Philby's POV
Suddenly, we heard a screeching sound. We all recognized it. "Pigwideon!" we cried. Sure enough, the owl flew into the cage carrying a letter. Ron took it and read it aloud, "Hi, we've figured out where you are and we are on our way. We gave this to The owl to show us how to get there. We'll be there soon." "That's it?!" exclaimed Rachel. "Yup," said Ron. Just then, we heard screams. They were yelling too. People were yelling, "Ghost!" A moment later, everyone who was screaming ran out of earshot. We waited in silence. Then we heard someone nearby whisper, "Pigwideon." "Shh," instructed Rachel. But I recognized the voice. "In here," I whispered back. The others shot dirty looks at me. But it was worth it. Willa entered the room, along with a boy and a girl I didn't recognize. "Percy!" exclaimed Rachel. "Hermione?" asked Ron, looking really confused. "No," she said sarcastically, "I'm Draco Malfoy." Ron just looked even more confused. She sighed, "Yes, its Hermione." The three ran up to the cage. The girl, Hermione, pulled out something that looked like a stick. I realized it was a wand like Ron had told us about. She pointed it at the lock and said, "Alohomora." The cage unlocked. We tried to push it open, but it was stuck. Willa inspected the door. "There are pieces of rust holding it in place. We would need to dislodge them but we don't have anything that could," she informed us. I had an idea. I shoved the spatula into the place which the rust. I pushed as hard as I could. The rust popped out and the door swung open. All 6 of us cheered. The 3 of us who'd been in the cage climbed out. Everyone was grinning. Before anyone could say anything, an alarm sounded. We then did what any reasonable person would do in that situation. We ran as fast as we could for the door.
Percy's POV
We exited the Triumvirate Holding's building at record setting speed. I was glad to see Rachel was ok. Hermione was happy Ron was safe but didn't show it very well. Willa seemed absolutely overjoyed to know Philby was safe, which just made my opinion about them being a couple more reasonable in my opinion. But I would never say so aloud for the fear of have a brick thrown at my head. Is there a name for that? I'd asked Annabeth when I saw her next. Anyway we ran out of the building and far away into the nearest town (which really wasn't that far) and finally stopped on the outskirts of the town square. I stood next to Rachel, Hermione stood next to Ron, and Willa was practically leaning against Philby. This also helped my opinion of them. Anyway, we stood, not entirely sure what to do. Finally I suggested , "Um, how about we introduce ourselves?" We each said our names. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna go get some popcorn," Ron said. Then he left for the popcorn stand. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I turned to Willa and said, "You know, I still think..." I faltered at the murderous glare she was shooting at me, "That-" Suddenly, Pigwideon, who'd been missing for a little while, flew down from the sky and started attacking me. I backed away and swatted at him. That did nothing. I had closed my eyes so he couldn't claw at them. I stumbled around until a backed into someone. I fell but they caught me. "Percy?!" came a voice I knew well. I opened my eyes and saw my girlfriend. "Annabeth?" I asked in disbelief. As we stood shocked, I heard Willa say, "Who's that?" Rachel replied, "His girlfriend." "Oh, ok," Willa said. "What are you doing here?" Annabeth asked. "It's a long and complicated story," I told her. "And why are you being attacked by an owl?" she asked. I replied, "Well I was just saying that I thought-" I suddenly felt something impact my head. Everyone turned to Willa, who had thrown a brick at me. She shrugged, suppressing a smile. Philby had to cover his mouth to hide his laughter. I looked at them. They seemed so alike it was uncanny. "Never mind, I'll tell you later," I told Annabeth. Annabeth, however, walked up to Willa and said, "Don't throw bricks at my boyfriend." Willa stepped up to her and replied, "I will throw bricks at whoever I want." They stood, glaring at each other. Rachel looked at me and mouthed, "Do something." "Do what?" I mouthed back. I had no clue what to do. I heard Philby say, "I am genuinely curious to see where this goes." Then Ron got back. He held out his bucket and offered, "Popcorn anyone?" Philby, Hermione, and Rachel all took some. Finally, Annabeth said, "I really like your shirt." Willa replied, "Thank you." "But seriously, don't throw bricks at people for no reason," Annabeth said. "He gave me a reason," Willa informed her. "Oh," Annabeth said. She thought about it for a moment, then concluded, "Yeah, I can believe that." "Hi, Annabeth," said Rachel. "Hey," replied Annabeth. "So can you tell me this long story of yours?" Annabeth asked. "Sure," suggested Rachel, "I know a great ice cream place." I groaned at the thought of getting more ice cream. But everyone else had already agreed. So I went with them.
At the Larry Ice Cream Parlor, which was a place we had not been to before, we told all parts of the story. After we got ice cream, of course. We'd sat down around a circular table. After we'd finished telling the story, we sat in silence for a moment. Suddenly Willa asked, "Does anyone else feel that?" Now that I thought about it, there was a faint rumbling. And that's when it happened. The table exploded.
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