♪ 6 ♪
"oh my god! are you okay?!"
donghyuck was still lying on the floor, his vision a blurry mess because of the violent shock his head had received as it had come in contact with the ground.
he wanted to die right here and right now. he couldn't believe that he had just fully embarrassed himself in front of the seven members of super m.
in a few seconds, donghyuck was pulled up from the floor and sat back on his chair as people waved their hands in front of his eyes. he still couldn't see clear, and every noise around the room kept resonating through his head.
"...hyuck...? donghyuck?!" a voice reached the tanned male's ears. "are you okay? do you need us to call an ambulance?"
as his vision got clearer, donghyuck flushed bright red as he noticed the person that was standing in front of him with one of his hands over donghyuck's shoulder and a worried look on his face, was none other than lucas, donghyuck's crush.
"n-no, n-no..." he stuttered out, his hand rubbing the back of his head. "i-i'm fine..."
"are you sure?" lucas asked.
donghyuck nodded at both him and kai who were standing next to him they had supposedly been the two males who had pulled him up after he had fallen to the ground.
"if you don't feel good tell us, okay?" kai spoke, looking genuinely concerned.
"i promise, i-i'm good." donghyuck assured, wincing as his hand touched the bumb that had started to form on his head.
once the boys had made sure donghyuck was alright, they headed back to their seats and eunjin leant towards donghyuck, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"are you sure you're feeling okay?" she asked. "you hit your head pretty hard."
"well... everything's a bit blurry right now..." donghyuck admitted. "but it will get better in a second."
"warn me if something's wrong, okay?" she said with a smile, making donghyuck nod again.
as everyone got back to their past conversations while finishing their breakfast, donghyuck blinked a few times to readjust his vision. once he could see clear again, he took a peek towards the boy that had been responsible for this whole act, finding him staring at him again.
donghyuck flushed red, this time making sure to have the four feet of the chair on the ground not to embarrass himself again. he saw mark mouthing him something, but honestly, donghyuck was still too embarrassed to keep his eyes on the idol. and so, he got back to staring at lucas lovingly, replaying in his head the way lucas had acted like his knight in shining armour by helping him up and making sure he was alright after he had fallen to the floor.
god, they weren't in a fairy tale, but lucas would be a perfect prince charming, donghyuck was sure of it.
"does your head feel better?"
they had started their 3rd activity of the day.
this activity was somehow like a 'speed dating' except that each fan got to spend 10minutes face to face with each idol. they could ask for autographs, pictures or just have a pleasant chat with each member of super m.
donghyuck had already seen baekhyun, taemin, kai, taeyong and ten whom he had made sign his albums and write a quick dedication before taking pictures together and then simply talking for the remaining time. it was no surpise, but the members were really cool to hang around and quite funny. it was incredible how different they acted whether they were around each other or on their own.
the tanned male was now sitting in front of lucas, his cheeks red at the close proximity with his favourite member. the giant male was sitting in front of him with a bright smile but concerned eyes as he asked donghyuck if he felt better.
"yes, there's just a small bump, it's fine..." donghyuck nodded, his hand reaching for the sore spot on his head.
"really? let me see." lucas stood up from his chair, walking around the small table to look at the top of donghyuck's head.
donghyuck flushed brighter as lucas placed his large hands on each side of his head, tilting it down so that he could inspect the boy's scalp. looking to the side, donghyuck could catch a glimpse of ryuwon glaring at him while he had his head caressed by lucas – who happened to be her bias too.
"oh my god, it's not just a small bump!" lucas exclaimed once he had run his finger over the spot.
"ouch!" donghyuck exclaimed as lucas pressed a bit too hard, making the taller withdraw his hands immediately.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" he exclaimed, looking genuinely concerned. "i didn't mean to press this hard."
"i-it's okay..." donghyuck shrugged it off, keeping his head low as he tried to hide his flushed cheeks.
"are you sure you don't want an ice pack or something? i could get you one." lucas assured.
"i promise i'm okay." donghyuck repeated looking up and meeting lucas' eyes.
"you're very red..." the idol pointed out with furrowed brows. "are you too hot? do you think it's because of the bump?"
"n-no, i-i'm fine..." donghyuck stuttered out again, hiding his face back behind his hands.
"i'm genuinely concerned, you look like you're going to explode soon..." lucas informed. "do you know what could be wrong? please, tell me. i don't want you to explode."
donghyuck tried his best not to slam his head down on the table in embarrassment.
lucas was totally overreacting over this whole bump situation, and he had caught the attention of the other members and fans around the room. sure, the others hadn't stopped their conversations knowing how loud and outgoing lucas tended to be, but donghyuck could see them taking glances from time to time. and he wasn't a big fan of being the centre of attention, mostly when it involved seven worldwide-known idols.
"i-it's just that... i-i... i'm n-not used to being t-this close to an i-idol..." donghyuck explained truthfully, making lucas coo loudly.
"aww... so you're being shy..." he chuckled, walking back to his seat in front of donghyuck and sitting there, placing his elbows on the table and propping his chin on his palms.
"y-yeah..." donghyuck nodded, his cheeks still flaming red.
"oh my god, if you're that red with me, i can't even imagine yourself in front of your bias..." he laughed loudly before stopping abruptly. "wait! who's your bias?"
the tanned male gulped, his face becoming even more vivid as lucas' attention was all on him.
now, this was super mega awkward. how was he supposed to admit his bias was lucas who was asking him this very question?
"oh, i'm sure it's mark. you look like a mark kind of guy." lucas gasped, looking at donghyuck intensely.
the fan turned his face slightly, meeting eyes with mark who had diverted his eyes from miyeon once he had heard his name being pronounced at lucas' table. donghyuck looked away immediately before shaking his head.
"no?!" lucas gasped, looking around the room. "then... taeyong, perhaps?"
"n-no..." donghyuck shook his head.
"ugh... is it kai then? it has to be kai." lucas continued.
"i-it's not..."
"still no?!" lucas groaned. "you can't tell me it's baekhyun! you're too you to go for this old man!"
donghyuck flushed again as he decided to end the torture that he was living at the moment.
"i-it's you..." he whispered.
"sorry?" lucase frowned, leaning forwards to be closer to donghyuck because had hadn't been able to hear his previous statement.
"m-my bias... i-it's you..." donghyuck admitted, his cheeks redden than they ever had.
lucas stopped moving and talking for a while, his mouth agape as he processed the information.
"i-i'm you favourite?!" he exclaimed, seemingly shocked.
"yes..." donghyuck lowered his head, fidgeting with his fingers.
"oh my... i have a fanboy!" he almost yelled, embarrassing donghyuck further.
"y-yes... i-i'm sure i'm n-not the only one, though." donghyuck let out nervously.
"that's so cool! i didn't know i had fanboys!" he gasped in realisation.
"two minutes left!" one of the staff announced loudly.
"oh, shit! i haven't even signed your albums!" lucas swore, holding his hands out for donghyuck to place his stuff in them.
way too soon to donghyuck's liking, the little bell rang indicating that he would need to change tables. the tanned male thanked lucas who thanked him back for being his fanboy.
donghyuck then walked to the last table, sitting down on the chair in front of mark as the older boy stared at him silently.
"h-hello..." donghyuck mumbled, pulling his albums out and placing them on the table in front of mark.
the canadian pulled them towards himself, opening his pen and writing a quick dedication on each of them before drawing his signature.
the atmosphere was awkward as mark handed donghyuck the albums and let the younger put them back in his bag. when the tanned male stood up straight again, mark was back to staring at him silently, making him almost choke on his saliva.
why did mark keep fixing him like that?! it looked almost creepy...
"i'm sorry."
donghyuck gulped, swallowing his shyness before looking at mark in the eye.
"y-you're sorry?" he repeated.
"for making you fall down your chair and hurt your head." mark explained, making donghyuck blush once again as he recalled the past events.
"i-it's not your fault... i-i'm just clumsy." donghyuck coughed.
mark didn't answer. instead, he continued staring silently at donghyuck, as if he was studying every detail of the boy's face.
"did you go to the salon this morning to have your eye-make up done?" mark asked after a while, taking donghyuck aback with the question. had he seriously stared at donghyuckk long enough to notice his eye-make up?
"h-huh... i didn't..." donghyuck shook his head.
"really? it looks like it was done by a professional." mark continued speaking, his eyes focused on donghyuck's. "it is perfectly symmetrical..."
"i do my makeup myself..." donghyuck admitted, a small smile creeping on his face at mark's shocked face.
"yourself?!" mark gasped. "like, you applied foundation, eye-shadow, and everything you needed by yourself?!"
"yes." donghyuck nodded.
"woah..." mark let out, leaning a bit forward as he stared at the glitters that had been applied on donghyuck's eyes. "you're talented. the makeup looks very pretty on you."
and here goes donghyuck's cheeks again, colouring bright red with a single sentence from one of the super m members...
they really needed to stop embarrassing donghyuck, because at that point, there was more blood in his cheeks than in his heart area, and that could cause him a blackout.
"t-thank you..." donghyuck muttered shyly.
"you don't have to thank me for stating the truth. the makeup really makes you look pretty." mark smiled at the fanboy. "i mean... not that you wouldn't look pretty without it! i'm sure you look beautiful even without anything. i mean- without make up, yeah!"
donghyuck choked loudly on his saliva, catching – once again – everyone's attention as he tried his best to survive to the wave of shock and shyness that had hit him square in the face.
yeah, super m was definitely going to be the death of him...
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