♪ 15 ♪
"why the hell is your room in this state?!" jaemin asked, utterly bewildered as he caught a glimpse of the mountains of clothes that were scattered on the floor around donghyuck. the tanned male was sitting in the middle of his messy clothes, with a look that screamed despair.
"i'm... cleaning my closet." donghyuck stated, not sounding so convinced.
"you?" jaemin scoffed. "cleaning your closet?"
"y-yeah...?" donghyuck smiled sheepishly at his best friend.
jaemin stared at him for a few seconds, one of his brows raised.
"bullshit." he declared. "tell me the truth."
he knew donghyuck too well to know that – first – he never cleaned his stuff unless jaemin forced him to, and – second – he was lying.
"alright..." donghyuck sighed, a pout appearing on his face as he picked a shirt from the mess of clothes on the floor. "i am going to hang out with someone, and i don't know what to wear..."
"hanging out?! as in... a date?!" jaemin exclaimed.
"no, not a date!" donghyuck shook his head. "i mean... i don't think it's a date..."
"who are you hanging out with?" jaemin asked.
donghyuck turned his head, his eyes falling on one of the giant posters taped to the walls of his bedroom. "lucas..." he muttered shyly.
"lucas?!" jaemin's eyes widened. "as in, lucas from super m?! this dude?!" he kept going, pointing at lucas on the posters.
"yeah, this lucas." donghyuck nodded.
"isn't he your... your favourite member?!"
"he is." donghyuck confirmed. "which is why i want to look amazing. but i have nothing good to wear."
"oh my god, hyuck, shut up. you look amazing no matter what you wear. and lucas is completely dumb if he cannot realise that!" jaemin's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he repeated once again words that donghyuck needed to get aware of. everyone had insecurities, but jaemin truly felt like donghyuck's were unjustified.
donghyuck looked at his best friend, smiling at him sincerely. jeno and renjun were so lucky to have jaemin as their boyfriend. he was so caring and understanding... and he would do anything to make his friends happy...
"thank you, jaemin." donghyuck spoke.
"it's normal, donghyuck." jaemin smiled back. "now, let me help you find something to wear. did you already have an idea of what style you wanted to go for?"
"huh... i don't know, cute maybe?" donghyuck tilted his head to the side.
"okay, so... how about your black ripped jeans and a cropped long-sleeved tee?" jaemin rummaged through the clothes on the floor until he pulled out a white cropped and long-sleeved t-shirt on which the word 'sunshine' was written in golden letters.
donghyuck hummed. "yeah, i haven't worn this for long." he nodded. "but the trousers are really tight."
"it's only for an afternoon, you'd be okay, won't you?" jaemin asked.
"yeah, you're right." donghyuck nodded.
"and then, you could take your long black coat. the weather is a bit cloudy, and it was announced that it would be raining quite hard." jaemin added.
"oh, that's a good idea!" donghyuck nodded. "okay, so let me find my jeans, and i'll get ready."
"perfect." jaemin smiled. "and once you're ready come to me, i'll help you with your makeup."
donghyuck giggled, standing up and pulling a pair of black ripped jeans from his cupboard before hopping towards jaemin.
"thank you so much, you're the best!" he declared before pecking jaemin's cheek.
"mark, why are you dragging me around like that?" lucas whined as he was pulled across the streets of seoul by his younger member.
"i just wanted us to hang out for a while." mark explained, looking at his surroundings before checking the map application on his phone.
"but why today? the weather is so bad, and it's about to start raining..." lucas continued whining. "how about we go back home and we'll go out tomorrow or next week, when it will actually be sunny outside."
"lucas, do i have to remind you that we are idols?" mark questioned. "it is better for us to go out on rainy days, because people – and fans – are less likely to be out on those days, and so, we're not risking getting harassed by anyone for a picture or an autograph." he continued, glancing at his phone from time to time.
mark and donghyuck had agreed to meet each other 'coincidentally' in a café in which super m often went to buy drinks.
of course, lucas still had no clue about what was really happening. he was a bit taken aback when mark had asked him to get dressed properly so that they could go out and have a drink together on this bad weather day. but let's say mark hadn't really left him a choice.
on their side, mark and donghyuck had been chatting over text, making sure that their plan was flawless and that everything would look purely coincidental without lucas discovering that mark and donghyuck had each other's numbers.
"okay, we're nearly there." mark informed, taking a turn at the end of the street and smiling as the familiar café came into view.
"i thought you would bring me to a new place, but no. you bothered me on a saturday afternoon just to go to our regular café." lucas sighed in despair.
"come on, i was craving a good drink." mark explained. "and now that you're here, you won't go back to the dorms."
"yeah, might as well get something to drink." lucas shrugged.
the canadian boy pulled his phone out and opened the conversation with donghyuck to warn him that they were approaching the café.
donghyuck informed him that he was already there, and that he was waiting for lucas and mark to get inside to do his part of the plan.
mark and him had agreed that mark would enter first with lucas, and that they will order drinks and sit in a booth. then, only once they'll have gotten their drinks and started talking, donghyuck would come in, and mark will 'recognise' the boy and tell lucas to invite him with them.
and right after, mark would simply need to find an excuse to leave lucas and donghyuck alone so that they could enjoy their time together.
"you're paying, right?" lucas asked as he entered the café.
"huh?" mark lifted his head from his phone.
"i asked if you were paying. since you dragged me out without me agreeing." lucas repeated.
"yeah, yeah. i'll pay." mark nodded, looking back at his phone.
in a matter of minutes, lucas and mark were at the counter, ordering food and drinks for both of them. mark tried not flinching as lucas orders loads of things as he knew he wouldn't be paying for anything.
"thank you. we'll bring everything to your table shortly." the man behind the register stated as mark and lucas headed to one of the booths in the corner, where they would be able to remove their hats and masks without people recognising them.
"so, why did you want to hang out today?" lucas asked his member once both of them were sitting face to face.
"no reason. just wanted to go out." mark shrugged.
"and why did you feel the need to drag me with you, then?" lucas continued his interrogatory.
"we're friends, we can hang out whenever we want." mark replied.
"whenever WE want." lucas emphasised the 'we'. "and i don't remember wanting today."
"come on..." mark rolled his eyes.
"here is your order." a waitress placed a few plates on the table. "i'll be back with the drinks in a second."
just as the food was set on the table, lucas jumped on the occasion and started devouring everything he had ordered.
mark sighed at the sight and he pulled his phone out to text donghyuck that he could finally come in.
the small bell of the café rang a second later, signalling that a new customer was coming in.
mark turned his head to check if that person that had just entered was donghyuck, but instead of doing it quickly and unnoticeably like he was supposed to do, the idol's eyes got stuck on the tanned beauty that was walking across the café.
donghyuck was slowly walking to the counter, his steps light and delicate, and a small smile plastered on his face. he was wearing tight black jeans with rips that hugged his thighs and waist very nicely. he had paired the jeans with a white long-sleeved shirt that allowed the tanned skin of his tummy to be shown. and if the shirt wasn't fitting enough, the word 'sunshine' was written there, proving that this shirt had indeed been made for donghyuck and nobody else. he also had a black coat draped over his arm, surely to protect himself of the rain that was threatening to pour.
damn, could donghyuck look even more gorgeous and perfect? mark was already head over heels for him, there was no need for him to try making mark fall more, because it was impossible at that point.
"mark? everything alright?"
mark shook his head, turning around to face lucas again, his cheeks colouring a deep shade of crimson.
"y-yeah!" he squeaked.
"you zoned out for ten seconds straight. what were you looking at?" lucas laughed before putting a pastry in his mouth.
"no one!" mark shook his head quickly, making lucas laugh again.
"of course, no one... there was no one behind you, dumbass." lucas rolled his eyes.
mark frowned. so, lucas hadn't noticed him staring at donghyuck?
the idol turned to his side, looking towards the counter and noticing donghyuck there, waiting by the place where you were supposed to grab your drinks.
wait, this meant that donghyuck had already had the time to order and pay for his drink! oh my god, how long had mark been staring at nothing while thinking about donghyuck.
the canadian boy quickly looked down at his phone, flushing red once again when he read the messages that donghyuck had been sending him the past minutes.
i'm coming in
omg i'm so nervous
why are you staring at me like that?
is there something wrong?
my clothes?
my hair?
what are you looking at?
huh mark
my order is almost ready
if you don't notice me
i'll need to leave the café
"shit." mark muttered before lifting his head and meeting donghyuck's eyes as the waiter handed him his drink. "oh, lucas!"
"mmh?" lucas answered, his mouth full of food.
"isn't that donghyuck?"
mark had never seen someone turning his head this fast.
in a millisecond, lucas had gulped down everything he had in his mouth, and he was staring at the beautiful boy that had just received his order.
"oh my god! donghyuck!" he called immediately as the boy was about to head out.
donghyuck stopped in his tracks, turning around slowly until his eyes fell on lucas – and mark who was once again admiring him. the tanned male's cheeks became red again as he waved his hand cutely in lucas' direction.
"come here, join us!" lucas motioned donghyuck to come to their table.
with shy steps, donghyuck walked to the booth in which lucas and mark were at.
"hello..." he mumbled.
"hi donghyuck! how are you doing?" lucas asked immediately.
"i'm great." donghyuck replied shyly.
"are you heading somewhere? or would you like to hang out with us?" lucas questioned. "there's plenty of food to eat, and we won't be able to eat all of it!"
"o-oh, but..." donghyuck stuttered. "i have nowhere to be. and... i can buy something for myself, don't worry."
lucas rolled his eyes. "come on. it's mark who paid for all of this. it's his pleasure. and if we don't have enough, he'll definitely buy us some more."
donghyuck glanced at mark as the idol gave him a sheepish smile.
"sorry, the manager is calling me." mark informed, taking his phone in his hand. "donghyuck, please have a sit. i'm coming back."
the tanned male sat in mark's seat, facing lucas as the other idol walked away to 'pass his phone call'.
"so, do you come here often?" lucas asked, putting his straw in his mouth and taking a sip of his drink.
"i came here a few times." donghyuck replied. "and you?"
"yeah, it's our regular café. each time we want something to drink after practice or anything, we come here." lucas explained. "so, if you want us to meet more often, you'll just have to come to this café more."
donghyuck giggled as his cheeks became redded. "yeah, i guess."
lucas chuckled at donghyuck's cuteness.
"what were you doing outside of your house on such an awful day?" lucas asked before pushing one of the plates towards donghyuck, inviting him to take a pastry that mark had paid.
"i was just walking around and enjoying the fresh air." donghyuck lied with ease. "what were mark and you doing?"
"well, that's a long story." lucas snorted. "mark basically dragged me out of my room so that we could have a drink here. and i told him i didn't want to come since the weather was bad and it has been all over the news that there will be a huge storm later, but yeah, he kept telling me that we should go. he was repeating over and over again that rainy days were days during which we had less probability of meeting crazy fans who would try to run after us." he continued.
"oh..." donghyuck let out.
"but, i don't care anymore. i'm glad we found you there! i may have wanted to go back home before, but now that you're here, i'll be happy to stay there all night long!"
donghyuck blushed at those unexpected words.
he placed his stray in his mouth and gulped down his drink so that he didn't need to answer to lucas' flustering words.
seriously, had super m members been conceived to be the flirty and flustering type? because mark and lucas kept making donghyuck blush! and he recalled the other members having this effect on him too when he met them.
"sorry, guys." mark appeared by the table. "huh... the manager asked me to go back to the dorms because he wanted to have a talk about the solo track they've been wanting to record with me." he explained, looking at lucas.
"oh, shit." lucas sighed. "do we have to leave?"
"no, no! just me." mark shook his head. "you can stay here with donghyuck don't worry. the manager only asked for me to be at the dorms."
"oh, okay." lucas nodded. "then i'll stay with donghyuck." he added, placing his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his palm while staring at donghyuck.
"sorry that i have to leave again." mark smiled. "enjoy your afternoon, i guess." he added.
"bye mark." donghyuck waved at him, smiling brightly as he knew that mark was doing that for him.
"bye donghyuck. see you around."
and with that said, the canadian male left the café, not forgetting to put his hat and his mask again.
donghyuck faced lucas again, almost choking on his saliva when he noticed how lucas was staring at him with his charming smile.
"so, i guess it's only you and i, now, sunshine..."
"is lucas still- why are you half naked?" baekhyun asked perplexed, pushing mark's bedroom door open and finding the younger member lying on his bed with only grey sweatpants.
"i was feeling hot." mark replied. "what were you asking?"
"if lucas was still outside." baekhyun repeated.
"huh, yeah." mark paused the video he was watching to look at his co-member. "why?"
"it's pouring outside. and i'm sure he doesn't have an umbrella."
mark looked through his window, letting out a little 'wow' of surprise when he realiseed that he could barely see the outside because of the amount of rain that was falling from the sky. he had been to engrossed in his videos to even noticed how bad the weather had gotten.
"fuck!" mark exclaimed as a lightning strike surprised him.
"did he tell you when he was coming back?" baekhyun asked.
"no. but if the weather is like this, he shouldn't be there in too long."
baekhyun shrugged before walking out of mark's room and closing the door behind his back.
mark pressed the play button of his video again and got back to watching the random show he had selected.
unintentionally, his thoughts wandered to donghyuck, and more particularly the clothes he had been wearing today.
mark had never really imagined that boys could wear crop-tops, let alone absolutely rock them. but donghyuck had just proved it to him. they looked divine on him, because they offered a perfect glimpse of his tanned stomach and his thin waist. and the one he had chosen was particularly fitting: plain white, which made a nice contrast with his skin tone, with the word that defined donghyuck the best – sunshine.
but it wasn't only his crop top. it was also the high-waisted jeans that highlighted his beautiful silhouette, the crazy mess that was his honey hair, making him look like an angel fallen from above the clouds, the eye-make up that brightened his face, the gloss he had applied on his lips, making them look glossy and plump... it was all of those little details that made donghyuck in all of his perfectness. and god, mark wished he had been the one to catch donghyuck's eye, and not lucas.
the giant male was goofy and quite dumb at times. he acted and talked without really thinking, and always ended up messing things up. he wasn't very careful of his surroundings either, and mark was sure he wouldn't be as careful with his lover as he should be.
sure, lucas was super handsome, and he was very tall, making him an ideal partner for a boy like donghyuck. but mark helplessly knew that lucas wouldn't know how to take care of him like he should.
mark loved lucas like a brother, he really did. but lucas wasn't mature enough to know how to take care of the precious boy donghyuck was – at least, that's what mark wanted to believe...
the canadian was woken up from his daze as he heard the front door of their dorm slamming shut. he realised that the video he was watching had ended long ago, and that he was already 14 minutes into another video that had automatically played at the end of his own video.
mark locked his phone and threw it on his bed before standing up and stretching his limbs and popping a few joints.
as much as he didn't want to hurt his feelings, he wanted to ask lucas how his and donghyuck's hanging out had been. he didn't even need to ask donghyuck, because – since lucas was his favourite and since donghyuck was such an angel – mark knew that even if lucas had been the worst asshole, donghyuck would thank mark for allowing him to meet lucas, and he would say that this was an amazing afternoon.
mark placed his hand over the handle and pushed the door open, walking out of his bedroom with his head hanging low as he repeated the same sentence over and over again in his head.
"so, lucas..." he spoke, slowly lifting his head to look at his co-member. "how was hanging out with- donghyuck?! what are you doing here?!"
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