Studying + Boredom= Bubbles
Now sitting with Momo in her living room, the clock slowly ticked away at your attention span. The math sheet in your hands causing you confusion, you could feel your brain-cells slowly dying. It seemed like sorcery and the teachers hated you or something, making you learn something that wouldn't help you in any situation. But whatever, you could get this over with, maybe chat for two minutes, then leave and fall asleep until noon.
Unlike you, Momo was speeding through her own work, barely paying attention to you, who was almost falling asleep. But that was fine. You watched from the corner of your eye how she did things. Passion radiated off of her as she worked briskly. Her hair was in its iconic ponytail, but there was something about how she looked that distracted you, but in a good way.
You shook yourself out of it and gradually started working on your homework. The thing that Satan had shoved down every student's throat was now occupying your time, instead of procrastinating on everything else you had to do. As the hours soon passed, Momo continuously helped you with things you didn't understand. Finally, you were on your last assignment for the week.
"Alright, how tall is Mount Fuji?" She asked. You were about to grab your phone to Google the answer when Momo grabbed your hand to stop you.
"Y/n, you can't keep information from a simple Google search." She said. You chuckled and responded.
"Well, that's why I can look it up multiple times."
Momo gave a small smile and gripped your hand tighter. "Well, what if you're in a test? She questioned. You thought about it for a few seconds before answering.
"Simple, don't take the test. Let's be honest, we won't even use a third of the stuff we are learning." Momo smiled and looked down at your joined hands, which meant she noticed that she grabbed it. She hastily pulled it away, small amounts of blush aligning her cheeks and her eyes wandering anywhere away from yours. You had a faint but noticeable smile on your face, so you handed her your phone.
"You're lucky you're my friend." You said. Momo chuckled and softly set your phone on the couch.
"I forgot to ask, but what's your quirk?" Momo asked. Your anxiety rose, sure your quirk was powerful for capturing villains and saving people, but it wasn't as flashy or as cool as Todoroki's or Bakugou's. You gulped and decided if she didn't like it, you would just respect her opinion and move on.
So, you made your hands intertwine, and when they separated, bubbles appeared. Surprise, curiosity, and genuine amazement was on Momo's face as the bubbles floated around the room. "It's called Bubble." You informed. Momo attempted to pop one, but it didn't. It seemed hard and indestructible. "Yeah, they can't pop unless I snap my fingers." You said. Momo nodded and smiled. A bubble above her head reflected her smile, making you smile to yourself.
With homework out the window, you and Momo continued to screw around with your quirks, showing them off and making terrible puns about both of them.
Now the two of you were in the kitchen baking, and it was different for you. As your hands kneeded the dough, your thoughts raced. There was something about Momo that was different, something that drew you to her. Maybe it was the way she interacted with others, or maybe it was her smile, but there was something about her that made you want to be by her side. But as what, a friend? A lover? What was the answer to your question? What did you see her as?
"Y/n!" Momo called out. You startled and dropped dough onto the floor, making the dough rise brisky, ruining your favorite black shirt. "Are you alright?" Momo asked. You grumbled in annoyance and nodded.
"Yeah, sorry to worry you. And sorry about the dough." You said.
She gave a small smile and picked up the now dirty dough, then threw it in the garbage bin. "Don't worry about it! Although, it looks like you need a new shirt." She said, gesturing to the now flour covered shirt that was on your torso. You smiled and attempted to wipe the flour off, only to make it worse.
"It would take holy water for me to get this flour off." You mumbled. Momo broke out into laughter, with you soon joining. As the night carried on, your phone continued to buzz with texts from your parents, wondering where you were. But you just sent them a text saying that you were at a friend's house, and would be back later that evening.
After the two of you stopped laughing and making only the stupidest of jokes, Momo gestured to her room. "Looks like you need to get changed, at least until we can get that flour off in the wash. You can borrow some of my clothes." She offered. You shook your head.
"I'm good, I'll just head home and get in the shower, and wash my clothes there, I don't want to inconvience you."
Momo smiled and sat you down on the couch. "You wouldn't be bothering me, Y/n. This is what friends are for, right?" You thought it over and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, thank you."
You gave her a wide smile, which made her stop in shock. Her heart fluttered as she saw genuine happiness in your eyes. The way your E/c sparkled made her look at you differently. There was something about you, something that made her want to hug you and never let go.
"Momo?" You called out. She blinked and stood up, leading you to her room.
"Sorry about that, why don't you get changed? Then I'll wash it, then I can I take you home." She suggested. You nodded and entered the room, leaving Momo to sit on the couch and blush profusely at her thoughts of you. Did she like you? No, that couldn't be it. Right?
She sighed and closed her eyes, but the only thing she could see was the two of you enjoying yourselves together, either at a cafe or sitting on a couch, watching old movies while eating chocolate. Whatever was happening to her, she liked how you made her feel.
A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks when it comes to wordplay or something like that, I'm not sure how to write something like this, but I think I did alright.
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