The Dream
Percy's POV
The next day, Willa came out of the room with her bed yelling, "I might know where they are!" She had the owl on her head still. I wondered if she sleep with him on. That would be uncomfortable. "Where?" Hermione asked. Willa took a deep breath and said, "So this friend of mine, Jess, has the ability to dream the future. When she does, she sketches them out so she won't forget them. And then she emails pictures of the sketches to Philby!" "You have got to stop checking people's emails," I interrupted. She glared at me. Pigwideon did too. "So Jess sent me, and by me I mean Philby, this picture of a building that I didn't recognize." She pulled out the computer. The showed us a picture on it. "But do you see that owl?" she asked. "It's-" "Pigwideon," Hermione breathed. "Do you recognize the building?" Willa asked excitedly. "Yeah," Hermione said. She ran over to the map and replaced an orange pin with a purple one. "It's a storage warehouse for Triumvirate Holdings!" Hermione exclaimed. "Then that's where we look," Willa said. We went to get ready to leave. I had brought absolutely nothing with me because I thought I'd just be going to Philby's house and back. Not to a stranger's house and then halfway across the world. So I really had nothing to gather. I went into Willa's part of the treehouse. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She was sitting on her bed in clean clothes, typing on her phone. "I'm thanking Jess for the picture," she informed me. "Isn't she going to be confused why you're telling her instead of your boyfriend?" I asked. She stopped abruptly. "What?!" she asked, seriously confused. "Isn't she going to be confused why you're telling her instead of your boyfriend?" I asked again. "What makes you think he's my boyfriend?" she asked. "He's not?" I asked. "No!" she said, bewildered. Was she slightly redder? "I just thought so because you just decided to go to find him when he went missing," I rambled. "That's not- we're just good friends, that's all," she said. Willa was quite flustered. It was getting very awkward in the small room. Luckily, Hermione came in then. "Lets go," she said. Willa pushed through me to follow her. I followed her and we left.
Ron's POV
We had nothing but time on our hands. We'd been in here for a long time. We got bored of playing Pokémon. We wadded up paper and swatted it with the spatula until we could do it in our sleep. Rachel read the entire 487 page book aloud to us. Killman's Journal was pretty interesting. We still had not touched the tuna. We drank 1 and a half of the bottles of water. We told all of our stories. Rachel talked about Percy Jackson, the demigod legend. Philby described his adventures in the Disney parks. I told about my adventures with Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Voldemort. Rachel napped for a while. Then Philby fell asleep and I joined shortly after. We woke a while later and did nothing for about an hour. Then things got interesting. Goonie and 2 other goons (whom we named Duckbill and Frogleg) entered and told us we were being moved to another cage in another room. "Why?" Rachel asked as we climbed out. Uh oh, I thought. I remembered Philby telling me how she angered Goonie when he knocked me out. This could not be good. "Because I said so," Goonie responded. Rachel opened her mouth to say something but Philby clamped his hand over her mouth. She fought but he held firm. Finally, she stopped and he let go. "Let's go," Goonie called, grabbing Rachel. Frogleg grabbed me and Duckbill grabbed Philby. "Anything else you want to say?" Goonie asked Rachel. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted. "Of course she's has something to say. The average person has a brain speed of 300 mions a second. Only about one third of a persons thoughts can be spoken before they are replaced with new thoughts. Only about 0.001% of what a person thinks in their lifetime is ever spoken," Philby said. We all looked at him. Then Goonie said, "Come on," completely ignoring Philby's comment. We were lead silently to a new cage. It was slightly bigger. "Is this good enough for you," he asked in a voice so annoying even I wanted to strangle him. Rachel looked like she wanted to say something but kept her mouth shut, probably deciding it was a bad idea to anger the guy. Finally. But better late than never, right? Without comment, Goonie left. Duckbill and Frogleg left too. We were once again alone.
Hermione's POV
As we walked out side, I realized something important. "Um, guys? I have no idea how to get there," I told them. I grabbed a smaller map and tried to figure it out while Percy used his phone to figure it out. We spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure it out. Then Willa suggested, "Pigwideon was there. So why don't we write them a letter and follow him on the pegasi?" "Brilliant," I told her and started writing a note. While I did that, Percy called the pegasi. One was all black, one was all white, and one was brown with black spots. He introduced them, "This is Blackjack. I'll be riding him. This is the one Willa will be riding, Gracy. And you'll be riding Hamlet," he informed me. I walked up to the brown and black horse. He seemed nice. I gave the letter to Pigwideon and he flew off. Percy and Willa hopped on but I couldn't figure out how. Percy hopped off and helped me on, then remounted Blackjack. We took off. I didn't know how to fly him, but I didn't have to; he flew himself. We followed Pigwideon and hoped he knew where he was going.
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