♪ 13 ♪
donghyuck was fidgeting with his fingers nervously, his eyes running over the massive crowd of people that were waiting in line to enter inside the concert room where super m would be performing in a few minutes.
he still couldn't believe that he was going to see his favourite group at a concert. he couldn't believe that he had a v.i.p. ticket, and even less that he had had it for free from one of the performers. this all felt so surreal, like a perfect dream that would end too soon.
looking around, donghyuck started feeling self-conscious at the sight of all those pretty girls excitedly waiting to see their favourite idols in their most beautiful outfits. donghyuck had just put on tight black and ripped jeans and a basic white t-shirt, and he had added a baby blue oversized sweater over it not to catch a cold. mark had told him he shouldn't worry about his outfit, which was why he hadn't decided to go over the top.
speaking of which, donghyuck's text conversation with mark was still printed in his mind, and it was one of the main reasons why it had taken him hours to fall asleep the night before.
mark had openly told donghyuck that he would outstand everyone else in anything he would wear. donghyuck could still feel his cheeks burning from when he had read those words.
this had made his heart miss a few beats as he read and re-read the message over and over again to make sure mark had really said that. the tanned male had no clue what this meant, but it definitely had made his heart go crazy.
"please, have your tickets ready!" a lady exclaimed as she started scanning the qr codes of the people in line to validate their tickets.
donghyuck switched his phone on, opening the application on which mark had sent him the ticket. he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down as the queue shortened while more and more fans entered the concert room.
"ticket please." the woman with the scanner asked donghyuck as he arrived next to her.
with a trembling hand, donghyuck showed his ticket and allowed the woman to scan it.
"thank you, enjoy the night."
donghyuck nodded and walked towards the entrance, his heartbeat accelerating even more with each step he took. he would enjoy his night, that's for sure.
the boy gasped in awe as he caught a glimpse of the giant stage on which super m would be performing later that night. he couldn't believe he was about to witness such an event from the v.i.p. section.
the room filled up quickly, boys and girls pushing each other around to be the closest from the scene and have the best view of their idols. donghyuck wasn't moving an inch. he had found a spot on the side of the stage, just a few meters away from it, allowing him to have a perfect view of what would happen on stage.
minutes later, when the room was completely full, the lights went off, catching the attention of all the fans who were previously chatting with their friends. the faint music of the speakers couldn't be heard anymore because of the screams of joy and excitements the super m fans let out, cheering on their favourite band who would appear on stage in a matter of seconds.
donghyuck gulped in anticipation, his heart pumping loudly in his ears as his hands became clammy around his phone. he was about to see super m again, at a concert. and he wasn't even dreaming.
the lights slowly lit up the stage, yellow and white projectors dancing across the room as the beats of 'jopping' started playing in the speakers. and then, the seven boys appeared on stage.
the tanned male almost fainted as the seven members of super m walked on stage and came into view while the crowd went crazy screaming and moving around in excitement.
the beats of the music amplified the beating of donghyuck's heart as his lips parted in amazement when the boys started singing and dancing in synch.
after a few seconds of being frozen and astonished by what was happening to him, donghyuck regained his spirits and started jumping on his spot and singing loudly with the crowd.
this foreign feeling was all too good, and it made donghyuck feel like he belonged there.
jopping came to an end way too soon to donghyuck's liking, but he joined the mad crowd in a huge round of applause as he whistled to cheer on his favourite boyband.
"hello seoul!!" baekhyun exclaimed, making the fans cheer again loudly. "how are you guys doing tonight?"
as the crowd of fans screamed and yelled in excitement, donghyuck stayed silent, with a bright smile plastered on his face as he looked at the seven members.
his eyes fell on lucas, who was smiling at the crowd. he looked so handsome in donghyuck's eyes, his brown hair parted in the middle and falling over his eyes slightly.
lucas' eyes scanned over the crowd while baekhyun was giving his speech, and donghyuck's heartbeat stopped when his bias looked in his direction. he didn't even understand why he felt so jittery about it when he knew that lucas wouldn't recognise him in the middle of this crowd.
but well, it seemed that donghyuck had thought wrong, because lucas' eyes stayed glued on him for a few seconds before he gasped in realisation silently, flashing donghyuck a bright smile. needless to say, this had the tanned male in a daze, his cheeks as red as a tomato as he lifted his hand shyly to wave at Lucas.
the kpop idol smiled at donghyuck again before he turned around, poking mark's shoulder as the younger idol was looking at their fans carefully.
donghyuck noticed lucas whispering something in mark's ear, and in a matter of seconds, mark was looking in direction too, a silly smile appearing on his face as his eyes met donghyuck – who was about to die of shyness at the moment. donghyuck waved at mark too, and mouthed the boy a 'thank you'. he wasn't sure mark had gotten it, but the idol smiled at donghyuck again.
super m then started performing another song, and then another, and another one, making the crowd roar in excitement and dance in synch as their favourite idols sang and danced for them.
donghyuck was in another world, screaming at the top of his lungs the lyrics of the songs while bouncing on his feet. despite his excitement, he would sometimes freeze on his spot whenever mark or lucas would sing their lines looking directly at him.
he had assumed that after noticing him in the crowd, mark and lucas would pay him no mind, but damn, was he wrong... the number of times donghyuck had had an eye-contact with one of them tonight was incredibly high, and it never failed to make him nervous and shy.
after two whole hours of alternating between singing songs and telling random things to the crowd – baekhyun and lucas were masters at that – the concert came to an end, and super m had to leave the stage (after coming back twice to sing a "last song", of course).
the lights of the concert room got switched on again as the fans talked together about how amazing this experience had been for them.
"thank you for attending the super m concert. please, if you have a v.i.p. ticket, come to the left side of the stage." a feminine voice stated through the speakers.
before donghyuck could understand where he was supposed to go, a herd of crazy fans rushed towards the stage, almost making him fall because of the sudden move.
thankfully, donghyuck manage to catch his balance and to reach the place he was supposed to go to. people there seemed even more crazy than all of the other fans who had assisted to the concert.
the v.i.p. ticket offered you the opportunity to spend a few minutes with the seven members of super m at the end of the concert, and none of the fans who had purchased these v.i.p. tickets wanted to miss such an opportunity.
a small queue had formed on the side of the stage as the people who didn't have any v.i.p. tickets left the room. because of the crazy fans that had bumped into him a few seconds ago, donghyuck had found himself last in the queue, meaning that he would have to wait for long until he could enjoy his few minutes with super m.
while waiting, the tanned male looked through his phone at the videos he had taken during the concert. the quality was incredible since he had been able to take them from up close.
watching them carefully one after the other, donghyuck found himself blushing again as he noticed mark had winked in his direction during one of the performances. donghyuck hadn't noticed it while filming because he was too focused on keeping his phone straight and having the seven members in the frame, but now that he was looking closely at it, he could clearly see that the wink had been sent in his direction.
after around an hour, donghyuck found himself standing in front of a door by a staff's side.
he was the next – and the last – person in the queue, and after all of this wait, it would be his turn to see super m.
his heart had started racing in his chest a few minutes earlier, when he had noticed that he was getting closer to meeting super m again. at that point, his hands were clammy and fidgety.
would super m remember him?
lucas and mark had smiled in his direction during the concert, but had they smiled to him? maybe there was someone else just behind donghyuck whom mark and lucas knew and they had smiled at them.
yeah, who would remember donghyuck anyway? he was nothing extraordinary next to all of those pretty girls who would give super m anything they wanted. donghyuck was just a regular boy, nothing special to differentiate it from-
"please, enter."
donghyuck's eyes widened as the door was pushed open, allowing donghyuck to step in the small room in which the super m members were standing in a line.
"hello, we are super m!" the seven boys greeted donghyuck by reflex as soon as he entered the room. however, as soon as they were standing up straight again, taeyong gasped.
"oh my god, donghyuck!" he exclaimed walking to the fanboy.
the tanned male's heart missed another beat as taeyong recognised him. he didn't think the idols would recognise him. it had been a few weeks since the 'one day with super m' program, and the idols had much more important things to remember than the faces of their fans.
"see, i told you i had seen him in the crowd!" kai nudged ten's shoulder.
"i never said the contrary!" ten rolled his eyes. "i just struggled to find him."
"i had told you exactly where he was!" kai rolled his eyes.
"well, if you had started by the cute boy wearing a baby blue sweater, then maybe i would have found him easier!" ten argued back as donghyuck flushed red at the words ten pronounced. they thought he was cute??
"so, donghyuck. how have you been doing?" baekhyun asked, cutting the silence.
"well... everything has b-been going fine..." the tanned male replied with a shy smile as the attention of the seven boys was on him.
"so, you've bought yourself a v.i.p. ticket to see us performing, huh?" taemin smiled at the shy fanboy.
"y-yeah..." donghyuck nodded, his eyes falling on mark's quickly. the youngest idol smiled back at him, sending him a quick wink too which had donghyuck even more flustered than he already was.
"so... want another picture with us?" taeyong asked the boy.
"s-sure." donghyuck pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it.
"ooh, i didn't mean to peek but... is that lucas on your home screen?" ten wiggled his brows at donghyuck.
the fanboy immediately opened the camera app. "h-huh..."
"yeah, it's me." lucas smiled cheekily, approaching donghyuck and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "i'm his favourite here, so shoo, i'm the one being next to him on the picture."
a few of the members rolled their eyes at lucas' comment.
mark coughed, walking to donghyuck and taking the phone from his hands to give it to the security member who was in the room in case anything happened.
"can you please take a picture of us?" mark asked.
"sure." the security guard nodded, taking the phone in his hands and getting ready to snap a picture.
the seven members of super m posed around donghyuck, lucas bending slightly to have his arm around donghyuck's shoulders and mark on donghyuck's other side, with his head tilted to the side towards donghyuck. the other five members stood by their side or squatted in front of them to have a perfect group picture.
"okay, i took a few." the security guard declared, handing the phone back.
donghyuck walked to him and grabbed the phone while bowing. "thank you so much, sir."
"time's up." another staff member entered the room, looking at donghyuck.
"goodbye guys." donghyuck smiled at the seven members, waving his hand cutely.
"bye donghyuck, see you around!" the boys replied as the staffed brought donghyuck outside.
once donghyuck was back by the stage, he looked around the empty concert room.
"huh... excuse me, where can i find the bathroom?" donghyuck asked the staff.
"just there." she replied, pointing at the door on the back of the room.
"thank you."
the tanned male made a beeline to the bathroom, pushing the door open and walking to the sink to look at his reflexion in the mirror.
his face was bright red, surely because of all the flustering things the super m members seemed to say or do whenever donghyuck was around. were they like this with every single fan? how could all those girls survice when their idols said such things? donghyuck had to refrain himself from fainting each time one of the members set their eyes on him...
"oh my god..." donghyuck mumbled, opening the tap and placing his hands under the cold water before bringing them to his face, wetting his burning skin to get rid of its redness. super m were going to be the death of him. he kept saying it, but it was absolutely true at that point.
"ahh!" the tanned male exclaimed as someone called him name.
looking through the mirror, donghyuck noticed mark who was standing a few steps behind him. he hadn't even heard him entering the bathroom.
"mark." donghyuck breathed out, placing a hand over his beating heart. its pace had increased madly because of the sudden jump-scare, but the fact mark was standing next to him didn't really help to calm it down again.
"sorry, i scared you." mark smiled at donghyuck.
"it's fine, don't worry." donghyuck wiped his hands on his jeans before turning around to face mark.
mark and him stared at each other for a few seconds, none of them really knowing what to say.
"well... i wanted to thank you for... for giving me a ticket to the concert..." donghyuck spoke, fidgeting with his fingers.
"you don't have to thank me, donghyuck." mark chuckled. "i was happy to see you there."
"but i'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to give out v.i.p. tickets to your fans..." donghyuck continued. "and yet you gave me one."
"you had never been to a concert!" mark argued.
"well, if you really wanted me to go to a concert, you could have given me a normal ticket. they're already so expensive..." donghyuck replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
"i could, but i wanted to see you in person. and i wouldn't have been able to do so if you had a normal ticket."
donghyuck's cheeks turned red at those words.
mark wanted to see him. he had given him a v.i.p. concert so that they could meet again.
"plus, the others were happy to see you too." mark added. "lucas was so excited when he told me he had seen you in the crowd."
"r-really?!" donghyuck's face brightened up as his heartbeat accelerated. lucas was excited to know donghyuck was at the concert? lucas was happy to see him? his own bias? this had to be the best day of his life.
mark sighed at the way he saw donghyuck's persona brightening up at the mention of lucas' name. of course, lucas was donghyuck's favourite member... it was always about lucas and never about mark...
but anyway, as long as donghyuck was happy, mark would be happy too. and also, it's mark who had donghyuck's number, not Lucas.
"you shouldn't look down on yourself, donghyuck." mark spoke sincerely. "you're an amazing person and i'm not the only one to think like that. of course, the other members are happy to see you. and especially lucas, since he knows he's your favourite."
donghyuck looked down at his fidgety hands in shyness.
he was too self-conscious. he knew it. but at the same time, who would ever guess that idols would be looking forward to seeing one of their fans? this wasn't how it was supposed to go. it should be the other way around...
a sound made mark pull his phone out of his pocket and check the notification he had just received. he put his phone away after a few seconds.
"i'm sorry, my members are waiting for me." he declared. "i should go."
"oh, yeah." donghyuck nodded, smiling at mark. "thank you so much again. i'll never thank you enough."
"it's normal donghyuck." mark rolled his eyes.
"no, it's not. you're an idol and you have lots of fans, and it's not normal to buy tickets for your fans when- "
donghyuck's voice got caught up in his throat in the middle of his sentence when mark took a step forward and pulled him in a hug.
the tanned male stood frozen on his spot, his arms by his sides as mark placed his chin on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around his chest, holding him tight against him.
"okay, it's not normal... but you're not any fan, donghyuck." mark whispered against donghyuck's neck. "i really wanted you to come so that i could see you again, for real, and so that we could interact in another way than through text."
"o-o-okay..." donghyuck stuttered, leaning against mark slowly.
the two boys stayed still, hugging each other in the middle of the bathroom for long seconds before mark pulled away with a bright smile, flustering donghyuck.
"i really enjoy being with you, donghyuck." mark told. "and i'm ready to buy you v.i.p. tickets to each of our concerts if this means i will be able to see you again."
and with those words, mark flashed donghyuck a last smile before turning around and walking out of the bathroom, leaving donghyuck once again frozen on his spot, with red cheeks and an erratic heart.
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