-The Forest- #GITTY
Arthur's note: Much fluff in dis, some not so nice stuff and some stuff you won't forget ;)
Guided's Point of View
It was around midnight, I was just taking a stroll down the edge of the forest near the river, it was a quiet night but might I say a very ominous one, as I continued walking I put my hands in the pockets of my black skinny jeans, humming a little till I started to hear slight sobbing, I looked around "H-hello?..." I asked, wondering if it was a Shrieker or actually someone crying, I walked farther and it was getting louder, I glanced around mumbling to myself 'I don't remember Shrieker's being around here....' And I continued on till when I looked back in front of me and stopped in my tracks, there was a girl and I watched her carefully "..H-hey...." She didn't look at me, just continued to sob so I did what I thought anyone would've done, I went beside her and knelt down, giving her a great big Guided bear hug :3 but gently of course, I didn't know if she was hurt or not, for all I know she could be tricking me, she looked up from her knees she was hugging so tightly, her green eyes still teary and her white hair still a little messy "......" She stayed silent as she looked at me, her black cat ears fluttered a little, I hadn't noticed those till now! She was a Meif'wa!...I hadn't seen one before but I've been told so many story's, I sat down after I stopped hugging her and I asked her "What's wrong?.....are you hurt?" My icy blue eyes filled with worry "........" She looked away, but didn't move "Please....if your hurt I need to know..." I removed my umbrae blue beanie from my chocolate hair, letting my hair stick up like normal and I placed it on her head, it was chillier then normal today but I wouldn't notice now would I? She looked back at me and finally spoke "....I don't even know you.....and you're trying to help me..." Her eyes still a little puffy from her sobbing, her black cat ears moved back and her tail was well...no where to be seen at the moment, I smile slightly "..did you expect me to just walk past a beautiful girl that was crying?...of course I'm gonna help" I mean, I couldn't lie to her, she was really cute but why would she be crying? She looked away again, her ears moved up a little, although I couldn't see it she was a little red in the cheeks "....like I said though....your still a stranger but....thanks..." She started to smile a little and that made me smile more, now I still have one question....what happened? "So uh....what happened to you?...you seem really upset about whatever it is" she took a breath, turning her head once again back towards me "If I tell you......promise not to tell anyone?" Tell anyone? What am I? Someone who randomly yells out secrets and random shit? Well....random shit yes but I do not just go around telling people stuff they don't need to know "I promise..." I gave her a smile, making sure she knew I meant it, she looked up at the night sky with he tears gone but taking a deep breath "....I-....I know your a total stranger but....you're all I have to talk to right now....a few years ago my mother died from a sickness.....it was hard and I'm still not over it but....since then my father has gotten more.....violent and corrupt.....now he's trying to make me marry someone I've never met and if I don't....i-i...h-he....said that....h-he'd..." She started to cry again, my eyes started to get more worry-full and I gently moved my head to the back of her neck, pulling her head to my chest then I hugged her a little tighter then last time, she flinched a little and that's when I noticed the bruises on her, I hadn't seen then before I got this close to her "....why do you have so many bruises?.." She calmed down a little when I hugged her but she kept her face in my chest "...b-because....I-i-if I don't do what he says....h-h-he'll force me to.....a-and not by bribing me...." She gripped my white shirt tight, shaking, I was looking at her with widened eyes thinking to myself 'h-her father did this?!...' I barley knew her and I wanted to murder her father, I know, sounds really stupid but.....that's not right...I rubbed her back gently and sighed silently "...what's your name?" She replied quickly after "K-Kitty......w-what about yours?.." Her voice cracked a little, I smiled, ironic, she's a cat named Kitty but I liked her name "...I'm Guided...your name's cute ya know..." I felt her smile, my shirt was damp where her face was but I didn't mind one bit "h-heh........thanks....yours is nice" she was so much calmer, I looked down at her and noticed two more things, she was way shorter then me and that her ears perked up! I'm on a roll but you know, I'm not a player I just say what I feel! Um....mostly "now about your father.....I won't elk anyone ok but....I'll protect you if you wanna stay with me?...." She looked at me with glee, her green eyes bright "I-I love too!...a-anything to get away from him..." I think my fave was on fire cause her tail wrapped around my leg, not to mention my heart was beating like a fucking thousand times faster! I really like her..."then it's settled!...your gonna stay with me! but only if you do one thing" she looked at me a little confused "like what?..." Ooooo I had a smirk and a half, I was gonna try to see if this would actually work but I doubt it...just a little though! My face got a little red as I say it "only if you kiss me~..." I swear the grip her tail had got much tighter and her face turned some many shades of red "y-you want me to k-kiss you?!......w-when I've only known you f-for a few minutes!" She was looking at me with the "holy shit he's not joking" face, I smirked more "y-yeah I do....." Damnit! This isn't gonna work...maybe it would've if I had known her for a while but- my thoughts got cut off to a pair of lips smashing into mine, I was so surprised! It actually worked! Ha-ha! That was well...my first kiss but let me say this! I've practiced much with a pillow, her lips were soft and I kissed her back, my eyes closed and I held the back of her head, my heart was gonna pound out of my chest! My face is soooooo red right now I probably look like I'm part of the tomato family, she pulled back and looked away, smiling slightly but her face was also red "t-there...." She said it like it never happened almost, I was looking at her without my smirky face instead I was looking at her happily "I......didn't think you were actually gonna do it.....I would've let you say either way thou.." He face changed into a "seriously?!" Face "y-you mean...I didn't have to do that?!" Oh man she looked pissed "yup~.." I was proud of myself but I also felt a little bad, she glared a little and stood up "...you have 5 seconds to run" her tail was swaying and she started to have a devilish grin....oh shit....did I just mess with the devil? I got up fast an ran into the forest 'fuck...maybe I shouldn't have done that!' I yelled in my head then I turned around "5!" I saw her come outta know where and tackle me against a tree, I didn't know what to say...."h-how the hell did you get me so fast?!" She chuckled "you know~ cat like speed...oh and...maybe some determination~" I think she was staring into my soul with her beautiful green eyes, that grin still plastered on her face "so what are you gonna do to me?..." I was a little scared to be honest, no one and I say no one! Can catch up to me that fast "oh?~ nothing much~..." She dragged her hand down my chest and to my gut, keeping me against the tree "n-nothing much?!-" I got cut off again! And by her lips again! Only this time she was grabbing my shirt so she could pull herself up a little to reach my face and I could've swore I felt her tail wrap around my thigh, her hand was so close to my heart that I'm pretty sure she could feel my pounding heart, I grabbed her waist and gently pulled her closer, she wasn't stopping and I wasn't going to either! Well...not until she needed to then she pulled away slowly after I did that, guess I spoke to soon....she looked at me like she's known me for years then pulled me down to her level, I was looking into her eyes and she was mine, her other hand moved to my cheek and she started to say "...I guess strangers aren't that bad~..." I cracked a smile at her "not that bad?....I thought I was gonna get killed after the first one" she laughed a little "kill you?.....after you said you'd protect me from my father?...I don't think so~" she gently let go of my shirt after she finished speaking, mumbling something like 'I think I fell for someone I barley knew..." Of course I didn't hear it cause I'm just that fucking retarded, not really but I didn't hear it so I sighed in relief "Heheheh...well it's good you don't wanna kill me then...cause if you did I wouldn't be able to do this~ " I smirked slightly "do what?-" this time I cut her off with my lips, she was even surprise then I was when she did it to me but shortly after she started to kiss me back, I'm so glad I took a walk today....
It's almost midnight and I've written so much! But once again...Don't hurt me Kitty ;-; XXDD
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