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"Park Jinyoung... where were you last night?" Jinyoung's roommate, Jackson Wang, asked when he walked in with messy hair and clothes.
"Huh... just... uh..."
"I... I had a one night stand with some dude I don't even know the name of." Jinyoung admitted, "I just got back from a hotel with him."
Jackson grinned, "Finally! I thought you'd never lose your virginity! Ah, but you can't get that news out on social media, you're an actor and it could put your reputation down."
Jinyoung nodded, "I know."
"Anyway, you said you didn't know the guy?" Jackson asked, sipping on his water.
"Right. He probably knew me though since I act." Jinyoung shrugged and sat on the couch.
"You're not that much of a famous actor-"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Whatever. How'd you meet him?" Jackson asked.
"Uh... I uh... got drunk." Jinyoung chuckled, "Thing is... I was sober by the time we got to the hotel.
"Was he drunk?"
Jinyoung shook his read, "He didn't smell like alcohol."
"Where'd you meet him?"
Jinyoung thought a bit... "Well, I was walking out in town with Youngjae and Jaebum... but the two said they were gonna go to their house to do some things I couldn't be around for... they offered to get me a taxi but my drunk ass denied he offer."
"Let me guess, you were wondering around the crowded city drunk as fuck and saw a guy that looked hot and decided to talk to him."
Jinyoung chuckled, "Close. I did think he was hot. But I did not try to talk to him. My drunk fuck decided to pretend I accidentally bumped into him while actually doing it on purpose."
"Then?" Jackson seemed intrigued with the story, going over to sit next to Jinyoung.
"Then I pretended to trip... he caught me." Jinyoung smiled to himself, "I looked at him and I did tell him that he was hot... he really was. He said I was cute."
"Then what?"
"He asked if I wanted to go to a hotel and sleep there since I was drunk. Thing was, that's when I was sobering up. But I still faked drunk. The guy rented out a hotel for me and was planning on leaving after paying... he said something along the lines of feeling bad if he got to hang out with a celebrity and others couldn't."
"So he does know you?" Jackson nodded, assured.
"Yeah. Anyway, I grabbed his wrist and told him that I wanted him to stay... he said he'd stay for a little bit... we watched a movie that was on the television, and before I knew it... we were making out and he was on top of me. Then we fucked, and I woke up being cuddled up with him. I felt awkward since that was my first time and I fled after leaving him a note." Jinyoung sighed, "Well now at least I know how it feels."
"Not bad, right?"
"With him, it was wonderful." Jinyoung smiled to himself again, "Oh well. Don't spread that around, I can't let others find out."
Jackson nodded, "Alrighty."
A week had passed and Jinyoung kept thinking about the brunette.
"Aish, where is Youngjae and Jaebum?" Jinyoung asked, sipping milk for breakfast.
"They're at they're studio." Jackson told him.
"Ah..." Jinyoung nodded his head.
Then he felt as if the food he just ate was about to come out.
He covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom, puking into the toilet.
"Woah, what's wrong?" Jackson rushed to his side.
Jinyoung flushed and went to brush his teeth, after he was done, he looked at Jackson, "I think I ate something wrong... I've been feeling sick since a couple days ago..."
"Oh... wait a second, did you use a condom a week ago?!" Jackson gasped and covered his mouth.
Jinyoung shook his head, "I guess that was a dumb idea... but it's not like either of us were expecting to be fucking someone."
"True. Take this." Jackson gave him a pregnancy test, "Then go to the doctor to confirm it."
So Jinyoung did what his roommate told him. The pregnancy test came out positive.
"Fuck, I can't go to the doctor for this, it'll be spread around the internet like a wild fire."
"Then take another pregnancy test... if it's negative, take another one... if it's positive, you're definitely pregnant." Jackson said, giving Jinyoung another pregnancy test.
"How do you have all these?"
"Well... Namjoon and I... we uh... reasons. Gotta make sure." Jackson cleared his throat.
"I don't want to hear about your fuck buddy." Jinyoung sighed and went to take another one.
It was positive too.
Jinyoung walked out of the bathroom, speechless.
"So, now what?" Jackson sipped his coffee.
"I need to find him. I've gotta make him mine." Jinyoung bit his lip and looked at his stomach, "For our child."
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