Chapter 5: Intimate
"Why can't you just use your words?"
Ash finds himself being issued a pass and is soon escorted to a room along with the other VIPs. He looked around, half expecting to see the man he thought he would see, the mystery man from the alleyway, but it was soon evident he was the only male and subsequently stuck out like a sore thumb. At least the drinks being provided were free. Ash would definitely take advantage of that! It was the only way he could see himself getting through the night.
After his fourth glass of fizzy wine, it was inevitable that he would need the bathroom. Ash smiles weakly at the security guard as he pushes his way through, mumbling 'bathroom' as he leaves.
The corridor outside seems quiet, though he can still hear the excitement of the fans from somewhere else in the building. Ash sees the sign for the bathroom and heads that way, when he feels a pull on his arm. "Hey!" He begins to protest as he is pulled into a small room. The grip on his arm is released, with Ash shaking it free. "What the hell? I have a pass!" He protests, feeling for the lanyard around his neck. He locates the card at the end and holds it up to the face of the other male, who looks vaguely familiar. "It's you!" He says, eyes widening as they meet the gaze of the other man.
The other male looks back at Ash warily. "It's me as in…" he begins.
"The guy who pulled me into the bin and now you're pulling me around again." Ash complains. "Why can't you just use your words?"
"I'm sorry, it's just a little complicated. I'm sorry Ashley." The man smiles weakly.
"Oh…oh ok. I think I know what this is." Ash backs away from the other man as he points at him, nodding slightly. "You're a cop. An undercover cop. You were on a stakeout outside the coffee bar, but you don't want people to know, but now I know and that's why you took my name badge because you're gonna silence me."
A slow clap can be heard from the guy, accompanied by an amused chuckle. "Very good, very… imaginative." He holds out a hand to Ash. "I'm Luca."
Ash looks at the hand outstretched towards him with confusion. "Ash… not Ashley." He utters, still looking at the guy with scepticism as he takes the hand.
"Nice to meet you Ash. I'm not a police officer by the way." Luca smiles, before letting go of his hand.
"Then what is all this about?" Ash questions. "Why couldn't you just say who you were before? Why bring me here of all places?"
"I just wanted to say thankyou for the other night. That's all. This is going to sound corny, but you probably saved my life."
"So you are a mobster!"
"No!" Luca interrupts. "I… I…"
He looks at Ash, expectantly waiting for his reply, suddenly realising that maybe he was deeper than he probably should be. Perhaps Jojo was right, every action taken is a risk. Was he about to risk it all for a man he didn't know? But more crucially, didn't know him.
"Hey." Ash places a reassuring hand on Luca's arm, now feeling like the one who was taking a risk. "Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but you being chased, was it something more personal?"
Luca feels a hitch in his breath as the hand on his arm tightens a little. He looks at the hold. "It's a lonely place. He utters. I cannot be my true self."
He feels the hand release and he looks up to see Ash smiling at him. "I understand more than you may know. You don't need to say anymore, but am I right in thinking we are, y'know, on the same page?" Ash bites on his lower lip, still with that slither of doubt that he may be wrong about this, hoping Luca could read between the lines.
Luca looks at Ash, giving off the slightest nod to the head. "It's hard to find like-minded people who are honest in my world.' Luca sighs.
Ash chuckles with amusement. "Don't be afraid of all those female fans out there. If you like the boys in the group, it's ok. I'll fanboy with you."
"Ok." Luca says, joining in with the laughter. "One of the members is especially hot. People say I look just like him." He grins.
"Well then, he must be handsome.' Ash confesses, looking down, feeling bashful all of a sudden and making Luca feel an unexpected wave of adrenaline coursing through his body. He looks back up at Luca. "I need the bathroom, but I will meet you here after and we can go fanboy together, ok?"
"Ok." Luca says as a small grin plays on his face.
Ash backs away, pushing on the door, He gives one last smile of reassurance before heading on his way to the men's room.
Luca nods. He knew that Ash would expect him to be waiting for him on his return, but Luca wouldn't be waiting for him here in a blackspot of corridor. Ash would see him next on stage and Luca hoped to God that he wasn't about to make one of the biggest mistakes of his life.
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