gave a soft smile. I breathed in deeply, opening my eyes to the dark world, and exhaled. Peace was the last thing I felt before everything disappeared.
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