No art, just peck's dumb zodiac ocs that she MIGHT make art of in the future
No Art just dumb shit
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces (y'all recognize Pisces don't ya???)
So as you can tell, I'm not okay- /nsrs
Anyway so yeah
Also I feel I should state that Pisces is Cancer's daughter.
Cancer is a king that is considered by his people to be powerful, yet most of the aristocratic and rich people know his mind is slowly wearing down because of the death of his wife and that he is a cowardly ruler.
Gemini, the entertainer of the king, and Leo, a rich socialite, have been competing to try to take the crown off of his head.
Pisces is technically in their way though, for she is next in line for the throne and constantly protected by her guard Aries and the family friend / apothecary Taurus. Pisces likes having either one of those around, as Taurus feels like an uncle and Pisces may or may not like Aries.
All the while, a thief, Sagittarius, has heard of their plot and finds it ridiculous. The crown isn't worth much money-wise and would only give power. It would tamp him down from being free to do whatever. He would often sneak in though to snag some food, along with his friend Libra.
The house maid, Virgo would chase them out with a broom, then feed them one or two cookies to get them to leave. Works a charm.
Once, Virgo seemed extremely annoyed, so no cookies for them and only pain from a broom. Sagittarius would run down the hall until he ended up at a dead end and ran to the nearest room, the library. There he met the librarian, Aquarius, who didn't seem to mind him being there, as long as he didn't annoy her.
Another side, Capricorn, an inventor, and Scorpio, a local witch, are advancing the limits of machinery and magic. Taurus had kept up with them about it, hoping it would be a new page for the world of healing.
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