♪ 5 ♪
donghyuck's heart stopped beating for a second as his eyes trailed over the seven males that he had never seen elsewhere than on a computer screen.
he was standing in front of super m, the one and only kpop boy group.
the tanned male pinched his arm harshly, wincing at the pain he had inflicted himself before flicking his eyes up again to the seven well-known males.
so, it wasn't a dream. he was really standing in front of super m's members...
tears of joy started welling up in donghyuck's eyes as he stared at the boys, one after the other.
byun baekhyun, leader and main vocalist of the group, had a bright smile on as he waved at the seven fans that had entered the room.
then, lee taeyong, the main rapper and sub dancer. his pink hair seemed to be very fluffy and the way his eyes had transformed into little crescents because of his smile just made him adorable.
next to him, ten – or chittaphon leechaiyapornkul – lead dancer and lead vocalist of super m, looked as beautiful as ever with his long black and messy hair. in fact, he didn't look so short from up-close.
the main dancer and main vocalist lee taemin had a gummy smile plastered on his face as he looked successfully at the seven fans that had been chosen for the program.
kim jongin, known as kai, main dancer and lead vocalist, was even hotter when seen in person. his semi-smile, semi-smirk was killing donghyuck.
mark lee, the main rapper and lead dancer of the group, was standing next to kai, looking almost goofy as he couldn't seem to stop smiling at the sight of the seven hysterical fans.
and then, there was lucas or wong yukhei, super m's lead rapper. oh god... donghyuck could talk about him for hours... he looked ethereal standing in front of the tanned male, a few meters away only. his whitish hair – the roots of which had started to grow again – was parted in the middle, some strands falling in front of his mesmerizing dark eyes. his lips were curved upwards, just like those of the other members, and donghyuck could catch a glimpse of his perfectly-aligned white teeth. oh god... could this man be even more beautiful...?
"well, now that you met the boys, please have a sit, they will perform 'we do' for you." the sm staff member stated, inviting the seven fans to sit on the chairs that had previously been installed in the practice room.
the seven fans rushed there as the super m members got in the starting position silently, waiting for the music to start.
donghyuck almost gasped as the first notes of 'we do' echoed through the studio, making the seven idols lift their heads in synch, their eyes filled with professionalism and light.
for the whole dance, donghyuck had his mouth open in astonishment. he had never been to a concert before, let alone a private performance in which he was standing on the same stage the idols were dancing. and these idols weren't just any idols. they were super m, donghyuck's favourite group ever.
the tanned male was the first one to start clapping energetically as the seven boys stopped moving, panting slightly while they looked at their seven fans before going out of character and smiling at them.
"so, how did you guys like it?" baekhyun was the first one to speak, raising a brow at the seven fans who all answered at the same time.
"a lot!" "it was amazing!" "you rocked it!"
the idols chuckled at their excited behaviour.
"we're glad you did like it." taeyong smiled sincerely, and you could hear eunjin and miyeon swooning in the background.
"so... if i understood well, next thing on our schedule is breakfast?" baekhyun spoke again, looking at the staff for confirmation.
"exactly." the staff member nodded.
"perfect! i'm starving!" taemin declared. "guys, let's go!"
"so, we do have fanboys..." ten stated, breaking the comfortable silence that had taken place in the room as everybody started eating.
one of the conference rooms of the agency had been turned in a dinner room, with a huge round table around which were sitting the members and the fans. there were long tables on the side on which were placed a variety of breakfast dishes.
even super m had noted how fancy this all looked when they would usually just be eating cereal straight out of the box at their dorm.
all eyes converged to donghyuck after baekhyun's words, making the tanned male flush red in an instant and his heart – that he had somehow managed to calm down – beat erratically again.
"h-huh, y-yes..." he stuttered out, trying his best to look at ten in the eye, but failing miserably.
"stop it, ten, you're making him shy." taemin nudged him, sending donghyuck an apologetic smile.
"i didn't know we had fanboys. i'm happy to know we do, though!" ten continued before taking a sip of his morning coffee and flashing donghyuck a quick smile, making him flush red once again.
"anyway." taeyong took the lead. "i wanted to ask you, how long have you all been listening to our music."
donghyuck held himself from making a sassy remark – he usually was the sassiest person when he was with his friends, but now was absolutely not the time to embarrass himself.
nevertheless, bold of taeyong to assume they were just listening to their music. for donghyuck, super m had become like a cult he was worshipping with all his soul, listening to the songs on repeat and watching the mvs endlessly. and he wouldn't start on knowing all the lyrics, buying all the albums and so on...
"it was a few days before '100' was released for us." miyeon said immediately, pointing at inhye and herself, making her friend nod.
"after the 'super one' release for me." younghae continued.
"i discovered all of you with 'tiger inside'." heeyung replied after thinking for a while.
it was ryuwon's turn to speak next. "it was during the 'super one' album for me too."
"i think i might have joined between '100' and 'tiger inside' too. i don't really remember, but it was last year." eunjin stated next.
donghyuck gulped again as all eyes fell on him.
he felt completely out of place here, being nervous and shy when the six other girls seemed to be very comfortable and calm despite being in the same room as their idols.
"a-a few days after 'jopping' was released..." he said in a low voice.
"woah!" lucas gasped, looking at donghyuck who was about to faint at that point. "you've been with us since the beginning?!"
"y-yes." donghyuck nodded, trying to flash lucas his best smile, but making his chopsticks fall onto his plate loudly, making him flush red in embarrassment.
"we are all delighted to know that you guys have been supporting us for long!" kai declared, flashing a smile at the fans when he saw donghyuck was dying in embarrassment and wanted the attention off him.
"yes, and we are so happy to have you here today with us!" taeyong nodded.
"while we're at it, how about we take a first picture all together?" baekhyun asked happily, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"sure, let's take one." taemin nodded.
the oldest member stood up quickly, arranging his hair using his hand before lifting his phone in the air and putting it on selfie mode.
"okay, everyone ready?" he asked, making sure everyone was visible in the frame. "say 'super m'!"
the fans and idols sitting around the table all smiled, some of them flashing a 'v' sign as baekhyun took a few selfies to make sure at least one of them was good.
"it's in the box!" he exclaimed, sitting back to finish his breakfast.
"oppa, are you going to send us the pictures?" ryuwon asked after a few seconds.
"huh... not me directly, because we're not allowed to exchange phone numbers, but the company will email them to you in a few days." he informed, making the fans nod happily.
"guys, you still have around 10minutes to finish breakfast, and then we'll go on with our next activity!"the staff informed.
"oh my god, i need to hurry!" lucas gasped before he ran away from the table to help himself another large plate of whatever he had found delicious in the buffet.
"don't worry about him, it's perfectly normal." taeyong rolled his eyes, making the fans laugh in unison.
"yeah, he may not be the youngest, but he's definitely the most childish." baekhyun nodded.
"hey! i can hear you!" lucas whined from a few meters away.
"we know! now hurry with your food!" kai tsked as the fans laughed again at their interaction.
donghyuck laughed whole-heartedly as his balanced himself on the feet of his chair, his eyes following lucas' figure who was rushing between the few plates of food to get as much as possible in his own plate.
when lucas was back at the table, donghyuck smiled as he stared at him eating quickly, somehow making a mess at how fast he was going.
his heart beat fast in his chest as he stared at his favourite member being a few meters away from him. he still couldn't believe that this was true... but it was. lee donghyuck was actually rocking himself on the back legs of his chair in the same room as the seven super m members.
"hey." eunjin, who was sitting next to him, poked his shoulder and leant forwards to whisper in his ear. "it seems like you caught someone's eye..."
donghyuck frowned, seeing eunjin make a head motion and turning his head in that direction.
his eyes instantly met mark's as the youngest super m member was mindlessly staring at him, his chin propped on his palm while his elbow was on the table.
making eye-contact, donghyuck quickly looked away and held the table for a second not to fall from his rocking chair. his cheeks became red again as he tried concentrating on lucas who was talking with his mouth full.
he waited another 10 seconds, taking deep breaths before he turned his head again to check if mark was still looking at him.
and he was...
and as if knowing that one of the super m members had been staring at him for a while wasn't enough for donghyuck's poor heart, mark flashed him a bright smile. the action made donghyuck gasp and hide his red face with his hands immediately, and unfortunately, this didn't allow him to grip the table as his chair rocked backwards a bit too far.
the next think he knew, donghyuck fell on the floor in a loud thump, his chair falling along the way as he caught the attention of all the boys and girls around the table.
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