Hermione's POV
I received Philby's email late because my computer was being slow. Well, it was actually Willa's email. I read it and responded, telling her I could meet her at an ice cream parlor whenever Willa wanted. Thirty minutes later, she responded asking her if I could be there in an hour. I told her I could. So an hour later, I was there.
Then it occurred to me that I had no idea what either Percy or Willa looked like. And they didn't know what I looked like either. So I just had to hope we found each other. I watched the entrance.
Then a boy and a girl entered together. They both had dark hair but they were very different otherwise. The girl wore a t-shirt that said "I SPEAK FLUENT SARCASM" and the boy's shirt said, "Camp Half-Blood." The girl looked slightly Native American and the boy did not at all.
They looked around and their eyes found me. They walked over. "Hermione?" the girl asked. "Yes," I replied, "Willa, I presume?" "Yes," she said. "Hi, I'm Percy, nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand. I shook it.
They sat down. Willa appeared a little fidgety. Percy seemed like he was only half paying attention. "So, do you know where they are?" I asked. "No, do you?" Willa asked. "Nope," I said. We paused. "So then how do we find them?" Percy asked. After a moment, Willa said, "If I can find out where they went missing from, I can hack the security campers and see what happened." Percy asked, "You can do that?" "Yeah," she replied.
After a moment, Percy and Willa looked at each other. Percy said, "We gotta tell her." "Tell me what?" I asked. Willa looked at me and said, "This is a long, unbelievable story. Could you just say it's real for the time being? It is true though. Are you ready to hear it?" she asked. I nodded. Willa started, "About 6 years ago..."
Philby's POV
While Ron's plan wasn't the best, it was the only plan we had. At the moment, both Ron and Rachel were asleep, so I felt a little isolated.
Suddenly I heard something. It sounded like the fluttering of... feathers. I shook the others awake and we waited to see what it was.
Suddenly an owl head came through the bars of the cage. The rest of the owl entered immediately after. "Pigwidgeon!" Ron exclaimed. "Great," said Rachel. "Now what?" "Um, this is actually as far I got in my plan," Ron told us apologetically. "You said you send mail with owls. So what if we send a letter to someone who can help free us?" I suggested. "Brilliant," said Ron. "Yeah, brilliant," came another voice.
We turned. We were so caught up in Pigwidgeon's arrival that we didn't notice one of the thugs approach the cage. Before we had a chance to do anything, the thug took his stick and whacked Ron on the head. He crumpled, unconscious.
This angered Rachel. "Hey Goonie! That wasn't very nice!" she shouted. He turned to her and swung his stick at her. She didn't see it coming. But I did. I held my backpack out in front of her. The stick hit my bag and tore it apart.
But it didn't hit Rachel and that was what mattered. Goonie looked over the contents of my bag, which had spilled all over the small cage. Then he left, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, "Why does that kid have Pokémon cards?" After a moment, Rachel said, "Thanks." "No problem," I replied. "If Ron is the only one who knows how to send mail with the owl, and he's unconscious, then how do we send the letter?" Rachel asked. "Well, we write it and hope he wakes up before we have to send it," I said.
I tore out a page of my book. Rachel gave me a pen from her pocket and I started writing a message. While I did that, Rachel gave Pigwidgeon some of the tuna. He ate a little and spit it out on the paper I was writing on. "I don't blame you," I told him. "I don't like tuna either." Rachel looked at me funny. "Then why do you have tuna?" she asked. I shrugged and finished writing the letter.
I gave it to the owl, who took it in its beak. "Ron's still not awake. We have to send it without him," Rachel said. "Ok," I said. To the owl, I said, "Take this to..." I wasn't sure who to send it to. "Someone who can help us," Rachel suggested.
Apparently the owl took that literally because he flew off. "WAIT!" Rachel and I called out together but it was too late. The owl had already flown off. "I hope it gets delivered to someone who can help us," Rachel said. "Me too," I said.
Percy's POV
Willa had repeated word for word what she had said earlier explaining her life as a keeper. Then I told her that I was a demigod. She surprised us by telling us she was a wizard. Didn't see that one coming.
But now we were walking to where Philby, Ron, and Rachel got kidnaped. Which was, where else, another ice cream parlor. Like we hadn't had enough ice cream already in the past 24 hours.
But as we were walking, an owl flew down from the sky and landed on Willa's head. "Willa! There's an owl on your head!" I exclaimed. "Thanks, I hadn't noticed," she said, her voice brimming with sarcasm.
"Wait," said Hermione. "That's Pigwidgeon! Ron's owl! And he has a letter!" The owl did indeed have a letter in his beak. Hermione took it and read it aloud.
"Greetings, this is Philby, along with Ron and Rachel. We have been kidnaped. We don't know who kidnaped us. All we know is that it was about a 2 hour car ride from the George and Fred Ice Cream Parlor. We are in a cage in a room with no windows. There are numerous guards, most of whom are adults. We could use some help. Sorry we don't have more information," she read. We waited for a moment, until I broke the silence saying, "Willa, do all your friend sound so tech supportyish?"
She gave me a look, like is that really the best you got? The owl on her head rolled his eyes at me. Hermione then said, "Come with me. I have a place we can figure this all out."
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