Draco Malfoy (Forever)
You and Draco were pureblood wizards. You happened to live next door to each other and played everyday while growing up. Your family was rich like his, but you never liked to tell people. You were headstrong, mischievous, and independent. You never liked to brag in people's faces or laugh at the pain of others.
You liked Draco a lot. As more than a friend. It seemed that Draco returned those feelings. Draco turned 11 a few days before you, so he got his letter first. On your 11th birthday, your letter didn't come. You were scared that you weren't a wizard, like you thought you were. Draco understood your fear. He felt the same.
"I don't want to go without you," he told you.
"Draco, if i don't get my letter, you have to go without me," you said.
"But i don't want you to feel hurt," he responded.
"Draco, i'm proud of you. I will always be proud of you," you promised.
He hugged you tight and you both went home for the night.
The next morning, you found the Malfoy's in your kitchen with your parents. Draco was fidgeting with excitement.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Y/N, look!" Draco said, pointing to a letter addressed to you that was sitting on the table.
The adults left the room as you sat down to open it.
"What does it say?" Draco asked.
"I'm going to Hogwarts!" You squealed.
Draco kissed you on the lips quickly and you stared at him in shock. He seemed surprised by his own actions.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, "I just really like you."
"I really like you too," you smiled at him.
He smiled back at sat next to you.
"You have to get into Slytherin," Draco said to you.
"Draco, both my parents were Gryffindor. What if i get into Gryffindor too?" you asked, worriedly.
You were scared that he would stop being your friend.
"It doesn't matter. We will always be friends," he promised.
"Pinky promise?" you asked, holding out your pinky.
"Pinky promise," he agreed, sealing the childish yet meaningful promise.
He kissed your cheek as the adults piled back into the room.
The days til you left for Hogwarts were short and before you knew it, you were waiting for the train on platform 9 and 3/4. Draco walked up to you with a questioning look on his face. He had two boys behind him.
"I made some new friends. I was wondering if we could sit together and you could sit with someone else," Draco asked you.
You felt a bit abandoned, but you forced a smile and nodded.
"Great. See you at Hogwarts," he waved, running off.
You got on the train and found a booth with only two boys in it, so you entered.
"Is it okay if i ride with you guys?" You asked nervously.
They nodded.
"I'm Ron Weasley," the redhead said.
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N," you responded.
"I'm Harry Potter," the brunette introduced.
Your eyes widened. Your parents were against Voldemort, so you had heard the story of Harry Potter a bunch of times. The boy who lived.
You became best friends with these two and later, Hermione as well. You were housed into Gryffindor, and Draco started to ignore you. At the end of the year, you got annoyed with it because all you wanted was to speak with your best friend.
"Draco, what is your problem? You haven't talked to me this whole year," you asked one day, after pulling him to the side.
Draco pushed you back and sneered at you.
"I don't want to be your friend anymore. You're a Gryffindor," he said, "You're worthless."
Your heart broke and you felt tears fall.
"Draco Malfoy," you spoke shakily, "I hate you. Don't ever speak to me again."
Draco looked hurt, too. You turned on your heel and stomped away. From then on, you had to watch Draco from afar and deal with him dating other girls. You only date two other guys because you wanted to try and move on. You dated Seamus and Dean, but they both left you for other people.
During the battle of Hogwarts, you fought against the death eaters even though it hurt to know Draco was one of them. But you knew what was right. You noticed him leaving with his parents when he grabbed your hand.
"Come with us," he urged you.
You yanked your hand away.
"I am not going anywhere until Voldemort is gone and everyone is safe," you refused.
"It's dangerous," he argued.
"What do you care?" You responded, coldly, "We aren't friends, Malfoy."
Draco looked at you with pain in his eyes and you watched him leave with his parents. You never saw Draco again. The war was won and Voldemort was killed.
Five years later and you stood in front of the mirror in a wedding gown. You had met a muggle and had fallen in love with him. He knew and accepted that you were a witch and proposed to you. Here you were, waiting to walk down the aisle. You were extremely anxious and started having second thoughts.
You glanced at the necklace you were wearing. It was a silver medallion of a snake your childhood friend, Draco Malfoy had given you. You smiled faintly at it, remembering the boy who you had never truly forgotten about. You only wished it was him waiting for you at the end of the aisle. You sighed softly and looked back into the mirror to gaze at yourself once more.
You gasped as you saw the reflection of Draco standing behind you. You turned around and sure enough, there he was.
"You can't marry him," Draco said, "He is a muggle and he doesn't love you like..."
"Like what?" You asked, waiting for him to continue.
"Like i love you," Draco told you.
"Draco," you began.
"No Y/N," Draco interrupted, "I made a stupid mistake and shoved you out of my life when i was a kid. I made another mistake by never trying to pull you back into it even though you were all i ever thought about. And i made another by leaving you at Hogwarts that day and never coming back to you. But i want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and showing you that i love you."
Draco wrapped his arm around you and held you against him, kissing you desperately.
You looked into Draco's eyes when he let go. You could see that he was being completely honest.
"I love you, too, Draco," you whispered.
Draco smiled and kissed you again.
You called off the wedding and ran out of the church with your true love, Draco Malfoy.
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