Young Kid - Adolescent
When we're in adolescence stage, we normally are open to any ideas, philosophies and teachings.
We learned from the world system and world philosophies.
But take note you are a child of God. Therefore, you are not of this world.
As God's child, we are just pilgrims on earth. We do not belong to this earthly kingdom.
We are physically here on vacation but our real home is with our God and Father in heaven.
We travel on earth but we belong to the kingdom of God.
Therefore, we are to conduct ourselves as children of God wherever we are. Not only on churches, but wherever.
We act like children of God all the time... Not only on sundays but every time of our lives.
Hence let us not be conformed to the world system.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed
to this world: but
be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove
what is that good,
and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.
What does the world teaches that we are not to conform to?
Here are some examples of worldly beliefs:
1. It's ok if everybody does it.
2. An action is wrong only if you are caught. If not then it's ok.
3. It's ok to do anything as long as you don't hurt other people.
Here's one practical example.
Cheating on exams.
Under the world standards, cheating is ok since all your classmates do it, or as long as you are not caught, or given you did not hurt anybody.
Sounds correct, right?
But as a child of God, cheating is wrong. It is lying. Therefore it is a sin.
Remember our Father who is God is always watching us.
Job 34:21-22
For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and
he sees all his goings.
There is no darkness,
nor shadow of death,
where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
As a child of God, we should have our minds renewed by the Word of God, the bible, so that we will no longer be conformed to this world's way of thinking.
Our final authority and set of standards is from the bible. Not from the philosophy of men nor traditions of men.
Does that sound so difficult to do?
Yes it is. Being a prince or princess comes with restrictions and responsibilities.
But don't worry, God will give you the grace to do it. It is only by His grace that you are able to gracefully and happily live as a child of a King!
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