Awkward Dinner
As you looked yourself in the mirror, you put your hand to your chest and sighed. You looked down at your outfit with content, and could hear the deafened chatter of your peers downstairs. You once again looked in the mirror, but took a deep breath.
The sound of your bedroom door opening made you turn your head, and you could feel your heart stop for a moment.
Her familiar eyes smiled at you and her arms widened, bracing for an embrace. You smiled and walked towards where she stood, embracing her tightly.
"Glad to see you're doing well." She mumbled. You relaxed and softly pulled away, looking at her different yet familiar features. She looked you up and down, and a chuckle escaped from her lips. "Nice outfit. Besides, I like the rebel. It's small, but a start."
You rolled your eyes and opened the bedroom door, walking down the steps with Cordella following. As the two of you chatted, you felt eyes on you, so you turned your head, not finding anyone who was looking at you.
The two of you entered the enormous dining room in your home, and Cordella's eyes held amazement as she peered at the food that sat on the table. "I'm going to go taste test..." She said, averting eye contact. You chuckled and waved her away, making her smile and practically sprint to the table.
An arm wrapped around your shoulder, and you looked to see Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Tsu, Ochaco, and a few other friends of yours. "Great party!" Kaminari greeted, although you could tell he was hella nervous about something. He leaned in and dropped a note into your pocket, which you would be sure to read later.
Ochaco sighed and took a sip of her drink, before eventually responding to Kaminari's antics. "Just go ask him out!" She instructed.
His shoulders stiffened and he averted his eyes, making Sero chuckle and playfully hit his arm. "Don't tell me you're a chicken!" He teased.
You sighed and continued as the group encouraged Kaminari to go ask Shinso out, shoving your hands into your pockets, unfortunately, feeling the presence of your mother behind you.
"Y/n, turn around. Now." She instructed, the small smile that was plastered on her face slowly falling to a scowl.
You turned and smiled gratefully at your mother, gesturing to the outfit that you were wearing. It was a white pantsuit with black heels. The look on her face was priceless, and you looked around the room to see nobody paying attention. "Yeah?"
She roughly grabbed your wrist and dragged you out into the hall, closing the large door and digging her nails into your shoulders. "What the hell are you wearing?!" She asked.
You clicked your tongue and pushed her away, glaring at her in return. "Don't touch me. And use that old eyesight of yours. I would hate to have dad know that his dear daughter is going to punch his gold digging wife."
She raised her fist, attempting to punch you, but since she was an old hag, you grabbed it and somehow encased her into a bubble. With a click of your tongue, you briskly headed up to your room, not even bothering to interact with those you normally did. All you really wanted to was bury yourself under your blankets and look at memes. You flung your bedroom door open, and immediately threw your heels off, collapsing onto the bed with a sigh.
Thoughts raced in your head as fast as possible, and they were mixed with questions, very sarcastic statements, and whatever you might think. A breeze came in through the open window that reflected the moon. With a dramatic sigh, you rolled off the bed and walked over, hesitantly closing the window.
After all, it was getting warmer. But then again, you didn't want to have to deal with the endless amount of dust that would soon plague your room. The moon shone in the window, and you sat on the couch that sat below it. About to grab a random book that sat next to you, the sound of your door opening made you sigh, raise your head, and make a small bubble open the door from the inside.
"Who is it?" You asked. The door finally opened to reveal Momo, who had a plate of sandwiches, chips, and two cans of soda in her hand, along with her large coat. Setting down the book, you smiled and pay the seat next to you.
She sat down and handed you a sandwich, which you immediately took a bite out of.
"So, I saw you leave the party early. Any particular reason?" She asked.
You chuckled and imagined your mother floating around in that bubble prison.
"No idea. I guess I needed some fresh air. What about you?" You replied.
"To check on you." She answered.
You sighed and leaned your head on her shoulder, while eating the sandwich. As Momo opened her own, you heaved a sigh of relief.
"Finally, maybe she won't bother me anymore." You mumbled, which made Momo give you a curious look.
"Me?" Momo questioned. You smiled and shook your head, gesturing to your phone, where a news article made Momo giggle.
It read: Tonight at the L/n Manor, Y/n L/n encased her mother in a hubble after an argument. This caused her to rush to her room!
Momo raised an eyebrow and turned of the phone for you, an annoyed expression lining her features. "I seriously don't get why they don't think rich people aren't people at all. How did that even know in the first place?" She said.
You nodded in agreement and heard a hesitant knock on the door, which meant your time with her had to be cut short.
"Come in!" You called out, and the door opened to reveal your dad, a gift wrapped in silver wrapping paper in his hand.
You clicked your tongue, but turned to Momo, who seemed to have gotten signal to leave for a few moments. With a gentle smile, she walked out, and you stared at your father.
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