Chapter 7
Trigger Warning
There is death, blood and stabbing in this chapter, so if any of those
"Come on you two, it's time to go to bed," Jongho said with a sigh, leaning against the doorway to the room. Yeosang was laying on his bed reading a book, while Wooyoung was cuddled against him, just blinking tiredly. Yeosang glanced up before looking out the window and noticing just how dark it was.
"Sorry Jjong, we got carried away," Yeosang apologized.
"Wooyoung looks like he's about to fall asleep," Jongho pointed out. Yeosang looked down quickly and smiled as Wooyoung blinked sleepily up at him.
"He's so cute," he chuckled, ruffling his hair.
"Yes, adorable. Now get some sleep Yeosang," Jongho said. He walked over to the bed and grabbed the book from Yeosang's hand, putting in a bookmark and placing it on the table beside the bed.
"Sleep," he said. Yeosang nodded and relaxed more, laying down properly and pulling Wooyoung into his arms. He made sure Wooyoung was comfortable before giving Jongho a small smile. Jongho went around and blew out the candle, leaving the one on the other side of the room still burning for a little extra light.
"I'll be outside the door for most of the night, but if you need anything a bit later, I'll be staying in the room down the hall," Jongho said.
"You don't need to stand outside my room every night. It's not like someone's going to snatch me in the night," Yeosang said. He knows that Jongho stays outside most of the night and it means he doesn't get much sleep.
"Two Kingdoms are going to war Sangie, who knows what else is happening. I'm going to look after you until things die down a bit more," Jongho said firmly. There is no way he's going to leave the Prince's room unattended, especially near midnight when assassinations usually happen. Yeosang sighed but nodded, knowing Jongho wasn't going to back down as he's far too protective.
"Goodnight Jongho," he said softly. Jongho nodded and left the room, closing the door and moving to the other side of the hall, resting his back against it and watching the doorway.
Wooyoung snuggled closer to Yeosang on the bed, resting his head on his shoulder. Yeosang smiled softly and tightened his hold around the younger boys waist, letting his eyes slip closed to fall asleep.
Jongho was still waiting in the hall a few hours later, just resting against the wall and keeping an eye on Yeosang's door. It was probably close to 1am and he was considering heading off to his room to get some rest soon. He sighed and stood up properly, moving to walk down the hall, but stopped when he heard a noise. He turned around quickly, looking down the other end of the hall but didn't see much as it was quite dark. He took a few steps forward, standing in front of the bedroom door and looked around. It remained silent once again, but something didn't sit right with him. Something felt off. He quickly pulled his sword out and opened the bedroom door, stepping in slightly, but not fully so he could still keep an eye down the hall.
"Yeosang, Wooyoung, wake up," he called out, making sure not to be too loud. Yeosang didn't stir, but Wooyoung lifted his head up slightly. He'd been awake for a little bit, just relaxing and thinking quietly.
"Jongho? What's wrong," he asked, glancing at the doorway in confusion. Jongho doesn't usually bother them throughout the night.
"I need you to close the door and lock it for me alright," Jongho said quickly. Wooyoung was confused at his words. What's the point of locking it? Everyone knows not to open the door during the night. Jongho's head snapped back to the hall as he heard another odd noise.
"Wooyoung, lock it now. Right now," he said hurriedly. Wooyoung could hear the urgency in his voice and jumped up quickly, grabbing the lock from the draw and running over.
"Look after him," Jongho said before closing the door. Wooyoung was confused and scared but did as asked. Look after him? Is something wrong? Why is he acting so off? It must mean that something is happening. He hurriedly grabbed matches and lit the match, lighting all of the candles and hurrying back over to the draws. He reached inside to the very back, feeling around until he felt something cold and metallic. He gripped it and pulled out the dagger, clutching it tightly before going back over to Yeosang.
"Sangie, wake up," he said, shaking him quickly. Yeosang woke up with a jolt, sitting up and looking around blearily until he saw Wooyoung beside the bed.
"Youngie? What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare," he asked in concern.
"Come on, get up," Wooyoung said quickly.
"What, why? What's going on," Yeosang asked, getting confused.
"Sangie something's wrong. Jongho came in and told me to lock the door and protect you. I think someone's in the castle," Wooyoung said, his voice small. Yeosang looked to the door quickly and got up.
"Did he say what was happening," he asked worriedly. Wooyoung shook his head and went to reply, but there was a sudden thud from down the hall.
"Yeosang, get in the corner of the room," Wooyoung said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the wall furthest from the door. He pushed him into the corner between the cupboard and wall and made him kneel down. Yeosang was confused as to what he was doing and noticed the dagger in his hand.
"Wooyoung, what're you doing," he asked slowly.
"Protecting you. If something happens and bad people come in here, I'm going to protect you," Wooyoung said. Yeosang was confused, but then realised what Wooyoung meant.
"No, absolutely not. You sit here right now and we're both hiding," Yeosang said, shaking his head.
"Yeosang I need t-."
"That is an order," Yeosang said as he stood up.
"One that I can't listen do," Wooyoung said, shoving him back down. There were sudden yells noises in the halls and Yeosang gasped, pulling Wooyoung down. There was a bang on the door and both boys squeaked, beginning to tremble slightly. Yeosang pulled Wooyoung closer and Wooyoung crumbled slightly, cuddling closer to him.
"It's ok, Jongho's going to protect us. He'll be fine, right," Yeosang said uncertainly, holding Wooyoung tighter.
Jongho closed the door quickly, hearing Wooyoung lock it not long after and let out a breath of relief. Whatever it is, at least they'll be safe in the room. He's probably being paranoid, but it's better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to the Prince's safety. He gripped his sword tightly and slowly walked down the hall, listening closely to see if he could pick up any noises or signs of someone lurking around. It was quiet for a few seconds before he noticed it. Quiet and barely noticeable footsteps getting closer quickly. Jongho ducked quickly on instinct, barely managing to dodge a sword that swung right where his head was moments ago. This just became very real. He quickly jabbed his sword, impaling the assailant on his sword before pulling it out and slicing his neck for good measure. He let out a breath as they dropped to the floor and stood up, looking down at them. They were wearing all black clothes and he couldn't identify who they were and where they might be from. He was distracted, studying the body to try and find out who would be going after Yeosang. That was a mistake. He was too busy trying to do that and forgot to make sure there was only one assailant. He realised that there was more the minute there was a sharp pain in his left shoulder as a blade pierced through it. He held back a scream and pushed away the pain, spinning and swinging his sword, slicing through their side and making them fall before stabbing them in the back. The sword was still embedded into his shoulder and he winced. You're always told to leave whatever is stabbing into you in, but he has no doubt that there are other's here and his first priority is the two boys currently hiding in the room down the hall, no doubt terrified. He's going to protect them, even if it kills him. He grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled it out quickly with a groan. Just in time it seems, as a few seconds later someone collided with him and he was tackled against the wall. He quickly kneed the attacker in the stomach, elbowing him in the back of the head, and grabbing him, swinging him around and smashing him into the wall. The guy collapsed but it was then that Jongho noticed at least 5 other people lurking around. This is going to be fun. He squared up to them, prepared to fight but then there was a bang from behind him and his blood ran cold. He spun around quickly to see two guys by Yeosang's door, trying to kick it down. He sprinted down the hall, tackle one to the ground before keeping his momentum and rolling back onto his feet, attacking the other with his sword. He managed to kill him before a hand enclosed around his ankle and pulled, making him fall on his back. He didn't get time to worry about the pain in his back before he spun around and stabbed the sword through their chest. He jumped to his feet but was tackled and sent further back down the hall and away from the door. He heard another bang and saw them trying to kick the door open once again. He panicked and tried to run over to them but was stopped when a sword came flying towards him and he quickly blocked it, having to turn his attention back to whoever it was attacking him now. They managed to slice his arm slightly before he could finally stab him in the neck, but then there was a loud crash. Yeosang, Wooyoung.
"Yeosang! Wooyoung," he yelled, running to try and get to them, but was once again met with resistance.
Yeosang whimpered when there were continuous bangs on the door and held Wooyoung closer. Wooyoung took a deep breath and clutched the dagger tightly, trying to calm himself down. Jongho is out there fighting to protect Yeosang, if he's even still alive. If those people get through the door, then it's his job to protect the Prince and keep him safe. He narrowed his eyes and tensed up, prepared to jump up and fight if they get through. He is in no means trained in fighting or knows how to use a dagger properly, but he is fast and has quick reflexes. Plus, using a dagger is just stabbing, it can't be that hard, right? He was pulled from his thoughts when there was a crash and the door swung open, the lock snapping. Yeosang whimpered, not knowing what to do but fearing for the life of his closest friend who would be caught in the fray purely for being there with him. A man walked inside and the two of them stayed huddled beside the closet but the minute the man got past the bed, Wooyoung lunged forwards. He tackled him to the ground and started stabbing the knife into him as quick as he could, looking away so he didn't see it. He stabbed him about 5 times before his arm was grabbed and he was ripped up. He quickly turned and stabbed them in the side, before he was kicked in the stomach and he feel to the floor in pain, leaving the knife in the other's side. Yeosang lunged forwards and threw his body on top of Wooyoung's, wrapping himself around him tightly to protect him, squeezing his eyes closed and bracing for the pain.
Hongjoong woke up in a pool of sweat, breathing heavily. He isn't sure what caused it, but it was most likely a nightmare he could no longer remember.
"Joong, you ok," Seonghwa asked, sitting up sleepily as he noticed the Prince was awake and shaken.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream," Hongjoong replied, with a sigh. Seonghwa gently wrapped his arms around Hongjoong and moved his hand to push his sweaty hair back softly.
"You sure you're alright," he asked softly. Hongjoong opened his mouth to reply but paused abruptly before closing it. Truthfully, he had this weird feeling in his gut that there was something going, that something was wrong.
"I don't know," he said quietly. Seonghwa frowned worriedly and woke up a bit more.
"What do you mean you don't know? Are you hurt," he asked quickly.
"No, I'm not hurt. I just have this bad feeling, like something is wrong," Hongjoong said, clutching the sheet nervously. He knows how odd it must sound and he doesn't understand it himself but it just won't go away. Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows, not really understanding what he meant, but an idea came to him.
"Do you think it might be about Yeosang? You know that thing where siblings get a feeling when the other is in danger," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong froze and his eyes went wide. Oh god. He flung the blankets off quickly and jumped out of bed running and grabbing his sword.
"Star, stay here and lock the door. Do not leave this room until I get back and tell you it's safe," Hongjoong said quickly as he ran to the door.
"Promise me Seonghwa. If Yeosang is in trouble I want my full attention on him. I need to know you're safe to do that," Hongjoong cut in quickly.
"Go check, I'll be fine. I promise," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong swung the door open and ran out, closing it behind him as he went to the room next door and pounded on the door.
"Yunho wake up," he yelled. The door swung open quickly and Yunho was standing at the door with his sword and shoes on.
"What the hell Joong. What's going on," he asked quickly. The last thing he expected was to be woken up in the middle of the night by Hongjoong for who knows what this is.
"I have this really bad feeling and I think Yeosang might be in danger," Hongjoong said.
"You have a bad feeling," Yunho asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Come on, let's go," Yunho said, hurrying down the hall. Hongjoong's gut feeling is almost never wrong, and if he's worried about Yeosang then Yunho knows he won't rest until he sees him ok. The both ran down the hall, going towards the Prince's room and Hongjoong knew something was wrong the second he heard a big crash. They turned the hall that was lit with the candles to see a bunch of dead bodies littering the floor while Jongho fought with two other people in masks. Hongjoong noticed the door to Yeosang's room was open and his heart stopped.
"ANGEL," he screamed, sprinting to the door. Yunho's job above all else is to protect Hongjoong, but right now Jongho is in trouble and Hongjoong is furious. Hongjoong will stop at nothing to protect Yeosang, so Jongho needs him more. He rushed over to help Jongho with the other two. Hongjoong sprinted into the room, skidding to a stop to see someone dead on the floor while another was standing with their sword raised. Yeosang was laying on the floor, pinning Wooyoung down and using his own body as a shield. He was going to kill both of them. Hongjoong saw red and he rushed forwards, swing his sword back and slicing through the back of their neck and making them crumple to the floor. He wanted to be sure though, so he lifted it up and stabbed it down quickly, making them stop moving. He shot his head up and looked to see Yeosang still laying on top of Wooyoung, holding him tightly as his entire body trembled. He knows Yunho and Jongho will be fine dealing with the other's out there so he's safe to look after these two.
"Angel, Sweetheart. It's ok, you're safe," Hongjoong said quickly. He wants nothing more to hug both of them, but they need to recognise him and know they're safe first. Yeosang sniffled and slowly lifted his head, holding Wooyoung tightly just in case but his eyes met Hongjoong's and he let out a sob.
"Joongie," he cried, sitting up properly and opening his arms. Hongjoong dropped his sword, hurried over and hugged him tightly, pulling Wooyoung up as well. Wooyoung quickly cuddled up to him and hugged him tightly, trying to take deep breaths.
"You guys are safe, I've got you," Hongjoong whispered. They both started to sob harshly, trembling in his arms. He just held them as tight as he could, reassuring himself that they were both alive and unharmed, they were both ok. Wait, are they hurt.
"My babies, are you hurt anywhere," he asked quickly, trying to lean back to check them over but they both whimpered and held him tighter.
"Shh, I'm not going anywhere. I just want to make sure you guys aren't hurt," he said softly. Yeosang sniffled and went to shake his head, but then he remembered what happened to Wooyoung earlier.
"Wooyoung, he uh, he got kicked in the stomach real hard," he said. Hongjoong tried to look at Wooyoung to check over him but Wooyoung wouldn't let him go. He felt safe in the elder's arms and he knew Yeosang was safe so he could let it out now.
"H-Hongjoong. I, I k-kill-killed s-someone," he stuttered out. Hongjoong was shocked and he felt his heart break. No matter who you are, killing for the first time, or perhaps any time, it weighs on you. And for someone as sweet and gentle as Wooyoung, he has no doubt it's going to stick with him for a while.
"Oh Sweetheart," he whispered softly. Wooyoung sobbed and pushed his face further into Hongjoong's neck.
"I just, I st-stabbed him. He w-was gonna h-hurt Sangie," he cried.
"I know. It's ok, I know," Hongjoong whispered, rubbing his back softly. There was more movement and Hongjoong clutched the younger two closer, before looking towards the doorway, letting out a breath when he saw it was just Jongho and Yunho. Thank goodness they were ok. Jongho looked around quickly, letting out a breath of relief when he saw that both Yeosang and Wooyoung were ok and cuddled up in Hongjoong's arms.
"Hongjoong. Are they ok? They aren't hurt right," Jongho asked worriedly. He'd never be able to forgive himself if something happened to one of them when he was supposed to be protecting them.
"They're ok. Shaken, but ok. You did really good Jongho, you did your job better than other's would've," Hongjoong told him. Jongho really did save their life. No one else would've been able to take out that many assailants alone, in the dark and with no preparation. Jongho let out a deep breath, feeling the weight lift from his shoulders. They're ok. They're ok. They're, okay.
"JONGHO," Yunho yelled, lunging forwards and catching him as his legs gave out and he collapsed. Hongjoong's eyes went wide and his arms tightened around the two he was holding, panicking at the sight of Jongho collapsing. Yunho checked him over quickly, trying to find the cause of what happened. His breath caught in his throat as he found out what it was.
"Hongjoong. Joong he's been stabbed, in his shoulder and there's a slice on his arm. He's losing a lot of blood," he rushed out quickly. Hongjoong frowned worriedly. Of course they can't all get out of this unscathed.
"Get him to the infirmary now, I'll go get San," Hongjoong said quickly. Yunho quickly but gently moved Jongho so he was held safely in his arms before standing up.
"Take Wooyoung and Yeosang with you, Wooyoung needs his stomach checked out," Hongjoong said.
"No, J-Joong no. I don't w-want to l-leave you," Wooyoung sniffled. Hongjoong wants to be gentle with him, he knows that Wooyoung needs it but Jongho is in danger.
"Wooyoung, Jongho might die if you don't go now. He's been stabbed and he needs to go to the infirmary right now. Yeosang will take you and Yunho and Jongho will be there as well but I need you to go. San needs to be with his brother," Hongjoong said firmly. Wooyoung sobbed again, but quickly let go, Yeosang following along.
"Go Yunho," Hongjoong said and Yunho quickly rushed out. Yeosang grabbed Wooyoung's hand and pulled him along, his hand instinctively coming up to cover his eyes so he wouldn't see the dead bodies littering the halls. He's already traumatized enough as it is. Wooyoung moved closer to Yeosang and they walked quickly after Yunho towards the infirmary. Hongjoong continued to sit on the floor for a few seconds, just blinking to himself and regathering his thoughts. Everything was fine this morning, nothing was wrong and suddenly there's a bunch of dead bodies, Jongho was stabbed, Wooyoung killed someone and will most likely be traumatised and Yeosang was almost killed. Doesn't matter now, what matter is getting San so he can look after his little brother. He got to his feet quickly and took a breath before leaving quickly. There were two dead bodies in the room and at least another eight in the hall. It's San's night to be on patrol duty, along with other and that thought worried him. If people got into the castle then they probably got past a couple of Knights on patrol and he just hopes it isn't San. Mingi will be safe because he wasn't on patrol duty for the night so he'll be in the Knight's lodging. San's supposed to be at the north-west end so he'll head there. The minute he stepped out of the castle, the intense cold shot sharply through his body, his feet feeling like he was walking on ice. He didn't falter though, he began running, ignoring the cold and going towards the north-west part of the castle ground. He was running for about 10 minutes before he finally caught sight of San. The boy was standing with his back to the castle, facing towards the wall, his hand clasped behind his back.
"San," Hongjoong called out. San jolted slightly as he heard Hongjoong yell, not expecting it. He turned around in confusion but his eyes went wide when he saw Hongjoong running to him. The grounds were lit up as usual, so he was easy to spot. What shocked San was that he wasn't wearing any shoes and he was only wearing his night clothes which weren't warm enough for the cold weather outside.
"Hongjoong," he gasped, running towards him and pulling off his coat. He wrapped it around the smaller's frame and tied it up, feeling his entire body shivering.
"You idiot why are you out here in the cold without a coat or shoes. Come on, let's go back to-."
"San, people came to try and kill Yeosang," Hongjoong cut him off quickly. San froze, frowning in confusion before his eyes widened. Wooyoung was with Yeosang, and Jongho was guarding him.
"What happened? Is everyone ok," he asked quickly, worried for his brother, lover and friend.
"Wooyoung killed someone to protect Yeosang, he's going to need you close for a while, probably need you to sleep with him to help him through nightmares. But it's not him that I'm worried about. Jongho was stabbed, he needs his big brother," Hongjoong said quickly. San's face went pale and he quickly grabbed Hongjoong's hand before he begun to run. He really shouldn't be leaving his post, but his brother was hurt and he's guessing they've already killed everyone so who cares. If he get's punished and put in the dungeon for a few days, then so be it. Hongjoong immediately ran with San, knowing it was urgent for him to Jongho. He stumbled slightly when his feet started to feel a little numb, falling to his knees and shivering.
"Hongjoong. Hey, you ok," San asked, stopping quickly to bend down beside him and make sure he was ok. The Prince was shivering harshly and his face was pale which worried him a lot.
"I'm fine San, don't worry about me being a Prince and just go and look after your brother," Hongjoong said, his teeth chattering slightly.
"No way. Jongho is strong and stubborn, he'll keep kicking. Meanwhile, I don't want you dying of hypothermia," San said softly. Hongjoong shivered and nodded, finding his body to be feeling colder and colder.
"I've got you, let's go," San said, scooping Hongjoong into his arms. Usually he would've protested, but for some reason he was beginning to feel tired so he just rested his head on the Knights chest.
"Don't sleep on me now Joong, or you'll be the one everyone will have to be worrying about. You'll be stealing all of Jongho's thunder," San joked, but it was just to not worry Hongjoong more. Realistically, he was started to worry more for Hongjoong than he was for Jongho and he quickened his pace. Hongjoong shivered and nuzzled his nose against San's neck, San shivering slightly at how cold it was. He started to move as quickly as he could through the halls, finally making it to the infirmary and shouldering the door open. He immediately noticed the medics hovering over a bed with Jongho in it, Yunho beside it while Wooyoung was in the next bed with Yeosang holding his hand. Jongho was awake and made a noise of pain, which was the confirmation he needed that he would be ok. Sore and injured, but ok. He quickly ran to a shelf, grabbing as many blankets as he could clutch before running to the fire they had going on the other side of the room. He dropped to his knees, moving Hongjoong close enough to the flames to get the warmth, but far enough that he wouldn't get burnt. He grabbed the blankets and wrapped them up tightly around Hongjoong, bundling him in a ball and cuddling him from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder.
"Come on, warm up for me my little Prince," he whispered. Hongjoong's teeth were still chattering slightly but he leant closer to San, feeling the warmth radiating from him.
"San," Yunho called out in confusion. He had noticed someone had come inside and when he turned, he saw a Knight by the fire and immediately recognized it as San. He expected San to be straight by Jongho's side to make sure he was fine, not go sit by a fire.
"I know, Jongho's hurt. But he's still being a woos, so he's clearly not dead yet," San called back, rubbing Hongjoong's arm to help him warm up more.
"Glad to see you care," Jongho said, groaning as the medic continued to stitch his shoulder.
"The royal Highness almost got hypothermia, so I'm warming him up. I know you're going to be fine Jjong, otherwise I'd be by your side right now," San called back.
"Jo-His Highness got hypothermia," Yunho asked worriedly, looking over.
"I'm fine," Jongho said quietly, knowing Yunho wanted to check on Hongjoong. Yunho glanced back before nodding and hurrying over to the fire, kneeling down. He held back a chuckle as he saw how cute Hongjoong looked all bundled up in the blankets, but he did look a little pale. Yeosang was also worried about his brother and after making sure Wooyoung was alright, he hurried over.
"Joong, you alright," he asked quietly. Hongjoong lifted his head and gave him a small smile.
"I'm fine Angel, just a little cold. San's warming me up just fine," he said softly. Yeosang let out a breath of relief and cuddled up to Hongjoong.
"Is Jongho going to be ok," Hongjoong asked quietly.
"Yeah, medics said he's going to be fine. He lost a quite bit of blood but it'll only make him woozy, not kill him," Yunho explained. Both Hongjoong and San were relieved at his words, glad to know everyone was going to be alright.
"San go check on Youngie and Jongho, I'll be fine with Yunho and Yeosang," Hongjoong said softly. San nodded and gently moved Hongjoong over to Yunho who scooped him up and held him tightly, keeping him close to the fire to continue warming up. San quickly went to the other side of the room and sat on Wooyoung's bed, holding out his arms. Wooyoung quickly hurried forwards and fell into San's embrace, hugging him tightly. He finally felt safe and protected, not that he wasn't before but San just makes everything seem so much better. He desperately wanted to cry but he held it in, he can wait until they're alone.
"Everything's gonna be ok baby, I'm so proud of you for protecting Yeosang," San whispered, kissing the top of his head softly. Wooyoung took a deep breath and nodded, cuddling closer to San. Jongho winced as another stitch was put in but looked over at San and Wooyoung.
"What did I do, just sit and watch," he scoffed. San looked up and smiled at his baby brother.
"That's going to leave a nice scar," he said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, nicer than the one on your hip probably," Jongho replied with a chuckle. San grinned at his brother and Jongho smiled back. Having his brother with him while he was hurt, helped make him feel better, more assured that everything was going to be ok.
After about half an hour, Hongjoong finally felt perfectly fine, having been warmed up able to move around just fine. Jongho was all stitched up and resting, not quite asleep, but too tired to move much. Yeosang had laid next to him in the bed and cuddled up to his side, feeling bad that he got hurt because of him, but Jongho was quickly to cut that path down and let him cuddle up to him. San remained on Wooyoung's bed with the younger rested in his lap.
"You all did really well, you protected each other and that's what we're all about. We need to have each other's back, keep us all safe," Hongjoong said quietly, leaning against the end of Jongho's bed. The others nodded in reply, cuddling up to the one they were close to, Yunho patting Hongjoong's shoulder gently.
"Mingi's gonna be sad he missed all the fun," Yunho joked. Wooyoung looked down sadly, clenching his fist in the sheet. What fun was there to miss?
"Yunho, Youngie killed someone," Hongjoong whispered quietly in a reminded. Yunho mentally kicked himself for making an insensitive joke. As Knights, they've learnt to make jokes to cope with things, but the others won't be used to that.
"I'm just glad Seonghwa wasn't there," San said with a sighed. Hongjoong froze and his blood went cold. Seonghwa. He told him something was wrong and to wait for him before leaving the room. It's been ages since then.
"Oh my god. Hwa," he gasped. He turned and ran from the room, hearing the others protest but he didn't stop. He ran as fast as he could down the many halls until he eventually got to the door to his room. He skidded to a stop and knocked quickly.
"Seonghwa it's Hongjoong, you can open the door," he said quickly. He waited a couple of seconds, only hearing silence in reply before hurriedly knocking again.
"Hwa? Open the door," he called out, once again receiving no reply. He grabbed the door handle and opened it, the door swinging open easily. That's not a good sign. Hongjoong hesitated before stepping inside, swallowing nervously as he saw many things overturned in his room. Oh god no. Please no.
"Seonghwa? Hwa? Star where are you," he asked worriedly. He rushed to the bed, flipping the covers but they were empty so he ran to the opposite side of the bed, looking to see if he was hiding. He begun to panic slightly, quickly looking under the bed, but once again Seonghwa was nowhere to be found. They killed them all. They killed them all right?
"STAR, WHERE ARE YOU? SEONGHWA," he yelled, trying to force himself not to panic too much but his breathing started to pick up. There was a small noise and Hongjoong's head snapped over to the curtain to the bathroom. He ran over and opened it harshly, looking into the bathroom. There was a small whimper and his eyes caught on a figure curled up in the bathtub.
"Star," he whispered, running over quickly. Sure enough, Seonghwa was curled up in the bathtub, his knees pulled to his chest and his head buried between them.
"Seonghwa," he said softly, kneeling down. Seonghwa didn't reply so he gently reached out and grabbed his wrist. Seonghwa jolted at the touch, panicking as he thought someone was there to hurt him, flailing his arm out but Hongjoong caught it swiftly and held it gently.
"Hey Seonghwa, it's me. It's Hongjoong," he said gently. Seonghwa sniffled and looked up, his eyes meeting a pair of soft, kind eyes he had been thinking he wouldn't see again.
"Joong," he whispered.
"Yeah, it's me. I'm ok, are you alright," Hongjoong asked worriedly, glancing over his frame to try and see if he was hurt anywhere. Seonghwa whimpered and held his arms out, desperately wanting to have Hongjoong near. Hongjoong obliged and quickly climbed into the tub, laying down beside Seonghwa and letting him cuddle up to him.
"Hwa, are you ok? Are you hurt? I need to know. Did someone come in here and try to hurt you," Hongjoong asked worriedly. Seonghwa sniffled and shook his head, holding Hongjoong tighter.
"You didn't come back. I thought something happened to you, and it scared me. I thought I wasn't going to see you again," Seonghwa whispered sadly, crying quietly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you like that," Hongjoong said sadly.
"It's ok. I'm just glad you're still here," Seonghwa whispered.
"Always," Hongjoong replied firmly. He nuzzled his nose into Seonghwa's neck, kissing it gently and feeling Seonghwa relax more against him.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise," he said gently as he pulled back. Seonghwa nodded and rested his head on his shoulder. He's still here but he was gone for a while, which means something happened.
"Were you right," he asked quietly.
"Right about what," Hongjoong asked in confusion.
"Was Yeosang in trouble," Seonghwa asked.
"Well, I'd say it was more you were right. There were bad men there, trying to hurt him. At least 10 I would say," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"Shit, is everyone ok," Seonghwa asked worriedly and Hongjoong hummed in reply.
"Well Jongho had killed most of them before Yunho and I got there and was fighting a few more in the hall. He's ok, but he got stabbed in the shoulder," Hongjoong said.
"And Yeosang and Wooyoung," Seonghwa asked quietly.
"A few got into the room. I'm not sure what happened exactly but I think Wooyoung protected Yeosang and in doing so he killed someone. At some point he was hit in the stomach and Yeosang ended up laying on top of him to protect him. I killed the bastard before he could hurt either of them further," Hongjoong explain. Seonghwa's heart clenched slightly at the thought of someone as pure as Wooyoung having to kill another person.
"Wooyoung's going to be in a bad way," he said sadly. Hongjoong sighed and nodded.
"San will look after him and I'm going to make sure I check in on him as much as I can. He was really shaken up when he told me," he said quietly.
"At least they're all ok," Seonghwa said.
"At least you're ok," he added in a whisper, tightening his hold around Hongjoong's waist.
"I'm sorry I didn't come straight back. I went and got San so he could be with Jongho in the infirmary, but then I almost got hypothermia so they had to make sure I was warm and I completely forgot," Hongjoong admitted guiltily.
"You almost got hypothermia," Seonghwa said worriedly, pulling Hongjoong closer and rubbing his arm gently.
"Ah. Yeah well I kind of went outside without shoes and only in my undergarments, so that might have something to do with it," he said with a shrug.
"Idiot," Seonghwa whispered. Hongjoong chuckled softly before letting out a long sigh.
"We've probably only got a few more hours until morning, do you want to get out of the tub," Hongjoong asked Seonghwa.
"Can we just stay here for a bit longer. I thought I lost you, it's nice to have you close," Seonghwa said in a small voice.
"Of course, we can stay here as long as you like," Hongjoong replied, letting out a soft breath and relaxing against Seonghwa's side.
Here is chapter 7 everyone and I hope you enjoyed it
Let me know what you guys thought of it, what you enjoyed, perhaps a certain part and let me know if there's anything you'd perhaps want to see more of
Thank you for reading everyone!
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