Clint Barton- Clubhouse
You were Natasha's older sister. Older by one year. And ever since you had joined the team, you, wanda, and nat had become best friends. So, of course, they all knew about your massive crush on Clint. "N-no. I don't think this is going to work you guys." You stuttered. Nat looked at you and made a face that just screamed 'honey please.' "(Y/n), please. I know exactly how to play ol' pigeon." She laughed. You smiled and tossed the last of the blankets over as a roof. Wanda plugged up the christmas lights, and Nat put up a paper sign that said 'keep out.' "And, done." She smiled. You all stood back and admired your handiwork. Quite an impressive blanket and cushion fort, complete with christmas lights and wanda's tablet to watch Netflix. You smiled. "And now we draw attention!" Wanda said. You were all wearing pajamas. You had on a loose band t-shirt, with your hair in a sloppy bun, and wearing fluffy (favorite show) pajama pants. "How does that work?" You asked wanda, who was clad in a doctor who onesie. Natasha, wearing her favorite supernatural dean shirt and black short shorts, decided to explain. "Well, we make it obvious that we're up to something, and then he gets interested." She shrugged. You smirked and followed wanda down the stairs to get candy and popcorn, all while laughing and giggling. As soon as Clint walked into the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about, you all shushed each other very obviously and made your best 'I'm-not-guilty-but-I-totally-am' faces. He narrowed his eyes. "What are you three up to?" He smiled a bit. Gosh, he was so adorable. "Nothing." Natasha said, and you three all sprinted back upstairs with armfuls of sweets and soda. Once upstairs, you slammed the door and all retreated to the fort. Once inside and safely watching American Horror Story, it took less than five minutes. Clint walked up and into the room. "What? Why is there a fort?" "Its a clubhouse." Natasha said matter-of-fact-ly. "A clubhouse?" He paused. "Can I come in?" He asked. "No. You're not part of our secret club." Wanda smiled and winked at you. "Wha?! I wanna come inside too!" He complained. You giggled a bit. He kicked the cushion door in and shuffled in. "Security breach!" Natasha said, as her and wanda crawled away. Leaving just you and Clint in the tiny clubhouse. You smiled up at him. Wow, his face looked so beautiful with all the Christmas lights shining against him. And wow, his smell was so intoxicating. And his smile was so cute and- wait. Was he... Kissing you?! No no! That can't be true. No it was definitely true. He was kissing you! You blushed but, eventually melted into the soft kiss. He pulled away and smiled. "You know, I've liked you for a really long time." He said. You blushed and couldn't control your smiling. "Yeah Clint, I like you too." You said. He smiled and paused. "So can I join the secret club?"
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