In the Rain
Rain pattered on your window as your eyes scanned your bedroom. Books laid all over the bed, but they provided no distraction from the thoughts that were running through your head. As it was December, and frigid, a sigh escaped your lips. However, instead of doing the sensible thing of grabbing a coat or covering yourself with blankets, you just remained silent. There was something in the back of your head that was telling you to run to Momo's house and make things right between you two.
However, it had been two days since the awkward chat, and neither of you had made the attempt at communicating once more.
"Screw it." You mumbled to yourself, standing up and heading downstairs, only to see Cordella and Jackie chatting, a couple hot chocolate cups and plain donuts sitting next to them.
"Hey, what are you doing up? It's two in the morning!" Jackie asked, taking a sip of the hot chocolate, while Cordella headed over to you, hot chocolate in hand.
"Heading somewhere?" She asked.
You nodded and took the cup of hot chocolate, then gestured to an extra one.
"Mind if I take that?" You asked.
Cordella shook her head, then grabbed your coat.
"Text us every thirty minutes." She instructed, then turned to Jackie, who hadn't been paying attention.
"Going to say something to your cousin?"
"Oh!" He exclaimed, "Have fun!"
Nodding, you took the extra cup and walked out onto the sidewalk.
Your thoughts were being drowned with doubt, and a slight frown only made you more hesitant each step you took. But despite the cold weather, and the small amount that was pouring on you, you wanted to make it right between you and Momo.
The familiar sight of her grand home made you smile, and the fact you could see Momo looking out the window made who instinctively wave.
"Momo!" You shouted. Sure, you could've gone into the home the normal way, but you didn't have all that much time.
In response, Momo looked around in confusion before they landed on you. Her onyx eyes lit up, and she waved back, then disappeared from sight. Feeling a tad disappointed, you were about to head back when you saw a familiar raven haired female walking out with an umbrella.
It turned her lips in a smile, and before you knew it, she gripped your hand.
"Well, have an answer for me?" She asked, a hopeful and curious expression gleaming through her expression.
You rubbed the back of your neck, but remained eye contact.
With a heavy sigh, you leaned forward and connected your lips with hers, and Momo returned it.
A few seconds passed before the two of you pulled away, and you could see blush aligning Momo's cheeks, and the smile on her face only grew.
"I'm assuming that's a yes." She said, and with a nod from you, she dropped the umbrella and wrapped her arms tightly around you.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, when in reality it was only five minutes before you felt Momo pull away, never letting go of the grip on your hand.
"Want to head inside?" She asked, a sheepish tone escaping.
You nodded, "I'd love to."
The familiar interior of her home instantly made you relax, and the familiar sound of Momo's mother singing in the kitchen only made your smile spread to Momo.
"Mom!" She called out to the kitchen, and a cheery voice replied.
"Yes, dear?"
"Do you want to meet my partner?" She asked, a hesitant tone lining her words.
As if thousands of fangirls had awoke in Momo's mother, she was in there within seconds. And when her eyes landed on your connected hands, her smile only grew. As much as she tried to hide it, her smile grew wide, and when she couldn't take it anymore, she tightly hugged both of you. This lasted for a few minutes, and when she pulled away, a proud smile lined her lips.
"Let me take a picture!" She exclaimed, running to grab a camera.
Momo looked to you and smiled, then wrapped her arm around your waist.
"Sorry about my mom, she gets excited about this sort of thing." She said, but you leaned your head on her shoulder.
"Don't worry about it."
She averted her eyes, but kept her arm wrapped around your waist.
"Thanks for being here, Y/n. I didn't want our friendship to fail because of this, and I'm glad you feel the same way I do about you. God, I sound so sappy right now." She said, making eye-contact with you. Her onyx eyes radiated genuine happiness, and so did yours.
"No, you didn't sound sappy."
Leaning forward, she once again connected your lips, but immediately pulled away when she heard an unholy fangirl scream of her mother.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading this book! I am sad yet glad to announce this book is now complete! This was a lot of fun to make, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading :)
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