Chapter 11 - Alone
Ink's POV
I held Jammy on my hip while cooking dinner for the three of us. I had been occupied with taking care of both the kids without Error. I didn't have much time to myself. To be honest, it was very stressful for me.
The voice of Gray called to me from his bedroom. I looked up before rushing to his room after setting Jammy in his high chair.
Me: Stay here, Jammy. I'll be right back.
I said as I walked away. The baby made a face which told me that he was fixing to cry. I regretted leaving him alone but I needed to take care of my first born as well.
When I entered Gray's room, I saw that he accidentally broke the glass of a picture frame that we kept in there. He was standing near the shards of glass but I held my hand out.
Me: Stay there, Gray. The glass can get into your feet if you step forward.
I kneeled and carefully picked up the bigger pieces of glass and threw them into a small bin. Gray slowly walked around the area and stood behind me.
I heard Jammy cry from the kitchen. I sighed but kept my focus on the glass.
I grabbed a bit of glass but felt a pain in my finger. It seemed that a piece of glass cut my finger open. I used it as a demonstration for Gray.
Gray: Are you okay, mama?
Me: Yes I am but this is why you need to be cautious around broken glass.
He looked down at the carpet, his fingers twiddling together.
Gray: I'm sorry for breaking the picture.
I pulled him into a hug, making sure not to get any of my black blood on his clothing.
Me: You're okay, Gray. It's okay have an accident or make a mistake. As long as we learn from them. Okay?
He looked up at me and nodded. I rubbed my thumb against his cheek before kissing him on the forehead. I warmly smiled, adjusted his glasses, and went back to picking up the glass.
My child watched me. Once the glass was fully gone. I placed the bin in a secure place where neither Gray or Jammy could get to it.
I picked Gray up and carried him to the kitchen with me. Jammy was still crying and the food was well done.
I gently sat Gray on a dining chair and rushed to the food to turn it off. Then I went to my second born and quietly hushed to calm him down.
Once everything had slowed down for a second, I took the time to breathe.
I placed a plate in front of Gray before sitting between him and Jammy.
(Time Skip)
I laid with Gray on his bed while he showed me his drawings.
For a four year old, he was amazing as I had taught him how to draw. I was self taught so I didn't learn as quickly as he did.
I pushed myself up and walked over his side of the bed.
Me: Time for bed for Gray.
He whimpered but I gave him a small stern look. He took his glasses off and laid down. I bent down, gently kissing his forehead.
Me: Goodnight, baby. I love you.
Gray: I love you too.
I turned on the nightlight and headed to my bedroom.
Closing the door behind me, I stared around at mine and Error's bedroom. It was cold and the bed hadn't been made. I didn't have the time.
I crawled under the sheets and laid down. I stared at the empty spot in front of me.
It felt weird laying in bed alone after so many years of being married.
The silence slowly set in. I felt tears begin to roll down my face, soon turning into a full meltdown. It felt nice as it released my bottled stress.
I hugged myself as my tears drenched the pillow. However, my eyes opened when I heard my phone ring. I knew it was Error as he called me every night to talk before going to bed.
Attempting to control my voice and sitting up, I answered the call.
Error: Hey Inky.
Me: Hey, babe.
There was silence on the other end before I heard his deep voice again.
Error: Tell me what's wrong, Ink.
Me: Nothing's wrong.
Error: Yeah okay. I've been married to you for six years and I have known you for thirteen years. I know when you're upset over something. You're an open book to me.
I hesitated but I took a deep breath before telling him about my stress.
Me: Taking care of two kids is so stressful. One thing comes up after another and I have trouble keeping up. Am I just a bad mother?
Error: What?! No you're not. Don't ever say that about yourself. You're the strongest person I know.
I tiredly mumbled but still loud enough.
Me: You're just saying that to make me feel better.
Error: I'm being serious, Ink. You speak your mind when you want to and you've fought through literal hell. I can't even say "No" to my mom.
A smile appeared on my face.
Error: You can do this. I know you can.
There was silence for a split second.
Error: I love you, Ink.
Me: I love you too.
Error: And remember...
I interrupted him while giving him a playfully annoyed tone, still having tear stained cheeks.
Me: Two bottles of wine and no undergarments. I know.
I heard him chuckle from the other end.
Error: Goodnight Inky.
Me: ...
Goodnight Error
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