♪ 25 ♪
"WHAT'S UP NEW YORK???!!!" baekhyun yelled in his microphone as the pink crowd of super m fans screamed back to show their support for the boy group.
donghyuck was standing on the side of the stage hidden from the public's eye while he watched the concert.
everything felt so surreal, and this wasn't only because for the first time of his life, donghyuck was out of south korea, and out of his comfort zone. of course not. it was way more than that.
months ago, donghyuck still had never been to a concert, let alone a concert from his favourite band. and right now, he was standing backstage, watching a super m concert in new york city, and accompanying them all across the united states for their world tour while supposedly dating one of the members.
sure, the choices he had made in life had brought him in the middle of an unbearable nightmare, but right now, it felt like it was the dream-like part of the nightmare.
right now, donghyuck felt happier than ever, and he wished that this would never end.
he couldn't express how powerful the emotions within his body were each time one of the boys would hit a high note or rap at a high speed or even when one of them would meet eyes with him while singing and dancing on stage.
it seemed like donghyuck was part of the famous world, and for once, it seemed like donghyuck fitted there, like he was meant to be here.
he couldn't get enough of the situation he was in right now.
"lee donghyuck?"
the tanned male turned around, looking at the technician that had called his name with a smile.
"here is your microphone and your earpieces." he explained handing donghyuck the two objects. "you will be called on stage right after they finish singing tiger inside."
"okay, thank you."
"you're welcome. good luck." the technician added before walking away.
donghyuck quickly put his earpieces in before looking back at the stage as the super m members were getting in position to sing tiger inside, donghyuck's favourite song.
a smile immediately appeared on the tanned male's face when the first notes of the song were heard. there were no words that could describe how much donghyuck loved that song. the chords were beautiful, the high notes were incredible and the rap parts were just wonderful. there was absolutely no flaw in this song – except perhaps that it had an end. and don't get him started on the music video; pure art.
he had never really paid particular attention to mark before, but now that he had realised he may or may not feel something for the super m maknae, donghyuck had re-watched all the mvs, focusing only on mark, and damn... tiger inside mark was hot. his flamboyant pink hair was unique, and the thick eye-liner he wore in the mv just made him look even hotter and more dangerous, as if he was the tiger locked inside of donghyuck's body.
donghyuck held his breath during the whole song, not realising how fast the time had passed.
and ans soon as the crowd had finished screaming and applauding, mark started speaking in english again, telling things that donghyuck could not understand. and that's when donghyuck recalled what was supposed to happen next.
now was the time for him to walk on stage with super m, to show himself by lucas' side.
his hand automatically became clammy as mark glanced in his direction meeting eyes with him. donghyuck gulped, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip in nervousness as he tried to relax the best he could and not look like a fool.
"donghyuck! come here!" lucas's voice rang across the concert room as the fans started clapping loudly again.
taking one last breath, donghyuck closed his eyes for a second before taking his first step on stage and then is second, and soon ending up in the middle of the stage, with thousands of eyes on him.
he waved shyly at the crowd, still walking towards lucas, and this made the fans scream again.
"guys, meet donghyuck!" mark spoke again, pointing at the boy that now reached lucas' side.
"hello new york!" donghyuck spoke shyly through his mic, making the crowd both coo and yell.
"do you want to tell them a few words?" lucas asked his fake-boyfriend.
"huh... i don't speak english..." donghyuck replied with red cheeks.
"tell mark what you'd like to say. he'll translate for you." baekhyun pulled mark's arm to bring him closer to donghyuck.
the tanned male looked at mark shyly.
"huh... i just wanted to tell them thank you for supporting both lucas and i and super m." donghyuck explained.
mark nodded before taking a step closer to donghyuck and pulling one of his earpieces out. "repeat what i'm saying, okay?" he whispered in donghyuck's ear.
"o-okay." donghyuck nodded.
"thank you for supporting us." mark started.
"thank you... for... supporting us!" donghyuck repeated with a cute accent.
"and thank you for supporting super m."
"and... thank you for... supporting super m!" he continued.
"i really appreciate it." mark added, a smile appearing on his face as he looked at the tanned male repeating these same words with the cutest tone and accentuation. damn, donghyuck really was the death of mark.
"you look so beautiful..." mark said out loud his eyes fixed on the tanned male.
"you look so beautiful!" donghyuck repeated cheerfully as the fans clapped loudly while screaming.
taeyong – who understood english pretty well and who had witnessed the whole interaction – let out a snort at donghyuck's last sentence in english, immediately understanding that it wasn't meant for the public originally, but for donghyuck himself.
soon, the boys performed the last song of the concert as donghyuck stepped aside, watching the seven boys dance, sing and rap proudly, and joining the fans in cheering on them – because in the end, he was still a big fan of super m.
after this last song, super m and donghyuck got off stage, and in a nick of time, they were in the minivan to go back to their hotel.
"wow, they were so energetic tonight." kai exclaimed, letting his body fall on the seat.
"they were." baekhyun approved.
"so, how was being on stage in front of thousands of people, donghyuck?" ten asked with a smile.
"it was weird... nerve-wracking, definitely." donghyuck replied.
"don't worry, you were perfect out there." lucas reassured him.
the boys started discussing loudly about donghyuck's intervention, giving taeyong the opportunity to have a small talk with mark.
"mark." he called the younger member.
"mmh?" the boy hummed, looking at taeyong.
"while we're discussing about donghyuck's intervention..." he spoke in a low voice so that no one other than mark could hear him. "what was that last sentence?" he raised a brow.
"t-that last sentence?" mark gulped.
"you look so beautiful." taeyong spoke in english, to refresh mark's memory.
"yeah, the fans were beautiful and... and i felt like it would be good if donghyuck told them that." mark explained.
taeyong nodded. "yeah sure." he paused for a second. "now, you can flirt with donghyuck all you want, but don't forget that he's supposed to be lucas' boyfriend. so, make sure to keep it on the low in front of the cameras."
"i-i wasn't flirting with- "
"not flirting, eye-fucking, sorry." taeyong rolled his eyes. "don't lie to me, mark. i'm not blind. i can see what's happening. don't think i didn't notice you two going to the plane's kitchen to laugh your asses out the whole flight. and don't think i don't notice all the looks you're giving him or how you're trying to stay by his side as much as you can. don't think i don't notice all those things, because i do, okay?"
"okay..." mark replied in a squeaky voice, looking at taeyong with wide eyes.
taeyong sighed at his member's disbelief state.
"and before you stress your ass out, i don't mind. like donghyuck all you want, but do it in private, because once again, the world thinks that donghyuck is lucas' boyfriend."
"it's already our last day here..." donghyuck pouted as he dragged his feet.
"it's not over yet, we still have 9 cities to have concerts in." mark replied turning around for a second to look at the younger boy that was walking behind him.
"but it's our last day in new york city... i love it here. i don't want to leave so soon..." the tanned male continued whining.
"we're going to see other beautiful cities, i'm sure you'll love them too." the idol smiled at donghyuck's childish talk.
"but i want to stay in new york more..."
mark abruptly stopped in his tracks and turned around, making donghyuck – who wasn't looking at his surroundings – collide with his chest and almost fall back if mark hadn't slipped one of his hands around his waist.
"and how about you stop whining and enjoy your last day in new york, huh?" mark asked, using his free hand to pinch donghyuck's cheek playfully.
"ouch..." donghyuck pushing mark's hand away and rubbed his cheek. "you hurt me..."
"aw, i'm sorry. do you need a kiss to make the pain go away?" mark asked teasingly, poking donghyuck's nose with his finger.
"very funny." donghyuck mumbled, his cheeks red.
mark chuckled at donghyuck's shyness before unwrapping his arm from around his waist.
"come on, enjoy the landscape instead of looking at your feet and whining. central park is so beautiful."
donghyuck did as he was told, lifting his head and looking at his surrounding while walking by mark's side. the canadian male occasionally told him funny stories or anecdotes on movies that were filmed here.
"the park is huge..." donghyuck declared.
"it is." mark nodded. "it's even bigger than monaco."
"it's a country in europe." mark explained. "you really don't know your world geography."
"as if someone knew what and where was moneco- "
"monaco." mark corrected him again.
"anyway." donghyuck rolled his eyes. "do you have an idea where the others are?"
"i saw lucas pulling a prank on ten around a minute ago, so we should hear them soon." mark replied, looking around.
mark and donghyuck continued their journey across central park, walking peacefully side by side and enjoying the cool breeze.
"it's so beautiful..." donghyuck declared, stopping on top of a bridge to look at the view of the lakes and trees in the middle of the tall buildings.
mark turned around to stare at donghyuck who was still on the bridge, admiring the view. and mark couldn't deny donghyuck's words: it was so beautiful, because donghyuck himself was the finest piece of art ever created.
just as donghyuck diverted his eyes from the landscape to walk in mark's direction, a loud "lucas, you fucker! come back here!" was heard, and soon, lucas appeared with a fuming ten on his heels.
"help meeee!" lucas yelled bolting across the bridge donghyuck was standing him, followed closely by a very mad ten, as both bumped into donghyuck on their way, making the tanned male lose his balance and fall forwards with a yelp.
thankfully, mark – who had already experienced his member being so careless – had taken a few steps forwards, and he managed to get on his knees on the ground and to catch donghyuck in his arms just before the boy could crash to the floor.
"this was a close call..." mark breathed out, looking on the boy that was basically lying on his lap.
"t-thank you..." donghyuck said, blinking in confusion as he stayed frozen on his spot, his eyes staring into mark's deep brown ones.
"i told you, hyuck. i'll always be here for you..." mark whispered, looking into donghyuck's eyes as intensely.
both boys fell into a comfortable silence, mark still kneeling on the floor while holding donghyuck's body that was halfway on his lap.
the two males simple looked into each other's eyes, this sole action being enough to make their heartbeats accelerate and make them want to go one step further, completely oblivious of what was happening in the other's head.
"mark lee." a familiar voice interrupted their moment.
mark snapped his head up, meeting eyes with taeyong as he immediately pushed donghyuck to his feet before standing up as well.
"what did i tell you?" taeyong said through gritted teeth
"it's not what you think!" mark lifted both of his hands accusingly.
"go tell that to the fans." taeyong placed his hands on his waist. "donghyuck, how about i walk around the park with you? kai wanted to have a talk with mark."
the tanned male looked between taeyong and mark. "huh, sure." he nodded. "see you later, mark."
"yeah, see you." mark waved at the boy with a silly smile.
"i got an eye on you, confused boy." taeyong warned mark under his breath before walking away with donghyuck and leaving mark alone with his racing heart.
"wow, this whole crush thing is getting out of hand..." mark breathed out, looking at donghyuck's figure as the boy disappeared in central park by taeyong's side. "...and i really need to do something about it..."
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