♪ 30 ♪
"is it just me or did something happen between them?"
"i was about to ask you the exact same question."
both ten and taeyong were standing side by side, looking at mark and donghyuck like proud dads. the two younger boys were seated side by side on a couch in super m's lounge, both laughing loudly at something they were watching on mark's phone.
the scene didn't look so surprising, but considering mark and donghyuck hadn't been interacting for the past three weeks, this sight could be considered a miracle.
"i guess our mission succeeded." ted declared with a smile as he stared at the two happy boys.
taeyong scoffed at ten's words. "our mission." he shook his head. "it was their mission, and theirs only."
"excuse me?!" ten raised a brow. "none of this would have happened if we hadn't intervened."
"yeah, and nothing at all would have happened if i hadn't disturbed them in the first place, so, you see?" taeyong tackled back.
ten rolled his eyes.
"anyway, what time is it?" the thai male asked.
"it's 8:40pm. we're performing in 20 minutes." taeyong replied.
"oh, shit, 20 minutes?! i haven't had my makeup done!" ten exclaimed before dashing towards the makeup stands.
taeyong sighed at his member's forgetfulness before making his way towards mark and donghyuck.
"so... i see you guys are back to... being friends..." taeyong stated once he was standing in front of them.
mark paused the video they were watching as both him and donghyuck lifted their heads to look at taeyong.
"huh, not really." mark smirked.
"no?" taeyong frowned. "but you guys look like you're talking again and everything."
"yeah, we are. we're just not friends." mark explained as he wrapped an arm around donghyuck's shoulders. "we're boyfriends." he added whispering so that no one else around could hear.
"oh my god! you are?! really?!" taeyong's eyes widened as he jumped up and down in excitement.
donghyuck – whose cheeks were bright red – nodded with a smile, leaning into mark's side and pecking his cheek quickly.
"i'm so happy for the both of you. these are amazing news!" taeyong clapped his hands.
"can you keep it for yourself for the moment? it has been a day, so we'd like to get used to it before announcing it to the others." mark explained.
"of course! i'm keeping it to myself. but hyuck, you better tell ten about it, because apparently, he has been your love counsellor and he'll be hurt to know you haven't told him." taeyong replied.
"you can tell him if you'd like. but no one else." donghyuck told taeyong.
the older member smiled, looking at the two lovebirds that were leaning against each other.
after three weeks of dullness, it felt good to have mark and donghyuck happy again. him and the other members were starting to get worried of the boys' well-being, but now that everything had been solved, they would be happy again, and it was all that mattered for the moment.
"i'm so glad you guys figured everything out. you both deserve to be happy." taeyong spoke. "but now, let go of each other and get ready to go on stage, because we need to rock san fransisco!"
donghyuck lifted his head from his phone as he got annoyed by the way a shirtless mark kept walking around the room and ruffling through his stuff, supposedly to look for something.
tonight was super m's last concert of the us tour, in los angeles, and all of the members were rather sad that this whole trip was coming to an end so soon. it felt like it was yesterday that they set a foot on us ground, and now, they were about to fly back to korea...
the boys had landed in los angeles around an hour ago, and it had been decided that they would go walk around the city to visit it.
mark and donghyuck were currently in mark's room, the younger boy playing on his phone lying on mark's bed while the idol looked for something to wear.
"donghyuck? have you an idea of where my white t-shirt could be?" a shirtless mark asked, bent forward in front of his suitcase.
the tanned male blinked a few times before looking down at the oversize white t-shirt he was wearing – precisely, mark's white t-shirt.
"n-no..." he replied with a sheepish smile.
"damn, i have no idea where it could be..." mark groaned, standing up again and thinking about where he could have put it.
"can't you wear another shirt?"
"i don't have any left." mark explained. "the last one i have is the one i have to wear for the concert tomorrow. and i'm sure i had the white one but i can't find it."
donghyuck grinned. "i mean... you could always go out without a shirt, i wouldn't mind staring at those abs more..."
mark froze for a second, surprised by donghyuck's words. however, once the wave of shock had left him, he turned on his heels, facing his boyfriend of a few days.
"getting bold, aren't we?" he asked, raising a brow teasingly.
on the bed, donghyuck's face was bright red, sign that he hadn't controlled the words that had escaped his mouth and that he was now very embarrassed.
"n-no, i-i... i-i just..."
"wait a minute!" mark frowned; his eyes focused on donghyuck's shirt. "what is that shirt?"
"h-huh... it's... a white shirt..." donghyuck replied, looking at the piece of clothing.
"looks awfully like the white shirt i'm looking for everywhere..." mark continued as he got on the bed and crawled in donghyuck's direction.
"o-oh... d-does it n-now...?" donghyuck blinked in nervousness as mark crawled over him like a wild predator.
at that point, donghyuck was lying on his back on the bed completely, and mark had his knees on each side of the boy's hips while his hands were pinned on each side of his head, caging it.
"i think i found what i was looking for..." the canadian male whispered as he lowered himself to approach his and donghyuck's faces.
donghyuck's eyes closed on their own as mark's face inched closer, and his lips parted slightly, expecting for a loving kiss from his boyfriend.
however, mark's lips never touched his, and instead, he was met with a chuckle, making him open his eyes immediately.
"no kisses for naughty boys." mark replied, poking his nose with his pointer finger before tugging on the hem of donghyuck's shirt. "take it off."
donghyuck obliged, lifting his arms above his head so that mark could peel the shirt off his body and wear it himself.
mark sat down on donghyuck's hips as he had pulled the shirt off his boyfriend completely, and he put him on himself, smiling in content once he was dressed.
"better." he stated. "now, you should be the one who would have to walk around half-naked in the streets of los angeles, but i don't want anyone seeing what's mine, so, as the best boyfriend in the universe, i'm going to lend you a comfy sweater that you can wear." he continued before pecking donghyuck's cheek.
mark got off the bed and headed to his suitcase to pick one of his sweaters before throwing it in donghyuck's direction. "here, wear this."
donghyuck was quick to pull the fabric over his body and smile as the divine scent of his boyfriend engulfed him.
"can i have a kiss now?" donghyuck asked, tilting his head to the side.
"yeah, you can." mark nodded.
the tanned male happily chuckled before bouncing off the bed and in mark's direction, throwing himself in mark's arms as he glued their lips together in a sweet kiss.
"i love you..." he mumbled after they pulled away.
"i love you too, baby..." mark replied immediately as he sealed their lips once again.
"donghyuck, calm down..." mark declared with a sigh as he placed his hand on donghyuck's bouncing thigh.
"yeah, yeah, i'm calm!" the tanned male answered immediately. "oh! the luggage!" he exclaimed less than a second after, jumping to his feet and rushing to the conveyor belt.
mark sighed again before looking at his boyfriend pulling luggage after luggage off the conveyor belt.
"looks like he's got a lot of energy." ten stated, standing taking a seat next to mark, where donghyuck was sitting previously.
"yeah, he's pretty excited to see his friends again." mark explained. "he told me about them the whole journey back here."
the boys had finally landed in korea, officially ending their us tour that lasted a bit more than a month. all the boys were sad that it came to an end so soon, but donghyuck was particularly happy to come back because he had missed his dearest friends so much.
he had been all about them since the second they had set a foot in the plane, back in los angeles, after their last concert. it had been the first time he was far from them for so long, and it had been quite hard communicating with them while he was in the united states considering they had a very big time difference.
"everyone got his bag? can we go now?" donghyuck asked once he had dropped every luggage next to the person they belonged to.
"yes, we can." taemin nodded.
"let's go then!!" donghyuck exclaimed before bolting in the exit's direction with the super m members behind him.
heaving another sigh, mark got to his feet and followed his boyfriend and his members towards the exit. this really signed the end of this amazing journey that was the super m us tour – journey that was all the more amazing for mark considering that he became donghyuck's boyfriend.
the canadian male smiled when he saw his boyfriend bolting towards his group of friends as soon as the doors opened on the arrival waiting room.
"oh my god! it's super m!" a random girl in the waiting room exclaimed as soon as she recognised the seven members, causing the security to come and surround super m, donghyuck and donghyuck's friends who were involved in a big group hug.
"are you guys ready to leave the airport?" the manager asked the super m members.
"yeah." the boys replied.
"are we leaving with donghyuck?" lucas questioned.
"i don't know. go ask him." the manager shrugged.
mark – who had heard the conversation that had just taken place – headed toward his secret boyfriend and his friends.
"hello, guys." he said with a smile as donghyuck's friends diverted their attention on him.
"oh, hello mark!" they waved their hand at him.
"mark!" donghyuck exclaimed at the sight of his boyfriend. "do you know my friends? there's jaemin, renjun, jeno, shotaro, sungchan, chenle and jisung!" he introduced each of his friends to mark. "and this is mark, he's my- "
"second favourite super m member." mark interrupted donghyuck, knowing that he would surely let slip something that wasn't meant to be heard by the nosy fans around. "working on beating lucas."
"y-yeah, my second favourite." donghyuck smiled sheepishly, which didn't go unnoticed by his group of friends.
"anyway, the manager wanted to know if you were going back to the dorms with us or if you drove with your friends?" mark asked.
"we have enough room to fit donghyuck." jaemin declared. "if he'd like, he can come with us."
"i'll go with them, then." donghyuck explained. "i haven't seen them in a while."
"okay, i'll warn the manager, then."
a few minutes later, the manager had been warned, and the boys were all ready to leave, signalling that it was time for goodbyes.
donghyuck embraced taemin, kai, baekhyun, ten and taeyong successfully in a hug before binding himself standing in front of mark.
the tanned male stayed frozen on his spot, a meter away from mark, not knowing what to do.
he couldn't kiss mark on the lips, obviously, because they were dozens of fans surrounding them, and half of the super m members weren't even aware of their relationship.
and kissing him on the cheek could also be badly interpreted, so he should have pulled him in a simple hug. but now that fans had seen him hesitating for long seconds, everything they would do would be considered doubtful.
"see you soon, donghyuck." mark said with a cough, waving his hand at donghyuck.
"y-yeah, see you..." donghyuck waved back, flashing mark a small smile.
mark then looked at donghyuck in the eye before doing a head motion towards lucas, making donghyuck understand that he should tell him goodbye.
"bye, lucas..." donghyuck smiled at the boy that was supposed to be his boyfriend, taking slow steps closer to him.
lucas understood immediately and bent forwards to hug donghyuck. "goodbye, hyuck."
donghyuck's arms wrapped around lucas' neck as he placed his chin on lucas' shoulder while the taller male placed his hands on his waist.
the tanned male looked at mark over lucas' shoulder, smiling sadly at his boyfriend. he hated the fact he had to pretend being happy with lucas when he would rather be engulfed in mark's arms.
with his eyes still on mark, donghyuck found himself blushing and smiling like a mad man as he noticed mark mouthing him three words: 'i love you'. donghyuck tried his best to be discreet while he mouthed an 'i love you too' back as lucas pulled away from the hug.
"see you soon." lucas declared, smiling down at his 'boyfriend'.
"see you soon!" donghyuck smiled brightly, his heart still light after mark's confession.
and to make this whole fake scene more believable, donghyuck tugged on lucas' arm, making him bend again and allowing donghyuck to peck his cheek sweetly.
the gesture made the crowd coo loudly and a few members whistle.
lucas kissed donghyuck's forehead too and they parted, super m going their way, and donghyuck heading with his friends to the cars they had come with.
"so, now that all those crazy fans are far away from us..." jaemin started, looking at his best friend with a smirk. "is mark really your second favourite member?"
"no, he's not."
"i knew it." renjun clapped his hands.
"what is he, then?" jeno questioned.
"he's my boyfriend." donghyucks smiled proudly, earning a round of applause and compliments.
"that's amazing, donghyuck!" chenle exclaimed.
"it really is!" sungchan nodded.
"so, i'm guessing this whole tour by super m's side was wonderful?" jisung raised a brow.
donghyuck shrugged. "it was eventful, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but don't worry about it, i'm going to tell you everything."
and so, the eight friends headed back to jaemin and donghyuck's, staying up until late to get every detail of this unique adventure that donghyuck had lived by super m's side.
at that exact moment, donghyuck wondered how could his life be this amazing.
he had found himself a loving boyfriend, and he was surrounded by very supportive friends.
things used to be so bad, but now everything seemed so much better... and donghyuck didn't intend to change anything about it now.
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