Tagged again!
I was tagged by: BoandHutchFan
Thanks Katherine now I have to type all this 😂😂😑
Have you ever
Kissed someone
-does it count if it was in like... 2nd grade?
Been drunk
-uh no
Cried yourself to sleep
-yes because I used to be emo trash and also Bucky
Self harmed
Felt lonely
-..... Only if I'm in a class with none of my friends normally
Been depressed
-maybe? I never got diagnosed technically but like I said, ex emo trash over here so
-nope. Nope nope. Nope. Never. That's the stupidest thing you can do.
What's your:
Age: ehhhh its personal but I'm between 13-16
Birthday: October 4th
Status: taken
Biggest fear: uh... Probably large bodies of water or losing a hand/finger
Dream job: hm... This is a tough one. I love the thought of playing piano in a world class level, but I also want to do aeronautics, but I ALSO want to do air force or marines...
Dream car: I'm happy with a simple jeep, but it's hard to beat an old style mustang.
Dream house: don't feel like finding a picture, but something big and Victorian that looks haunted.
Do you:
Like someone: does my boyfriend count?
(Can't get italics to turn off so deal with it 😂)
Love someone: well. My mom, dad, brother, grandpa, pets, friends. And God obviously.
Have a boy/girlfriend? Yeah
Want a boy/girlfriend? Well... Another one? No.
Have a tattoo? I draw on myself with sharpie sometimes 😂
Have a piercing? My ears.
Party? .....does staying up until 2 am watching marvel count...? No....? Ok....
Artist: J.S. Bach
Movie: oh geez. Oh gosh... Um....
Deadpool or Civil War...
Song: My Hero- Foo Fighters
TV series: haven't watched MANY lately.... Maybe BBC Sherlock.
Book: House of Secrets by Chris Columbus and Ned Vizzini
This or that
Twitter or Facebook: I don't use either... But I've seen some of Tom Hiddle's Twitter posts on Pinterest so I guess that
Twitter or Instagram: uh... I don't have an Instagram either... I had it for like a day... I guess Twitter still...?
Facebook or Instagram: OMG I HAVE NO LIFE CAN YOU STOP
Coke or Pepsi: ew coke...? Who drinks pepsi?
Tea or Coffee: Coffee.
Tacos or Pizza: pizza.
Would you ever
Get married?
Depends on if I find the right person.
Have kids?
Have dogs and that's basically the same sooo
Swim with sharks?
I've already done that
Share a banana?
Uh... Ew?
Eat rotten food?
I drank moldy frappe once by accident
Marry a foreigner?
Does tom hiddleston count?
Smoke pot: depends
on if it's legal/ If it's for medical purposes. Not illegally I wouldn't.
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