Chapter 15: True feelings
"Are you ready to run?"
It's around 11:30, Friday evening and Ash is currently buzzing around in the work's kitchen, preparing what he felt was the most important meal of his life.
He had made pizza before, but felt like it was the first time he had ever done it. He is about ready to slice up the toppings, when there is an unexpected knock at the back door. He stops what he is doing and goes to open it.
There, stands a person with a beanie, scarf, and face mask covering their entire face. Ash looks confused, not actually knowing who this person is...until they speak. "Ash, it's me. Let me in." Comes the familiar voice.
Ash suddenly steps out of his trance and steps back to let Luca inside.
"You don't look inconspicuous at all," Ash says, smiling.
"Better safe than sorry" Luca replies, removing his facial attire and coat. "It's raining so bad, not the best bike weather." He adds.
"You're early. I've not made anything yet." Ash confesses as he heads back to the kitchen with Luca following.
Luca rolls up his sleeves. "Let me help."
Ash smiles and nods, pulling a punnet of fresh mushrooms towards them from the cupboard. "Ok. Just finely chop these."
"Mushrooms. You knew I liked these." Luca says grinning.
"Lucy told me, " Ash confessed.
"Hey, I'm just glad you have such a well informed friend." Luca laughs, as Ash gets out a chopping board and a sharp knife.
He looks at Luca in thought. "You do know how to use a knife right?"
Luca looks at Ash and rolls his eyes. "Yes...of course!" though honestly it had been a while, but he was determined not to let it show.
Just a few slices in and..."Ahh ow!"
Ash looks up from what he is doing to see Luca holding onto his finger, blood seeping through his grasp, falling onto the chopping board. "Luca, are you ok?"
Luca starts to stumble slightly, feeling light headed at the sight of his own blood. Ash holds him from behind and guides him to one of the chairs. "Just keep a hold ok, I'll get the first aid box.
Ash rushes behind the bar and grabs what he needs, before returning to Luca. He carefully removes his hand to see a small cut on his left index finger. He wraps a clean dressing around the wound. "Just hold that tight, Ok."
Luca nods. "Lucky it's just a small cut" he adds.
The air around them suddenly felt awkward as Luca watched Ash treat his injury with care, gazing upon every action, as the small dressing got applied from the first aid box. Perhaps this was the moment in which he should say something.
"I'm going to Japan tomorrow."
Ash looks up at Luca with surprise at the sudden outburst. "Oh! Okay." He forces a smile. But already felt that ridiculous sense of longing, even with the guy sitting next to him in the room.
"Are you sure? I mean I want to be honest about my schedule. I want you to be ok."
"Relax." Ash forces a chuckle as he gets up to standing, turning his back on Luca to attend to the mess created. "Do you think I'm going to be needy or something? You have your life and I have mine... Maybe." Ash stops his words momentarily. That conversation with Lucy entering his head.
"Maybe what?" Luca prompts, now standing up. He walks up to Ash, looking at the back of his head.
"Maybe we, no, I was silly to think this relationship thing would work." Ash swallows hard, now desperately trying to find something to busy his hands with and ignore the presence of Luca shrouding his back.
"Turn around Ash."
Ash ignores the request until a hand is placed on his shoulder, pulling him around. "Ash. What are you telling me?"
Ash looks up at Luca's face. It looked sad, anxious and he suddenly realised the gravitas of his words. He takes a hand to cup his cheek. "Luca. I will only hold you back. You are famous, you have an amazing life and I am just a distraction."
Luca shakes his head, pushing the hand away. "No. This is wrong. You have got this all wrong. Do you think I'm here because I'm bored, because I'm famous? Do you think I'm a user, that I do this all the time? I thought you of all people saw past all that. I thought you saw the real me. I told you about Japan because I want you to be part of my life. I want to see you again, I want to date you..."
"I want that too."
"Then why can't we?" Luca gently cups Ash's face. "Please can we at least try?" He leans in, pressing his lips against Ash's. Ash finds purchase on Luca's waist as he pulls him in close. Their bodies press together as the kiss deepens, tongues intertwining.
Luca moves his hands from Ash's neck, now pulling him up by his thighs and pushing him to sit on the countertop. He finds the top button of Ash's shirt, unpopping it, just enough for a trail of kisses to make their way to Ash's collarbone, soft, gentle and sensual.
Ash moves his head to one side, exposing the skin some more, his hands leaning back on the surface, causing the bag of flour to be knocked over, creating a white mess over the surface. Ash reluctantly pulls away, staring at the mess. "Stop...stop a minute."
Luca lifts his head up and looks at Ash, his eyes showing a glint of desire. "S...sorry."
"No it's not that. Just not here.'' Ash says, lifting a hand to brush through Luca's hair, revealing his face in its entirety.
"Then where? Can we go to your place?" Luca says, once again leaning forwards to place a kiss or two on Ash's lips.
" Can we go to a hotel or something?" Ash moans into Luca's mouth.
"Too many people.' He groans, before pulling away and smiling.
Ash looks at the man before him in confusion. "What? What is it?"
"I know just the place." He takes Ash by the hand and pulls him from the ledge and begins to pull him towards the back door.
"Where are we going?" Ash says with excitement and apprehension combined as the door is pulled open to reveal a sky full of heavy rain.
"Do you want to be with me Ash?" Luca asks as he looks at the man with hope.
Ash looks at the rainfall in the alleyway, silhouetting Luca's frame. He swallows hard before nodding, confessing a "yes'
Luca smiles as the hold on his hand tightens. "Are you ready to run?..."
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